On last Wednesday, Apple officially released new 16-inch MacBook Pro to replace the existing15-inch lineup.The larger full screen in almost same size model features a resolution of 3072×1920 which means higher density panel at 226 pixels-per-inch.Another great upgrade is the new keyboard with 1mm of travel whose stable feel will make many custormers glad to say goodbye to the uncomfortable butterfly keyboard design in old version. 6_core 9th generation Inter Core i7 processor, 16GB DDR4 memeory, 512 GB SSD storage as well as more powerful audio equipments on the base configuration 16-inch MacBook Pro will bring the customers especially whose identity are the musicians, podcasters or video editors an extraordinary using experience.
苹果在上周三正式发布了新的16英寸MacBook Pro,以取代现有的15英寸产品线。在几乎相同尺寸的型号下,更大的全面屏具有3072×1920的分辨率,意味着每英寸226像素的更高像素密度。 另一个巨大的升级是键程为1mm的新型键盘,其稳定的手感将使许多购买者们开心地告别旧版令人讨厌的蝴蝶式键盘设计。具有6核第9代Inter Core i7处理器,16GB DDR4内存,512 GB SSD存储以及更强大的多媒体影音功能的基础配置的16英寸MacBook Pro将为尤其身份是音乐制作者,播客或视频编辑人员的客户带来非凡的使用体验。