Shonda Rhimes,是一名编剧、制作人和导演,1999年8月,为电影《飞越星河梦》担任编剧,这也是她的首部编剧作品;2004年8月她为电影《公主日记2:皇室婚约》担当编剧。2005年3月,她作为主创者为电视剧《实习医生格蕾》担当编剧和制作人。2007年5月,她入选《时代》的百大最有影响力的人物之一;同年9月,她为电视剧《私人诊所》担当编剧和制作人。2012年4月她为电视系列剧《丑闻》担当编剧和制作人。2014年9月,她制作了电视剧《逍遥法外》。
Shonda Rhimeshas what most people would call a dream job.She is a writer.She creates television, a great deal of television.She executives produce television.She is a titan.She works a lot, very hard, and she loves it. Her three daughters are used to the truth that their mother is a single working titan.But here's the thing: the more successful she becomes,the more she needs to work.And then the hum stopped.Shestopped loving work. I couldn't restart the engine. Last year,she tried an experiment.Anything that made her nervous, took her out of her comfort zone, she forced herself to say yes to it. "Yes"changed her life.
One day,Shonda Rhimes was on her way out the door, and one of her daughters said, "Momma,wanna play?""Yes." Then she gave herself her full attention for 15 minutes to play with her daughters. She found the more she played, the happier she was, and the happier her kids were.Work doesn't work without play. After a few months, she loved working again.
这篇TED里面,Shonda Rhimes说的是如何平衡工作和娱乐的关系,如果提取关键词和中心思想,就是如何找到爱,用爱来解决问题:The real hum is love-specific——真正的激情是关于爱的。但实际上,我觉得这篇ted的核心应该是:每天给自己几分钟时间去追查自己内心真正需要的东西。
Shonda Rhimes的焦虑其实是来自于,作为工作狂的她无法顾全家庭,她内心潜意识中对女儿是负有愧疚的,这份愧疚积累的久了就成为她的负担。因此每天短短的十五分钟陪女儿玩耍的时间,解决了她的愧疚之心,让她能够和女儿之间建立起感情的纽带,让她觉得自己是称职的妈妈,从此释然了,就可以用安心地重新投入工作中。
我们每个人内心的需求可能和Shonda Rhimes不同,但道理是相同的:寻找那个让你生活更充实的动力,那个让你感到生活更美好的东西。
1、Give yourself the 15 minutes.
2、Find what makes you feel good.
3、Just figure it out and play in that arena.
Shonda Rhimes是个优秀的编剧,也就是文字功底超级好。这篇TED的语言非常美,排比句用的排山倒海,金句也是不断涌现。
The hum is not power and the hum is not work-specific.
The hum is joy-specific
The real hum is love-specific.
The hum is the electricity that comes from being excited by life.
The real hum is confidence and peace.
The real hum ignores the stare of history, and the balls in the air, and theexpectation, and the pressure.
The real hum is singular and original.
The real hum is God's whisper in my ear, but maybe God was whispering the wrongwords, because which one of the gods was telling me I was the titan?
It's just love.
We could all use a little more love, a lot more love.