



Going to university is more important than ever for young people. But the financial returns are falling.


IN A classroom in Seoul a throng of teenagers sit hunched over their desks. In total silence, they flick through a past exam paper. Stacks of brightly coloured textbooks are close to hand. Study begins at 8am and ends at 4.30pm, but some will not go home until 10pm. Like hundreds of thousands of South Koreans, they are preparing for the suneung, the multiple-choice test that will largely determine whether they go to a good university or a bad one, or to university at all.


Over the course of a single generation in South Korea, degrees have become close to ubiquitous. Seventy per cent of pupils who graduate from the country’s secondary schools now go straight to university, and a similar share of 25- to 34-year-olds hold degrees, up from 37% in 2000. Students scramble to gain admittance to the most prestigious institutions, with exam preparation starting ever younger. Soughtafter private nurseries in Seoul have long waiting lists.


South Korea is an extreme case. But other countries, too, have seen a big rise in the share of young people with degrees. In the OECD club of 35 countries, 43% of 25- to 34-year-olds now have degrees. In America the figure is 48%.


Between 1995 and 2014 government spending on higher education in the OECD rose from 0.9% of GDP to 1.1%, while private spending rose from 1.2% to 1.5%. As government subsidies for tuition fees flow through to institutions they have helped inflate costs. Since 1990 fees for American students who do not get scholarships or bursaries have risen twice as fast as overall inflation.


Policymakers regard it as obvious that sending more young people to university will boost economic growth and social mobility. Both notions are intuitively appealing. Better-educated people should surely be more likely to come up with productivity-boosting innovations. As technological change makes new demands of workers, it seems plausible that more will need to be well-educated. And a degree is an obvious way for bright youngsters from poor families to prove their abilities.


But comparisons between countries provide little evidence of these links. Richer countries have more graduates, but that could be because there is more money to spare, and less urgency to start earning. Rich economies grow more slowly, but that is probably because they have fewer easy ways to raise productivity, not because education depresses their growth.


A truth universities acknowledged


The main piece of evidence cited by policymakers is the “graduate premium”—the difference between the average earnings of someone with a degree and someone with no more than a secondary-school education, after accounting for fees and the income forgone while studying. This gap is often expressed as the “return on investment”in higher education, or the annualised boost to lifetime earnings from gaining a degree. Research by the New York Federal Reserve shows that the return on investment in higher education soared between 1980 and 2000 in America, before levelling off at around 15% a year.  In other words, an investment equal to the cost of tuition and earnings forgone while studying would have to earn 15% annual interest before it matched the average value over a working life of gaining a degree.


The World Bank has produced estimates of this return for 139 economies. It varies from place to place, but is substantial everywhere. The Economist’s analysis of the data finds that returns are linked to the share of people with degrees, and the range of earnings. Returns in Britain and Germany are similar to those in America.In sub-Saharan Africa, where degrees are scarce and the least-educated workers earn little, they are around 21% a year. In Scandinavia, where wages are less unequal and two-fifths of adults have degrees, they are around 9%.


But as a guide to school-leavers considering going to university—and to policymakers considering expanding access to higher education—the graduate premium is flawed. Even within countries the average conceals wide differences. Most students know that a degree in mathematics or finance is likely to be more lucrative than one in music or social work. What fewer realise is that the graduate premium overstates the financial benefit of embarking on a degree if their school grades barely qualify them for entry, no matter what they study.


In a comparison of the earnings of people with degrees and people without them, those who start university but do not finish are lumped in with those who never started, even though they, too, will have paid fees and missed out on earnings. Their numbers are considerable. In America 40% of college students fail to graduate with four-year degrees within six years of enrolling. Drop-out rates across the developed world average around 30%. It is the students admitted with the lowest grades who are least likely to graduate.

计算上大学的回报率时,将辍学者考虑在内将带来较大影响。乔治梅森大学的Bryan Caplan在新书《反对教育的案例》中指出,基于边缘学生的低毕业率,以及同样条件下聪明人赚的更多这个事实,美国四年制学位的回报率在1%到6.5%之间,越优秀的学生回报率越高。

Including dropouts when calculating the returns to going to university makes a big difference. In a new book, “The Case Against Education”, Bryan Caplan of George Mason University argues that the low graduation rates of marginal students, and the fact that, for a given level of qualification, cleverer people tend to earn more, mean that the return on a four-year degree in America ranges from 6.5% for excellent students to just 1% for the weakest ones.

这种差别部分因为最差的学生上最差的大学,这样的大学辍学率也最高。如果能进入好的大学,回报率可能会提高。芝加哥大学的Seth Zimmerman2014年发表的一项研究中,比较了佛罗里达中学毕业生的收入,他们的成绩接近一所好的州立大学的最低录取线。那些刚好在录取线以上的学生,比差一点到录取线的学生更可能到一所好大学学习。他们的毕业率与更广泛的学生群体相似。毕业后他们的收入也大大超过那些刚好没有达到录取线的人,对于他们,大学的投资回报率非常可观。

Part of that difference is because the weakest students attend the worst universities, where drop-out rates are highest. When they make it into better institutions, the returns may be higher. In a study published in 2014 Seth Zimmerman of the University of Chicago compared the earnings of school-leavers in Florida whose grades were close to the minimum for admission to a good state university. Those just above the cut-off were much more likely than those just below to start courses in good institutions. They graduated at a rate similar to that of the broader student population. They went on to earn considerably more than those just below the cut-off, and their return on investment was substantial.


注:根据维基百科,“positional good”are goods valued only by how they are distributed among the population, not by how many goods there are in total.“分配性商品”是指,商品的价值仅取决于它们的分配方式而非商品总量。

Overstating the graduate premium is not the only reason policymakers overestimate the wider benefits of increasing the share of young people who go to university. The usual way to calculate the social returns of higher education is to sum up all the graduate premiums and subtract any public subsidies. But degrees are in part a way to access a “positional good” that benefits one person at the expense of another. Part of the premium comes from gaining an advantage over others in the competition for a good job, rather than the acquisition of productivity-boosting skills and knowledge. A complete calculation would include not just gains to graduates, but losses to non-graduates.


Degrees are also signalling devices. The premium includes the income-boosting effects of personal characteristics that are more likely to be held by those with degrees, not because they acquired them at university, but because they possessed them on admission.

随着学位日益普及,它作为一种信号的重要性也越加凸显。招聘者并不关心求职者在高等教育上的投入,而是越来越倾向于将学位作为条件,以便筛掉那些最不积极或最不称职的人。哈佛商学院的Joseph Fuller和Manjari Raman最近的一项研究表明,公司按惯例要求求职者具有学位,即便那些已在这个岗位工作的人只有少部分拥有学位。这增加了大学毕业生的溢价效应——不过是以惩罚非大学毕业生的方式,而不是提高学位的绝对收益。

As degrees have become more common,their importance as signalling devices is rising. Recruiters, who pay none of the cost of jobseekers’ higher education, are increasingly able to demand degrees in order to screen out the least motivated or competent. A recent study by Joseph Fuller and Manjari Raman of Harvard Business School found that companies routinely require applicants to have degrees, even though only a minority of those already working in the role have them. This increases the graduate premium—but by punishing non-graduates rather than boosting the absolute returns to degrees.


Analysis by The Economist of American census data finds that between 1970 and 2015 the share of workers aged 25-64 with at least a bachelor’s degree increased in 256 out of 265 occupations. Some of these are intellectually demanding jobs that changed a lot over that period, such as aerospace engineer or statistician. Others are non-graduate jobs such as waiting tables. Sixteen percent of waiters now have degrees—presumably, in most cases, because they could not find a graduate job. But other jobs that are mostly done by graduates, such as journalism, nursing and teaching in primary schools, used to require only shorter training, often received while working. Today, having a degree is usually an entry requirement.


The Economist has produced a measureof over-education by defining a graduate job as one which was staffed mostly by degree-holders in 1970. We find that just 35% of graduates work in such occupations today, down from 51% 45 years ago. Judging by job titles alone, 26.5m workers in America—two-thirds of those with degrees—are doing work that was mostly done by nongraduates a half-century ago.


That calculation exaggerates the trend. Advances in technology have doubtless made some of these jobs more demanding. But not all of them, at least judging by pay. We find only a weak link between higher shares of graduates in an occupation and higher salaries. For around half of the occupations that employ higher shares of graduates now than a half-century ago, real wages have fallen.

经合组织教育研究中心主管Andreas Schleicher认为,“国家缺乏的是技能,而不是学位”。他说,大学垄断高等教育市场是一个问题,部分原因是大学并不适用于所有的求学者,并且大学辍学者从已经完成的课程中并没有得到多少经济收益。

Andreas Schleicher, the head of education research at the OECD, reckons that “countries have skills shortages, not degree shortages”. The way universities have come to monopolise higher education, he says, is a problem in part because universities do not suit all kinds of learners. And university dropouts tend to see little in the way of financial benefit from the part of their course that they have finished.


One promising development is that of“micro-credentials” or “nano-degrees”—short vocational courses, often in computing and IT. Udacity, an online education company, offers a variety, including one in self-driving cars approved by Uber and Mercedes-Benz, and another on digital marketing approved by Facebook and Google. EdX, a collaboration between MIT, Harvard and other leading universities, offers similar courses free. Students can take exams to prove their mastery of the material for a few hundred dollars.


Boot campus


For now, such courses are mostly add-onsto degrees, rather than replacements. Three-quarters of edX’s students already had a bachelor’s degree upon enrolling.But the collaboration with sought-after employers makes it more plausible that they could eventually become establishedas a stand-alone testament to a job applicant’s worth.

同时,虽然很多大学毕业生最终从事的都是过去由非大学毕业生完成的工作,甚至根本就找不到工作,不去读大学的决定仍然有很大风险。现在韩国一半左右的失业者都有学位。对他们来说,“大学生溢价”这个概念本身就像一个笑话。韩国一名招聘人员Kim Hyang Suk说,公司客户服务职位一半的应征者都是大学生,即使这个岗位只要求中学毕业生。

In the meantime the decision not to goto university remains risky, even though many graduates will end up doing work that used to be done by non-graduates—or struggle to find a job at all. Around half of unemployed South Koreans now have degrees. For them, the very concept of a “graduate premium” may seem a mockery. Kim Hyang Suk, a recruiter in South Korea, says that half the applicants for customer service jobs at her firm are graduates, even though only a secondary-school education is specified.

Kim Hyang Suk说,比起需要培训的应届大学毕业生,她更希望招聘有工作经验的中学毕业生,她并不需要勤奋苦读的人,她需要“热情,擅长打电话”的人。但是很少有这样开明的雇主,大多数年轻人还是希望拿到学位。学位对收入的增长作用可能不如预期,但没有学位,他们的遭遇很可能会更加糟糕。

She would prefer school-leavers with experience, says Ms Kim, to inexperienced graduates whom she will have to train. She is not looking for swots, but people who are “engaging, good on the phone”. But when few employers are this open-minded, most young people will want a degree. It may not boost their earnings as much as they had hoped, but without one, they will probably fare even worse.



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