Ajax Cheat sheet - BROWN JUN 2020
Create XMLHttpRequest Object = > to suit IE 678 & higher
<script> function check_XMLHttpRequest(){ var xmlHttp; if(window.ActiveXObject){ // for IE 678 or lower version xmlRequest=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); }else if(window.XMLHttpRequest){ xmlRequest=new XMLHttpRequest(); } alert(xmlRequest)}</script>
xmlHttp.send(null); ( if method=post, can add str-data);
onreadystatechangeDefines a function to be called when the readyState property changes
readyStateHolds the status of the XMLHttpRequest.0: request not initialized1: server connection established2: request received3: processing request4: request finished and response is ready
responseTextReturns the response data as a string
responseXMLReturns the response data as XML data
statusReturns the status-number of a request200: "OK"403: "Forbidden"404: "Not Found"
statusTextReturns the status-text (e.g. "OK" or "Not Found")
When state change => trigger function => Xml.onreadystatechange=function(event){
If(xmlHttp.readystate===4 && xmlHttp.status===200){
Document.getElementById(“idname”).innerHTML= xmlHttp.responseText;
==>collect data in url and pass to idname(<div>) for display
==>var json= JSON.parse(xmlHttp.responseText);
Var str=’’;
For(var i=0;i<json.length;i++){
Different way to Write
$("#b1").on("click", function () {
url:"/ajax_add/", //别忘了加双引号
data:{"i1":$("#i1").val(),"i2":$("#i2").val()}, //object类型,键值形式的,可以不给键加引号
success:function (data) {
function xx() { var request=new XMLHttpRequest(); var url="{% url 'warehouse:update_time_stamp' %}"; var method='post'; var obj=document.getElementById("sid"); var newdate =document.getElementById("newdate"); var olddate=obj.value.toString(); var updatedate=newdate.value.toString(); // alert(olddate+updatedate); request.open(method,url); request.setRequestHeader("Content-type","application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); var file= {"A":olddate, "B":updatedate} request.send(JSON.stringify(file));return false;} ====> for Django views. Use json.loads(str) => make dict again.