今年的Top 1是来自著名Indie乐团Mili的「Excαlibur」,同时是近十年来所有年度最佳中第一首非日语歌曲。收录这首歌的专辑「Hue」也是这几年听过的最好的EP,以至于不惜代价搞到了实体版来收藏(笑
My bones are titanium
But my heart is made of stars
So ride on my shoulders
I'm your Excαlibur
作詞:momocashew 作曲:Yamato Kasai 編曲:Mili
I will be the best astronaut
The best of the best, I kid you not
Her eyes sparkled
Like the galaxy has died her pupils
As she held my hand
We've digged through the dump
Looking for treasures unfound
As you softly sing the sweetest delightful song
We've built a titanium space shuttle out of hope
So one day the world can be saved by this sound
【为了有一日 世界能被这天籁拯救】
Lu-la-la da du-lalila
We'll name it Excαlibur and send it to the sky
【我们将它命名为圣剑α 送往天际】
It crashed to the rim of the world and fell apart
【它撞向世界的边缘 化作无数碎片】
Hey, don't you worry
Your dreams, I'll make them come true
Sticks and stones won't break our bones
As long as you have me
We've digged through the dump
Looking for treasures unfound
As you softly sing the sweetest delightful song
We've built a titanium cyborg out of me
So one day the world can be saved by you
【为了有一日 世界能够被你拯救】
My bones are titanium
But my heart is made of stars
So ride on my shoulders
I'm your Excαlibur
2023.12.31 ~ 2024.01.01 Update @ Otsu & Kyoto