1. Words and Phrases
1) He would imagine a big blitz coming at him fast.
blitz: 闪电战; 大规模空袭; 突然袭击,闪电攻势;
仿写: In the autumn of 1940, London was blitzed by an average of two hundred aircraft a night.
2) At one point in his football career, he told me he was constantly getting uptight.
uptight: 紧张的; 愤怒的;
仿写: Every time when I have an interview, it get me uptight always.
3) You may approach problems from a highly visual, intuitive, holistic right-brain paradigm.
holistic: 全盘的,整体的; 功能整体性的;
仿写: From the holistic perspective, you see yourself as an integral part of the universe as a whole.
4) The more deeply you understand other people, the more you will appreciate them, the more reverent you will feel about them.
reverent: 恭敬的;尊敬的;
仿写: When you speak to your parents, please use a reverent tone.
2. Thoughts
作者说的personal mission statements正是我所缺少的, 有些时候明明知道自己的目标,明明知道想要培养孩子成为怎样的人, 可是却缺少了实际的行动力. 刚刚在看书的时候收到了好朋友的一个坏消息,他爸爸过世了,非常突然,他爸爸在阿富汗因为感冒去了趟医院,结果却一去无回了,平时他爸爸身体也很好,人生真的很无常, 不要觉得你还有很多时间, “live as if without tomorrow” 这话还是有道理的. 不想再犹豫了,一定要好好审视自己的目标,一步一个脚印的去实现.