Hey. You need a minute before we...
For what?
Pump-up sesh for the morning meeting, like every week.
Not happening.
Oh, what the fuck, Wend? I count on it. It's how I get in there and deal with those animals.
Canceled until further notice. You don't need it... not anymore.
You're the best P.M. on the floor. You know it. They're fucking sure of it. Those animals are used to you putting them down now. Hardly even whimper as it happens. Our sesh, while fun, is a waste of your time. And mine.
Go get 'em!
Fuckin' a.
You just did it, didn't you?
Fuckin' A 以前美军的俚语,是Fucking Affrimative的缩略 最早表示同意,现常用来表示是something as good.在有些场合也可以表示something bad
Whimper n 抽泣
All right.3 feet apart, all right? Tres, all right? And mucha agua en la maňana. Can you tell him no food and lots of water in the morning?
- He knows. –
Does he? Yeah? 'Cause I don't feel like I'm getting much back from him. I know you get it. You know Lu wants to do zucchini flowers on special now that the frost is gone, so let's be ready when they come in.
You got it, boss.
Zucchini 西葫芦
on special 特别廉价,特别出售
on sale 与on special区别 前者侧重出售和打折,因为sale本身就是sell的名词形式;后者则是以特价出售,侧重便宜、特价、大甩卖之类的。
All right, ladies and gentlemen.We are up 32% year-to-date, and we are open to all moneymaking ideas. Longs, shorts, sells, covers... all Alpha welcome.
The choppy waters out there are perfect... for us. For the average investor, hell no. But never forget... what's bad for him is good for us. If... if we're as smart as we think we are. If not, the heat'll melt us like an almond joy in the sun. So, are you smart enough?
Some of us fuckin' are.
How about you, Pouch?
How am I supposed to answer that?
You already have.
Sadly. What happened on Eureka Tranship? You knew they were gonna whiff their numbers. Why didn't you bang the short harder? You left 5 fucking percent on the table.
I thought they were gonna whiff, but I didn't know.
You are such a pussy on the short side. Go home and get your fuckin' shinebox.
Insulted him a little bit.
Yeah, a little bit.
Axe, you saw my position. You could have upped him. That's what I'm paying you for.
You see an opportunity like that again, you grab it like it's a horse cock and you're Catherine the Great.
Okay, okay. Saldana, why are we still tied up in those hospitals?
Baby boomers. They're getting old, so they're getting sick. When the group reports patient volumes, it's gonna overshoot street expectations. We're talking 10% move. That incremental revenue will drop right to the bottom line, and the stock's gonna pop like a prom queen's cherry.
Good fucking answer.
It really is. God damn it.
Okay, new-idea time. Donnie Caan, what do you have for us?
I think Apple still has room to move north.
Really? Our investors pay us a 3% management fee and 30% of their profits, and you want me to tell them we're buying some fucking Apple?
Sorry, Axe. I-I guess I'm just not seeing the matrix right now.
That's a little unsettling, Donnie... Since seeing the matrix is your entire fucking job. It's kind of like if you were a hurdler and instead of jumping over the fucking hurdles...
It's okay, Donnie. You'll see it again.
Hang in.
Okay, guys? Let's go out there, bring some meat back to camp.
Or some nuts.
Hunt or gather.
Almond joy 杏仁巧克力棒 Almond 杏仁,杏仁色
Whiff (基金或股票)减持
Shinebox 美国俚语 (贬义词)黑人俱乐部、夜总会、酒吧等
Overshoot V超过,越过(预定地点);超过(原计划);突破(预计费用)