读到一篇关于如何从工程师到经理人转换的文章, This 90-Day Plan Turns Engineers into Remarkable Managers , 觉得很有意思.
- 你的团队
Can you effectively lead engineers, particularly your former colleagues? Do you fully understand the work? Will you take responsibility for your team’s goals?
- 你的同僚
Can you work well with your fellow managers and avoid turf battles? Do you communicate effectively with your peers?
- 你的老板
Can you give clear snapshots of the state of projects for busy managers? Can you skillfully push back if you disagree with your manager?
头30天: 学习
第31天到60天: 找到自己的节奏
第61天到90天: 评估自己: 管理工作是不是你想要的