今天的topic是trouble,Eric 像个心理专家一样,询问着大伙儿最近面临的trouble,然后对症开药。太有爱了
Last night when I was on patrol in the city centre,I saw a man got a ladder ,put it against the wall and climbed towards a bedroom window.
The man must be a thief.I calmed my nervous and asked what he was doing ?To my surprise,he answered me that he enjoyed cleaning windows at night. I guessed he was either a thief or a drunken man ,so I decided to take him to the police office.
when I climbed to ladder toward him,he shouted to me that he has forgotten his key in the room .
I shouted to him "Oh ,Man,Don't ask for trouble ,you should have told me the truth at the first Place ,but you actually joked with me .I'm sorry you have to come with me to the station."