刚刚听了TED的播客节目Janine Shepherd: How Can We Redefine Ourselves After A Tragedy?
里面提到如果以前定义你的身份失去了,那么你还会怎样定义自己。Janine以前是一名顶级运动员,出了车祸造成了瘫痪,只能坐轮椅。但她竟然成了飞行员,特技飞行导师,她说道:if I couldn't walk, then I would fly.
I'm not sure when that moment would have come, but I couldn't have imagined a more different life than the one that I'd planned. And I think that for me, anyway, my takeaway is that life is about loosening our grip. You know, we suffer when we hold on to things. And we hold on to things because we're just unsure. You know, what happens if I do step off? And I know that it's in the letting go that we really experience who we can be. And life is different. I mean, life certainly is different for me after my spinal cord injury. But it's still magnificent and incredible and fascinating and curious, and it's just a different life.