ICH-GCP 2.1 Institutional Review Boards(1)


Part 1: What is an Institutional Review Board (IRB)?

Part 2: Purpose of an IRB

Part 3: Membership of an IRB

Part 1: What is an Institutional Review Board?


An Institutional Review Board (IRB) is an independent body established to protect the rights and welfare of human research participants. Under Title 45 Part 46 of the Code of Federal Regulations (45 CFR 46), any research that is federally funded must be reviewed and approved by an IRB.

机构审查委员会(IRB)是为保护人类研究参与者的权利和福利而设立的独立机构。根据《联邦法规》(45 CFR 46)第45篇第46部分,任何由联邦资助的研究 必须由IRB审查和批准。

Any clinical investigation involving a product regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) must also be reviewed and approved by an IRB (21 CFR 56). Individual institutions or sponsors may require that all research, no matter how it is funded, be reviewed and approved by an IRB.

涉及美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)监管的产品 的任何临床研究也必须由IRB(21 CFR 56)审查和批准。个别机构或赞助者可能要求 所有研究,无论其资金来源如何,都必须经过IRB的审查和批准。

An IRB has specific authority over the conduct of research under its jurisdiction. No clinical study may begin enrolling participants until it has received IRB approval. The IRB has the authority to:

Ⅰ、Approve, disapprove, or terminate all research activities that fall within its local jurisdiction according torelevant federal regulations and institutional policy.

Ⅱ、Require modifications in protocols, including protocols of previously approved research.

Ⅲ、Require that participants be given any additional information that will assist them in making an informed decision to take part in research. (Requirements for informed consent are covered in the Informed Consent module.)

Ⅳ、Require documentation of informed consent or allow a waiver of documentation. (Documentation of informed consent is covered in the Informed Consent module.)






Every institution that participates in research studies must identify an IRB to review and approve those studies. The IRB must follow the requirements of 45 CFR 46 (described in this module) and of the Office for Human Research Protections. Some research sites are under the jurisdiction of two or more IRBs. In these cases, the IRBs may perform joint review, separate review or agree to abide by the review of one of the involved IRBs.

每个参与研究的机构都必须确定一个IRB来审查和批准这些研究。IRB必须遵守45 CFR 46(本模块中描述)和人类研究保护办公室的要求。一些研究地点受两个或多个IRB管辖。在这些情况下,内部评级机构可进行联合审查、单独审查或同意遵守其中一个相关内部评级机构的审查。

This module provides an overview of the regulations governing IRBs. Many of the topics covered here are also addressed in other modules of this training program. Links to those topics are provided where relevant.


Part 2: Purpose of an IRB?

The purpose of an IRB is to safeguard the rights, safety, and well–being of all human research participants. The IRB fulfills this purpose by:


Ⅰ、Reviewing the full study plan (see section IRB responsibilities for the documents which comprise a full protocol) for a research study to ensure that the research meets the criteria specified in 45 CFR 46.111. (See summarized Criteria for IRB approval of research.)

1、审查完整的研究计划(见IRB责任部分,包含完整方案的文件),以确保研究符合45 CFR 46.111中规定的标准。(参见IRB批准研究的汇总标准。)

Ⅱ、Confirming that the research plans do not expose participants to unreasonable risks.


Ⅲ、Reviewing and approving proposed payments or other compensation to study participants.


Ⅳ、Ensuring that human participant protections remain in force throughout the research by conducting continuing review of approved research. This continuing review is conducted at intervals appropriate to the degree of risk posed by each study, but not less frequently than once a year.


Ⅴ、Considering adverse events, interim findings, and any recent literature that may be relevant to the research.


Ⅵ、Assessing suspected or alleged protocol violations, complaints expressed by research participants, or violations of institutional policies.


Ⅶ、Reviewing proposed changes to previously approved studies.


The IRB may suspend or terminate ongoing research that:

Ⅰ、Is not being conducted in accordance with IRB requirements, or

Ⅱ、Is associated with unexpected or serious harm to participants.




The IRB may also suspend or terminate research when additional information results in a change to the study's likely risks or benefits.


Part 3: Membership of an IRB

An IRB must have a diverse membership that includes both scientists and non-scientists. Scientist members may include researchers, physicians, psychologists, nurses, and other mental health professionals. Non- scientist members of an IRB may have special knowledge of a certain population (pregnant women, children, or prisoners).


Collectively, IRB members must have the qualifications and experience to review and evaluate the scientific, medical, behavioral, social, legal, and ethical aspects of a proposed study. An IRB must have at least five members. However, it may have as many members as necessary to perform a complete and adequate review of research activities.



ICH:Ⅰ、Minimum 5 members;至少5名成员;

        Ⅱ、Minimum 1 member with scientific background;至少1名具有科学背景的成员;

        Ⅲ、1 member not affiliated with any institution;1名不隶属于任何机构的成员;

        Ⅳ、Independent of sponsor to provide opinion;独立于发起人提供意见;

FDA:Ⅰ、Minimum 5 members;至少5名成员;

        Ⅱ、At least 1 scientific & 1 non-scientific;至少1名科学人员和1名非科学人员;

        Ⅲ、1 member not affiliated with any institution;1名不隶属于任何机构的成员;

        Ⅳ、Diverse (race, gender, culture, vulnerable population representative) ,No conflict of interest;多元化(种族、性别、文化、弱势群体代表),无利益冲突;

Diversity of Membership

IRB membership must be diverse in terms of race, gender, and cultural heritage. Members must be sensitive to issues such as community attitudes.

Every effort must be made to ensure that no IRB consists entirely of men or entirely of women. However, no one can be appointed to an IRB solely on the basis of gender.



No IRB may consist entirely of members of one profession.


Each IRB should include at least one member whose primary concerns are in scientific areas and one member whose primary concerns are in non-scientific areas.


Each IRB should include at least one member who is not affiliated with the institution or study site.


Knowledge of Vulnerable Populations

If the IRB reviews research that involves vulnerable populations — such as children, prisoners, pregnant women, or disabled or cognitively impaired persons — its membership should include one or more persons who are knowledgeable about and/or experienced in working with these populations. The individuals specializing in vulnerable populations may be fulltime voting members or alternates to fulltime voting members.


Conflicts of Interest

No IRB member may participate in the review of any project in which he or she has a conflicting interest, except to provide information requested by the IRB.


An investigator may be a member of an IRB. However, the investigator (or any other IRB member) cannot participate in the review or approval of any research in which he or she has a current or potential conflict of interest. The investigator should be absent from the meeting room while the IRB discusses and votes on the research in which he or she has an interest.


Non-Voting Members

The IRB may invite individuals with competence in special areas to assist in the review of issues that require expertise beyond or in addition to that of the IRB members. These consultants are not voting members of the IRB. However, when research involves vulnerable populations, individuals specializing in these areas must be voting members of an IRB and maintained on the IRB roster accordingly.


Interactive: Assemble Your IRB   交互式:组装您的IRB

Read the following Scenario

A multisite clinical study package (including the protocol, informed consent forms, recruitment materials, and other related documentation) is being submitted for IRB approval. This US-based study is to assess the efficacy of BioMedXYZ's drug for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in children ages 7 to 15.


Users are instructed as follows:  用户须知如下:

From a list of eight, choose the most appropriate candidates as members of the IRB and ensure that the composition of the IRB meets the minimum criteria outlined for clinical research in the U.S. Each candidate has a bio or biography to review. After reviewing the candidates' bios to determine if they are right for this clinical study, users are to drag the most appropriate candidates to the member area in the interactive, with a total of five voting members and one non-voting expert for consultation, and analyze the feedback based on the members chosen.


The feedback box includes ‘must have’ criteria in three areas: (1) diversity, (2) a non-scientific member, and(3) a non-affiliated member. The ‘must have’ feedback box will include all green checks after assembling the best group of experts for the IRB.


Be careful to avoid any conflict of interest with the chosen candidates. The feedback box includes a notification when a member is selected that has a conflict of interest for this clinical trial.


Listed below are the candidates for the IRB, including names, credentials, current title, and a brief bio on the candidate’s background and expertise.  下面列出了IRB的候选人,包括姓名、资历、当前职称以及候选人背景和专业知识的简要简历。

Candidate 1: Juan Telmo, PhD - Statistical Scientist

Juan has an MS degree in Data Analytics, with a concentration in Statistics, and PhD degree in Statistical Science. He has been a statistical scientist working for the past 5 years at BioMedXYZ firm that develops medical devices. He has expertise in statistical theory, methods, analyses, device development, and clinical research.

候选人1:Juan Telmo博士-统计科学家


Candidate 2: Tomer Teivel, RN - Social Worker

Tomer had a rough start in life, his mother was an alcoholic when he was a child. He found his passion helping people dealing with addiction. He earned his MS degree in social work and obtained his social worker license (LCSW). He has worked for the past 12 years in schools, hospitals, and other agencies and also in community drug treatment programs. Previously, Tome had participated in numerous research studies involving participant drug use. He has expertise in mental health treatment, research, families, and community.

候选人2:Tomer Teivel,注册护士-社会工作者


Candidate 3: Lilith O’Conner, BS - Teacher

For the past 3 years, Lilith has worked as a Teacher at the local Elementary School. She serves as the Youth Committee Secretary for the local Community Center and is a teacher representative for the local Board of Education. Lilith has expertise in children, education, and community. She earned her BS degree in Psychology and Early Childhood Education.

候选人3:Lilith O'Conner,理学士-教师


Candidate 4: Carla Fox, JD, MHA - Ethicist

Carla earned her JD and MHA degrees in Health Care Law. She serves as Chairperson on the local chapter for the Board of Bioethics in Hospital Administration. She also works as a lawyer for healthcare organizations. Carla has expertise in health policy, bioethics law, and community engagement.



Candidate 5: Brian Bradford, MD - Pediatrician

Brian attended medical school, completed residency in a children's hospital, and obtained his medical licensure. He is a partner pediatrician in general practice for 20 years. He has expertise in pediatrics and clinical care.

候选人5:Brian Bradford,医学博士-儿科医生


Candidate 6: Dorian Picard, MD - Therapist

Dr. Picard earned a PhD in behavioral therapy and has been working in both the hospital and private sector for the last 15 years, specializing in children and adolescent behaviors with a special interest in ADHD. Due to his schedule he has limited availability.

候选人6:Dorian Picard,医学博士-治疗师


Candidate 7: Dung Nguyen, MPH - Policy Analyst

Ms. Nguyen obtained a Master’s degree of Public Health and Policy and now works as a management policy analyst at a firm that advises hospital and legislative administrators on health care policies. She has expertise in public health policies, epidemiology research, and biostatistics.

候选人7:Dung Nguyen,公共卫生硕士-政策分析师


Candidate 8: Manfred Howard - Minister

Manfred was formerly incarcerated in the state criminal justice system. He is now a minister at the local church. He’s worked for 6 years as an advocate for adults leaving the prison system and transitioning-to- work programs. He has expertise in prisoners and community.



Let’s consider the feedback for the Non-Voting Member.  让我们考虑对无投票权成员的反馈。

One candidate has a conflict of interest – he works for BioMedXYZ. He would not be an appropriate choice for the IRB. That candidate is Juan Telmo, PhD. Additionally, while Manfred Howard may be an expert in his field, he is not a good choice in this case because his area of expertise is adults and prisoners.


Several candidates would serve the IRB best as a voting member instead of a non-voting member for consultation. For example, Tomer Teivel, RN, works in environments that cater to the age group targeted for the study. He would serve the IRB better as a voting member as well as Lilith O’Conner, BS, because she has experience in early childhood education and expertise working with the target study population. Carla Brown, PhD, has legal experience and serves on a board of bioethics and Dr. Brian Bradford has a pediatric medical practice. Dung Nguyen, MPH, has expertise in epidemiology research and biostats. These candidates will be a good fit for the IRB as voting members.

若干候选人最好作为有投票权的成员而不是作为无投票权的成员进行协商。例如,Tomer Teivel,RN在适合研究目标年龄组的环境中工作。作为一名投票成员,他将更好地为IRB服务,Lilith O'Conner,BS,因为她在幼儿教育方面具有丰富的经验,并具有与目标研究人群合作的专业知识。Carla Brown博士拥有法律经验,在生物伦理学委员会任职,Brian Bradford博士从事儿科医疗实践。Dung Nguyen,公共卫生硕士,拥有流行病学研究和生物统计方面的专业知识。这些候选人非常适合IRB作为投票成员。

That leaves one candidate who is a good choice to be added to the IRB as an advisor and a non-voting member, Dorian Picard, MD. His expertise is in children and adolescents with ADHD. However, his busy schedule only allows for limited availability. So, he has agreed to be available for expert advice only.

这就留下了一位很好的候选人作为顾问和无投票权成员加入IRB,Dorian Picard,医学博士。他的专长是研究多动症儿童和青少年。然而,他的繁忙日程只允许有限的可用性。因此,他同意只接受专家建议。

Now, consider the feedback for the ideal candidates to serve as voting members of the IRB for this clinical trial.  现在,考虑对理想候选人的反馈,作为IRB的投票成员进行临床试验。

Several candidates have experience working directly with the age group targeted for the study - Tomer Teivel has additional experience in drug treatment and research, Lilith O’Conner has experience in early childhood education, and Dr. Brian Bradford has a pediatric medical practice. Another candidate has legal experience and serves on a board of bioethics, Carla Brown. Having regulations and ethics covered, the final ideal voting member has expertise on epidemiology research and biostatistics, Dung Nguyen. Each of these candidates would serve the IRB well as voting members.

一些候选人有直接与研究目标年龄组工作的经验——Tomer Teivel在药物治疗和研究方面有额外的经验,Lilith O’conner有早期儿童教育经验,Brian Bradford博士有儿科医疗实践经验。另一位候选人卡拉•布朗(Carla Brown)拥有法律经验,并在生物伦理委员会任职。最终理想的投票成员阮勇(Dung Nguyen)拥有流行病学研究和生物统计学方面的专业知识,他的工作涉及法规和道德规范。每一位候选人都将很好地作为伦理委员会的投票成员。

Conversely, there a few candidates that are not ideal to serve on the IRB as voting members.   相反,也有少数候选人不适合作为投票成员在IRB中任职。

Dr. Telmo has a conflict of interest. He works for BioMedXYZ, the pharmaceutical company supplying the drug for the study. While Manfred Howard may be an expert in his field, he is not a good choice in this case because his area of expertise is adults and prisoners. Dr. Picard would be a great addition to the IRB; however, his schedule does not allow him to commit to being a voting member of the team.


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