240 发简信
  • TEM09

    onslaught 英 [ˈɒnslɔːt]美 [ˈɑːnslɔːt] n.攻击;猛攻 the enemy onslaught on our m...

  • TME10

    frantic英 [ˈfræntɪk] adj.疯狂的;紧张忙乱的;手忙脚乱的;(由于恐惧或担心)无法控制感情的,发狂似的 派生词: fran...

  • TEM09-transl

    it will closemore than200storesnationwide, which mayresult inthelayoffso...

  • TEM08

    enhance英 [ɪnˈhɑːns] vt.增强;提高;增进 Enhance troop morale 鼓舞士气 Enhance the qu...

  • TEM08-transl

    1.Somecropsarerelatively hight yieldersandcould be plantedin preference ...

  • News Nov4, 2021

    New legislationtakes effectin China on November 1,aimed atsafeguarding p...

  • BBC News, Oct25 2021

    BBC News. Hello, I'm Tom Watts. The United States and the Talibanare to ...

  • BBC World News, Oct 5 2021

    The singer R Kelly has been foundguilty ofsex traffickingandracketeering...

  • BBC World News,Sep 23 2021

    Well, this is BBC world news and these are the latest headlines. The Can...

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