- Let go of the old, make the most of the future
- Always tell the truth, we want to hear the bad news sooner than later
- The highest level of integrity is expected, when in doubt, ask
- Learn to be a good businessperson, not just a good salesperson
- Everyone sweeps the floor
- Be professional in your style, speech and follow-up
- Listen to the customer, they almost always get it
- Create win/win relationships with our partners
- Look out for each other, sharing information is a good thing
- Don't take yourself too seriously
- Have fun, otherwise it's not worth it
- 往事已矣,创造未来
- 讲真话,知道坏消息越早越好
- 正直的最高级是符合预期,如果怀疑,那就提出来
- 学习成为一个优秀的商人,不仅仅是一个优秀的销售
- 一屋不扫 何以扫天下
- 穿着,演讲,做事要专业
- 仔细听客户的
- 和合作伙伴构建双赢关系
- 坦诚相见,分享信息是好的
- 别把自己太当回事
- 干的开心点,其他的都不值当