
Sample Markdown Cheat Sheet


This is a sample markdown file to help you write Markdown quickly :)

If you use the fabulous [Sublime Text 2/3 editor][ST] along with the [Markdown Preview plugin][MarkdownPreview], open your ST2 Palette with `CMD+⇧+P` then choose `Markdown Preview in browser` to see the result in your browser.

## Text basics

this is *italic* and this is **bold** .  another _italic_ and another __bold__

this is `important` text. and percentage signs : % and `%`

This is a paragraph with a footnote (builtin parser only). [^note-id]

Insert `[ TOC ]` without spaces to generate a table of contents (builtin parsers only).

## Indentation

> Here is some indented text

>> even more indented

## Titles

# Big title (h1)

## Middle title (h2)

### Smaller title (h3)

#### and so on (hX)

##### and so on (hX)

###### and so on (hX)

## Example lists (1)

 - bullets can be `-`, `+`, or `*`

 - bullet list 1

 - bullet list 2

    - sub item 1

    - sub item 2

        with indented text inside

 - bullet list 3

 + bullet list 4

 * bullet list 5

## Links

This is an [example inline link](http://lmgtfy.com/) and [another one with a title](http://lmgtfy.com/ "Hello, world").

Links can also be reference based : [reference 1][ref1] or [reference 2 with title][ref2].

References are usually placed at the bottom of the document

## Images

A sample image :

![revolunet logo](http://www.revolunet.com/static/parisjs8/img/logo-revolunet-carre.jpg "revolunet logo")

As links, images can also use references instead of inline links :

![revolunet logo][revolunet-logo]

## Code

It's quite easy to show code in markdown files.

Backticks can be used to `highlight` some words.

Also, any indented block is considered a code block.  If `enable_highlight` is `true`, syntax highlighting will be included (for the builtin parser - the github parser does this automatically).


        document.location = 'http://lmgtfy.com/?q=markdown+cheat+sheet';


## Math

When `enable_mathjax` is `true`, inline math can be included \\(\frac{\pi}{2}\\) $\pi$

Alternatively, math can be written on its own line:

$$F(\omega) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}} \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} f(t) \, e^{ - i \omega t}dt$$

\\[\int_0^1 f(t) \mathrm{d}t\\]

\\[\sum_j \gamma_j^2/d_j\\]

## GitHub Flavored Markdown

If you use the Github parser, you can use some of [Github Flavored Markdown][gfm] syntax :

 * User/Project@SHA: revolunet/sublimetext-markdown-preview@7da61badeda468b5019869d11000307e07e07401

 * User/Project#Issue: revolunet/sublimetext-markdown-preview#1

 * User : @revolunet

Some Python code :


import random

class CardGame(object):

    """ a sample python class """

    NB_CARDS = 32

    def __init__(self, cards=5):

        self.cards = random.sample(range(self.NB_CARDS), 5)

        print 'ready to play'


Some Javascript code :


var config = {

    duration: 5,

    comment: 'WTF'


// callbacks beauty un action

async_call('/path/to/api', function(json) {

    another_call(json, function(result2) {

        another_another_call(result2, function(result3) {

            another_another_another_call(result3, function(result4) {

                alert('And if all went well, i got my result :)');






The Github Markdown also brings some [nice Emoji support][emoji] : :+1: :heart: :beer:

[^note-id]: This is the text of the note.

## Parsers and Extensions

Markdown Preview comes with **Python-Markdown** preloaded.

### *Python-Markdown*

The [Python-Markdown Parser][] provides support for several extensions.

[Python-Markdown Parser]: https://github.com/waylan/Python-Markdown

#### Extra Extensions

* `abbr` -- [Abbreviations][]

* `attr_list` -- [Attribute Lists][]

* `def_list` -- [Definition Lists][]

* `fenced_code` -- [Fenced Code Blocks][]

* `footnotes` -- [Footnotes][]

* `tables` -- [Tables][]

* `smart_strong` -- [Smart Strong][]

[Abbreviations]: http://pythonhosted.org/Markdown/extensions/abbreviations.html

[Attribute Lists]: http://pythonhosted.org/Markdown/extensions/attr_list.html

[Definition Lists]: http://pythonhosted.org/Markdown/extensions/definition_lists.html

[Fenced Code Blocks]: http://pythonhosted.org/Markdown/extensions/fenced_code_blocks.html

[Footnotes]: http://pythonhosted.org/Markdown/extensions/footnotes.html

[Tables]: http://pythonhosted.org/Markdown/extensions/tables.html

[Smart Strong]: http://pythonhosted.org/Markdown/extensions/smart_strong.html

You can enable them all at once using the `extra` keyword.

    extensions: [ 'extra' ]

If you want all the extras plus the `toc` extension,

your settings would look like this:



        parser: 'markdown',

        extensions: ['extra', 'toc'],



#### Other Extensions

There are also some extensions that are not included in Markdown Extra

but come in the standard Python-Markdown library.

* `code-hilite` -- [CodeHilite][]

* `html-tidy` -- [HTML Tidy][]

* `header-id` -- [HeaderId][]

* `meta_data` -- [Meta-Data][]

* `nl2br` -- [New Line to Break][]

* `rss` -- [RSS][]

* `sane_lists` -- [Sane Lists][]

* `smarty` -- [Smarty][]

* `toc` -- [Table of Contents][]

* `wikilinks` -- [WikiLinks][]

[CodeHilite]:  http://pythonhosted.org/Markdown/extensions/code_hilite.html

[HTML Tidy]:  http://pythonhosted.org/Markdown/extensions/html_tidy.html

[HeaderId]:  http://pythonhosted.org/Markdown/extensions/header_id.html

[Meta-Data]:  http://pythonhosted.org/Markdown/extensions/meta_data.html

[New Line to Break]:  http://pythonhosted.org/Markdown/extensions/nl2br.html

[RSS]:  http://pythonhosted.org/Markdown/extensions/rss.html

[Sane Lists]:  http://pythonhosted.org/Markdown/extensions/sane_lists.html

[Table of Contents]:  http://pythonhosted.org/Markdown/extensions/toc.html

[WikiLinks]:  http://pythonhosted.org/Markdown/extensions/wikilinks.html

[Smarty]: https://pythonhosted.org/Markdown/extensions/smarty.html

#### 3rd Party Extensions

*Python-Markdown* is designed to be extended.

Some included ones are:

* `delete` -- github style delte support via `~~word~~`

* `githubemoji` --  github emoji support

* `tasklist` -- github style tasklists

* `magiclink` -- github style auto link conversion of http|ftp links

* `headeranchor` -- github style header anchor links

* `github` -- Adds the above extensions in one shot

* `b64` -- convert and embed local images to base64.  Setup by adding this `b64(base_path=${BASE_PATH})`

There are also a number of others available:

Just fork this repo and add your extensions inside the `.../Packages/Markdown Preview/markdown/extensions/` folder.

Check out the list of [3rd Party extensions](


#### Default Extensions

The default extensions are:

* `footnotes` -- [Footnotes]

* `toc` -- [Table of Contents]

* `fenced_code` -- [Fenced Code Blocks]

* `tables` -- [Tables]

Use the `default` keyword, to select them all.

If you want all the defaults plus the `definition_lists` extension,

your settings would look like this:



        parser: 'markdown',

        extensions: ['default', 'definition_lists'],



## Examples

### Tables

The `tables` extension of the *Python-Markdown* parser is activated by default,

but is currently **not** available in *Markdown2*.

The syntax was adopted from the [php markdown project](http://michelf.ca/projects/php-markdown/extra/#table),

and is also used in github flavoured markdown.

| Year | Temperature (low) | Temperature (high) |  

| ---- | ----------------- | -------------------|  

| 1900 |               -10 |                 25 |  

| 1910 |               -15 |                 30 |  

| 1920 |               -10 |                 32 |  

### Wiki Tables

If you are using *Markdown2* with the `wiki-tables` extra activated you should see a table below:

|| *Year* || *Temperature (low)* || *Temperature (high)* ||  

||   1900 ||                 -10 ||                   25 ||  

||   1910 ||                 -15 ||                   30 ||  

||   1920 ||                 -10 ||                   32 ||  

### Definition Lists

This example requires *Python Markdown*'s `def_list` extension.


:   Pomaceous fruit of plants of the genus Malus in

    the family Rosaceae.


:   The fruit of an evergreen tree of the genus Citrus.

## About

This plugin and this sample file is proudly brought to you by the [revolunet team][revolunet]

 [ref1]: http://revolunet.com

 [ref2]: http://revolunet.com "rich web apps"

 [MarkdownREF]: http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/basics

 [MarkdownPreview]: https://github.com/revolunet/sublimetext-markdown-preview

 [ST]: http://sublimetext.com

 [revolunet]: http://revolunet.com

 [revolunet-logo]: http://www.revolunet.com/static/parisjs8/img/logo-revolunet-carre.jpg "revolunet logo"

 [gfm]: http://github.github.com/github-flavored-markdown/

 [emoji]: http://www.emoji-cheat-sheet.com/

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