P.R.E.P - EXPECT(P.R.E.P——期望)
Behaviour of competency based interview(行为或素质能力面试)
Behaviour of competency based interview questions usually start with:(行为或素质能力面试的问题通常是这样的:)
1. Tell me about a time when...(请告诉我某个时候,那时......)
2. Describe a situation where...(请描述某种情况,在这种情况下......)
3. Give me a specific example of...(请给我举出一个...... 方面的特别例子)
The interviewer might signpost the behaviour/competency content of the question by saying something like:" This job requires you to deal on occasion with very angry or difficult customers. Tell me about a time when you had to deal with a very angry customer". You must describe the situation, after which...(面试官可能会提示问题中所包含的行为或素质能力内容,像这样说:“这项工作有时需要你应对非常愤怒或难缠的顾客。请告诉我你的某次经历,那时你不得不应对一个恼怒的顾客。”你必须首先描述当时的情形,然后......)
The interviewer follows up with probes like:(面试者会如此这般地、继续追问下去:)
" What happened then? What did you say? What happened after that? How was it resolved? How did you feel? What did you learn from that experience? Who else knew about what happened? Were you commended/criticised for your actions?"(当时发生了什么?你说了些什么?随后又发生了什么情况?问题是如何解决的?你的感觉如何?你从这段经历中学到了些什么?还有谁了解这件事?你的行为受到了表扬还是批评?)
Overall, a very difficult sort of interview but, luckily, one that you can plan for!(总之,这是一种与普通面试极为不同的面试,但是好在你还是能够做到有备无患!)
Example questions:(典型问题:)
1. Tell me about a time when you were able to use your influencing skills to convince a colleague to accept your point of view.(谈谈你某一次运用影响技能来说服同事接受你观点的经历。)
2. Describe a time when you were faced with a stressful situation that showed your ability to deal with pressure.(描述你在压力面前应对自如的某个时刻。)
3. Tell me of a time when you used your analytical skills to solve a complex problem.(谈谈你利用分析技能来解决一个复杂问题的某次经历。)
4. Give me an example of a time when you had to work to a very tight deadline.(给出一个你必须在很紧张的时限内完成任务的例子。)
5. Tell me about a time when you had to make a presentation to a group of people who probably did not want to hear what you had to say.(谈谈你的某次经历,那时你必须在一群人面前做演讲,但他们可能并不想听你要说的话。)
6. Give me a specific example of a time when you had to sell to others a policy with which you did not agree.(给出一个这方面的特别例子:你不得不说服他人接受一个连你自己也不赞同的政策。)
7. Tell me about a time when you had to go above and beyond the call of duty in order to satisfy a really difficult customer.(谈谈你所经历过的这样的情形:为了让一个非常难缠的顾客满意,你不得不撂下本该由你接听的电话。)
You can then usually expect follow-up with probing questions like:(通常你会碰到的进一步查问会是这样:)
" What did you do? What did you say? What happened then? What did that achieve? How did you feel? What did you learn? What would you do differently if it happened again? "(你做了些什么?你说了些什么?之后情况如何?结果怎样?你对此有何体会?你从中学到了哪些东西?如果再有这种事情发生,你将采取何种不同的做法?)