Your Job Career/Interests(你的工作/职业兴趣)
Over the years, as you mature and gain experience, you will develop preferences for certain types of work and working environments.(经历数年之后,随着你经验的增加和思想的成熟,你会对某几类工作及工作环境产生偏好)
People who enjoy their jobs usually have an interest in what they do.(人们通常会从他们感兴趣的工作中获得满足)
If, for example, you have a genuine interest in working with people, then you will be motivated to find a job that involves you with people.(打个比方说,如果你天生就喜欢与人打交道,那么你会想尽办法去找一份与人沟通的工作)
If you really like working with figures then you are likely to look for a job that requires number skills.(如果你确实喜欢与数字打交道,你就会找一份需要计算技能的工作)