That, however, is not my fault. The grown−ups discouraged me in my painter's
career when I was six years old, and I never learned to draw anything, except boas
from the outside and boas from the inside.
Now I stared at this sudden apparition with my eyes fairly starting out of my head
in astonishment. Remember, I had crashed in the desert a thousand miles from any
inhabited region. And yet my little man seemed neither to be straying uncertainly
among the sands, nor to be fainting from fatigue or hunger or thirst or fear.
Nothing about him gave any suggestion of a child lost in the middle of the desert,
a thousand miles from any human habitation. When at last I was able to speak, I said to him:
"But−− what are you doing here?"
- apparition /ˌæpəˈrɪʃn/
英英:a ghost or a ghost-like image of a person who is dead
英汉:鬼; 幽灵- astonishment /əˈstɒnɪʃmənt/
英英:a feeling of very great surprise
英汉:惊讶;惊异- inhabited /ɪnˈhæbɪtɪd/
英英:with people or animoas living there
英汉:有人居住的;有动物居住的- stray /streɪ/
1).to move away from the place where you should be, with intending to
2).to begin to think about or discuss a different subject from the one you should be thinking about and discussing
3).to have a sexual relationship with somebody who is not your usual partner
英汉:迷失;迷离;偏题;有外遇- faint /feint/
英英:to become unconscious when not enough blood is going to your brain, ususally because of the heat, a shock, etc.
英汉:微弱的、不清楚的、可能性不大的、不热情的;昏厥- fatigue /fəˈtiːɡ/
英英:a feeling of being extremely tired, usually because of hard work or exercise
Nothing about him gave any suggestion of a child lost in the middle of the desert,
a thousand miles from any human habitation.