Part 7: Investigators' Responsibilities to the IRB
Part 8: IRBs and Multi-Site Research
Part 9: Summary of Key Points
Part 7: Investigators' Responsibilities to the IRB
The investigator must:
Ⅰ、Ensure that the IRB receives all the documents it requires to review the proposed research.
Ⅱ、Admit no participant to a study before the IRB has issued its written approval of the study.
Ⅲ、Make no changes to or deviations from the study protocol without prior written approval from the IRB, except when necessary to eliminate immediate hazards to participants.
Ⅳ、Report promptly to the IRB:
i、Changes to or deviations from the protocol, including changes made to eliminate immediate hazards to study participants.
ii、Changes that increase the risk to participants or significantly affect the conduct of the study.
iii、All adverse drug reactions that are both serious and unexpected.
iv、New information that may adversely affect the safety of participants or the conduct of the study.
Reporting requirements may vary, and it is the investigator's responsibility to know the individual reporting requirements of each IRB involved with the research study. For example, an IRB may require that every serious adverse drug reaction be promptly reported, whether it was unexpected or not.
Ⅰ、Respond in a timely fashion to all requests from the IRB for additional information about a research study.
Ⅱ、Submit progress reports to the IRB annually, or more frequently, if requested by the IRB, and submit a final report to the IRB when the study is completed or terminated.
Part 8: IRBs and Multi-Site Research
Multi-site trials funded by NIH are characterized by the involvement of multiple institutions and study sites engaged in a single research study. CTN studies are an example of multi-site trials funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA).
When a research study involves more than one institution, each institution is responsible for safeguarding the rights and well-being of research participants at that institution.
With the implementation of the NIH policy on Use of a Single Institutional Review Board for Multi-Site Research (effective May 25, 2017), multi-institutional research in the U.S. involving non-exempt human participants will use a single IRB. Based on 45 CFR 46.114, the use of a single IRB allows for a more streamlined IRB review and increases efficiencies while maintaining the protection of human study participants (NIH Office of Extramural Research, 2016).
随着国家卫生研究院(NIH)关于使用单一机构审查委员会进行多地点研究的政策的实施(2017年5月25日生效),美国涉及非豁免人类参与者的多机构研究将使用单一IRB。根据45 CFR 46.114,单一IRB的使用允许更精简的IRB审查并提高效率,同时保持对人类研究参与者的保护(NIH校外研究办公室,2016)。
For more information, including the scope and applicability of the Use of a Single Institutional Review Board for Multi-Site Research, reference the NIH policy.
Additional resources are available on the NIH Office of Science Policy’s website for single IRB (sIRB).
Part 9: Summary of Key Points
Ⅰ、The purpose of an Institutional Review Board (IRB) is to safeguard the rights, safety, and well-being of all human research participants.
Ⅱ、Any federally funded research involving human participants must be reviewed and approved by an IRB.
Ⅲ、Any clinical investigation involving a product regulated by the FDA must be reviewed and approved by an IRB.
Ⅳ、An IRB has the authority to approve or disapprove all research activities that fall within its jurisdiction. It may disapprove a research project with a request for modification. It also has the authority to suspend a research study that it previously approved.
Ⅴ、All previously approved ongoing research must be reviewed by an IRB at least once a year to determine whether approval should be continued.
Ⅵ、Every institution, including in the NIDA Clinical Trials Network (CTN), that participates in a clinical study must identify all IRBs that have jurisdiction to review and approve the protocol.
Ⅶ、To approve a research protocol, the IRB must ensure that:
i、Risks to participants are minimized.
ii、Risks to participants are reasonable in relation to anticipated benefits.
iii、Selection of participants is equitable.
iv、Informed consent is properly obtained and documented.
v、Adequate provision is made for monitoring the data collected to ensure the safety of participants.
vi、Adequate provision is made to protect participants and maintain confidentiality of data.
vii、Additional safeguards are included for vulnerable populations.