WHAT'S UP in QD-International Yoga Day Is The Same Day with Chinese Dog Meat Festival!!!

Yesterday I wrote an artcle about the International Yoga Day event in QingDao. It's a nice cultural exchange activity. But before I went to bed, I saw a news about Chinese Dog Meat Festival in 2017. And it is the same day with International Yoga Day! How ironic it is!

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What is Chinese Dog Meat Festival?

Image Information Source From www.baidu.com

In Guangxi Yulin, local people have a habit of eating dog meat in the recorded historical literature. Every year June 21st is called “荔枝狗肉节(Chinese Dog Meat Festival)”----- A Spontaneous Festival. On that day, local people like to eat dog meat and drink with fresh lychees to be together.

According to local residents claim, that YuLin has a tradition of eating dogs since ancient times. The folk have "eat the summer solstice dog, the west wind around the road(吃了夏至狗,西风绕道走)" , to the effect that resistant to the invasion.

Image Information Source From Network

According to the daily mail reported on Wednesday, Shanghai will host the 2019 world dog show, but it is resisted by the European animal rights activists.

GuangXi YuLin Chinese Dog Meat Festival Market Source From The Voice of China Official Account

Some Chinese brick-and-mortar stores hanged banners, they hoped that will support the boycott in this way. Expanding the impact of the campaign and allowing more people to join it.

Care for life! —— A businessman put out a banner to against the YuLin Dog Meat Festival in DaLian City, LiaoNing Province
The custom of eating dog meat in YuLin, GuangXi Zhuang Autonomous Region, is a Dog-Meat Festival.The argument went on every year.

Dog lovers think dogs are human friends, people shouldn't eat them. But dog dealers and diners think it's hypocritical that they only see dogs and see no other animals.
"The YuLin Dog Meat Festival and the Shanghai Dog Show represent two different cultures for dogs in China", the global news network said on Tuesday.The YuLin Dog Meat Festival has been protested by animal rights groups and even attracted the attention of Hollywood stars. But at the same time, Chinese metropolis pet dogs are popular.

According to the organizers, a dog show in Shanghai is a good way to promote the popularity of the world dog show, which is good for the dog economy. In fact, there is a huge debate about eating dog meat in China. A dog show in Shanghai is bound to lead to a bigger debate, perhaps this Shanghai dog show will bring some changes in China and make people be more friendly to dogs.Chinese Dog Meat Festival is not for the whole range of China, most Chinese are just as same as westerners, they never tasted dogs meat. An investigation by the phoenix website shows that the YuLin Dog Meat Festival opened as usual in 2017. But 60% people support the ban it.

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