Flowable UI应用安装(Flowable UI application installation)
As mentioned before, the UI application can be deployedon a Tomcat server, and to get started this is probably the easiest approachwhen additional configuration settings are used. For this installation guidewe’ll describe the installation of the application in a Tomcat server.
1. Download a recent stable version of Apache Tomcat.
2. Download the latest stableFlowable 6 version.
3. Copy the flowable-ui.war file from the Flowable distribution warsfolderto the Tomcat webapps folder.
4. Startupthe Tomcat server by running the bin/startup.sh (Mac OS and Linux) orbin/startup.bat (Windows) script.
5. Open a web browser and go to http://localhost:8080/flowable-ui.
The Flowable UI application should now be running with anH2 in-memory database and the following login screen should be shown in yourweb browser:
1. 下载 Apache Tomcat的最新稳定版本。
2. 下载最新的稳定的Flowable 6版本(Flowable 6 version)。
3. 从Flowable 发布版的wars文件夹复制flowable-ui.war文件到Tomcat webapps文件夹。
4. 通过运行bin/startup.sh(Mac OS和Linux)或bin/startup.bat(Windows)脚本来启动Tomcat服务器。
5. 打开web浏览器并转到http://localhost:8080/flowable-ui。
Flowable UI应用程序现在应该使用H2内存数据库运行,并且web浏览器中应显示以下登录屏幕:
By default, the Flowable IDM component will create anadmin user that has privileges to all the Flowable UI apps. You can login withadmin/test and the browser should go to the Flowable landing page:
默认情况下,Flowable IDM组件将创建一个管理员用户,该用户对所有FlowableUI应用程序具有权限。您可以使用admin/test登录,浏览器应转到可流动的登录页:
Usually, you will want to change the default H2 in-memory database configuration to a MySQL or Postgres (or other persistent database) configuration. You can do this by changing the application.properties file in the WEB-INF/classes/ directory of the application. However, it is easier to use the Spring Boot Externalized Configuration. An example configuration can be found onGithubTo change the defaultconfiguration to MySQL the following changes are needed to the properties file:
通常,您需要将默认的H2内存数据库配置更改为MySQL或Postgres(或其他持久数据库)配置。你可以通过改变应用程序的WEB-INF/classes/ 目录中的application.properties文件。但是,使用Spring
Boot外部化配置(Externalized Configuration)更容易。可以在Github上找到一个示例配置,将默认配置更改为MySQL,需要对属性文件进行以下更改:
This configuration will expect a flowable database to bepresent in the MySQL server and the UI apps will automatically generate thenecessary database tables. For Postgres the following changes are necessary:
In addition to changing the configuration, make sure thedatabase driver is available on the classpath. Again, you could do this for theweb application by adding the driver JAR file to the WEB-INF/lib folder, butyou can also copy the JAR file to the Tomcat lib folder. For MySQL and Postgresthe database drivers can be downloaded from:
除了更改配置之外,还要确保数据库驱动程序在classpath上可用。同样,您可以通过将驱动程序JAR文件添加到web-INF/lib文件夹来对web应用程序执行此操作,但也可以将JAR文件复制到Tomcat lib文件夹中。对于MySQL和Postgres,可以从以下位置下载数据库驱动程序:
MySQL: https://dev.mysql.com/downloads/connector/j
Postgres: https://jdbc.postgresql.org/
When running the UI as a standalone application the database driver can be added by using the loader.pathproperty.
java-Dloader.path=/location/to/your/driverfolder -jar flowable-ui.war
See thePropertiesLauncher Featuresin the Spring Bootreference documentation for more information.