Metadiscourse (元话语)
We described metadiscourse as the language we use when we refer to our own thinking and writing as we think and write (元话语是指那些当我们写作或者思考时,用于指明自己的思考或写作过程本身的话) —— to summarize, on the contrary, I believe; to the structure of what we write —— first, second, more importantly; and to our reader's act of reading —— note that, consider now, in order to understand.
The problem is to recognize when metadiscourse is useful and then to control it. (能否正确地使用元话语,取决于能不能判断它何时有用,何时无用。)
1a. The last point I would like to make here is that in regard to men-women relationships, it is important to keep in mind that the greatest changes have probably occurred in the way men and women seem to be working next to one another.
1b. The greatest changes in men-women relationships have occurred in the way men and women work next to one another.
In deciding how much metadiscourse to include, we can't rely on broad generalizations. Some entirely successful writers use a good deal; others equally successful, very little. Read widely in your field with an eye to how metadiscourse is used by writers you think are clear, concise, and successful. Then do likewise. (没有任何概括的原则可以指导到底应该使用多少元话语。优秀的写作者,既可能用很多的元话语,也可以极少使用元话语。所能做的,就是广泛阅读你的领域中你认为写作足够清晰,简洁的成功的写作者,观察他们是如何使用元话语的。然后,模仿之。)
Hedges and Emphatics (模糊性限制语和强调)
Some of the more common hedges: usually, often, sometimes, almost, virtually, possibly, perl,aps, apparently, seemingly, in some ways, to a certain extent, sort of, somewhat, more or less, for the most part, for all intents and purposes, in some respects, in my opinion at least, may, might, can, could, seem, tend, try, attempt, seek, hope.
Some of us use these so often that they become less hedges than meaningless modifiers. (经常使用上述的模糊性限定词会使它毫无意义的修饰语。)Hedges let us sound small notes of civilized diffidence. They give us room to backpedal and to make exceptions(模糊性修饰语使作者看起来显得缺乏自信,尽管它使人存在语音上斡旋的余地。). An appropriate emphatic, on the other hand, lets us underscore what we really believe or would like our reader to think we believe.
Some of the more common emphatics: as everyone knows, it is generally agreed that, it is quite true that, it's clear that, it is obvious that, the fact is, as we can plainly see, literally, clearly, obviously, undoubtedly, certainly, of course, indeed, inevitably, very, invariably, always, key, central, crucial, basic, fundamental, major, cardinal, primary, principal, essential.
Used to excess, they make us seem arrogant or at least defensive. (过多的强调,会让作者看起来比较具有攻击性甚至无理。)
Sequencers and Topicalizers
Sequencers and topicalizers are words, phrases, and sentences that lead your reader through your text. The least useful kind are overelaborate introductions:
1a. In this next section of this report, it is my intention to deal with the problem of noise pollution. The first thing I want to say is that noise pollution is. . . .
1b. The next problem is noise pollution. It . .
2a. In this essay, I will discuss Robert Frost's clumsy use of Freudian images in his early poems.
2b. In his early poems, Robert Frost used Freudian images clumsily
Attributors and Narrators (归属者和自述者)
Attributors and narrators tell your reader where you got your ideas or facts or opinions.
1a. I was concerned with the structural integrity of the roof supports, so I attempted to test the weight that the transverse beams would carry. I have concluded after numerous tests that the beams are sufficiently strong to carry the prescribed weight, but no more. I think that it is important that we notify every section that uses the facility of this finding.
1b. We must notify every section that uses the storage facility that they must not exceed the prescribed kilogram-per-square-meter floor weight. Tests have established the structural integrity of the transverse beams. They are strong enough to carry the prescribed weights but no more.
2a. High divorce rates have been observed to occur in parts of the Northeast that have been determined to have especially low population densities.
2b. High divorce rates occur in parts of the Northeast that have especially low population densities.