1-5 The skin of the poison dart frog contains deadly poisons called batrachotoxins. But the (i)_____ of the toxins has remained an enigma, as the frog does not (ii)_____ them. Now an analysis suggests that the melyrid beetle is the source. Collected beetle specimens all contained batrachotoxins, suggesting that these beetles are (iii)_____ by the frogs.
不过这个题提到了一个动物叫dart frog(毒箭蛙),以前上课就听同学说这个青蛙长得很好看,今天在网上搜了一些图片,的确很好看!
/ 僧帽猴 /
2-5 Most capuchin monkey conflict involves such a (i)_____ repertoire of gestural and vocal signals that it is difficult for researchers to tease apart the meanings of the individual signals. This (ii)_____ is (iii)_____ by the fact that many signals seem to shift in meaning according to the context in which they are produced and the developmental stage of the individuals producing them.
A. precise
D. problem
G. augmented
B. rich
E. opportunity
H. ameliorated
C. straightforward
F. oversight
I. anticipated
/ 海狸 /
35-7 In the northeastern United States, beaver populations had been critically reduced or even _____ in large areas at the end of nineteenth century; as a result, several states instituted prohibitions on beaver trapping.
A. diminished
B. extirpated
C. eliminated
D. devalued
E. weakened
F. underrated
/ 水獭 /
49-5 The research on otters’ environmental requirements is surprisingly (i)_____. One reason for this has to do with the estimation of how much they use different areas. Doing so may be (ii)_____ in some kinds of terrain, such as Shetland where the Eurasian otters are active in daytime and have clear individual markings. There it is possible to identify the individuals over stretches of coast of a few kilometers and to see what kinds of coast they use. However, the field conditions are (iii)_____.
A. straightforward
D. quite problematic
G. routine
B. controversial
E. relatively simple
H. deceptive
C. difficult
F. largely unnecessary
I. exceptional