What's so funny?
What are you writing about?
I'm writing about something I saw earlier this morning.
Really? Do you keep a journal?
Yes, I do.
Every weekend I write about things that happened during the week.
How long have you been doing it?
I've been doing it fairly regularly since high school.
Are you going to turn it into a book?
I don't know.
Maybe I will some day but for now, it's just for me.
So what is so interesting about what you saw this morning?
I was in the same coffee shop I usually go to, and a group of teenagers came in.
I couldn't help watching them and trying to hear some of their conversation.
That must be interesting.
Yes it was.
The more I watched them the more I realized how glad I am that I don't have to go through that stage of life again.
So it brought back some memories, is it?
Yes, it did.
It was so clear how uncomfortable some of them were, yet they were pretending to have a good time.
At least, that's how it seemed to me.
Why do you think they were pretending?
It was just the way they smiled and laughed.
It seemed unnatural and overdone, as if they were bad actors.
A couple of the boys were really awkward around the girls, and two of the girls were wearing too much makeup. 令人尴尬的
I had to stop myself from laughing.
Yes, I can imagine it.
I can remember wanting to be popular when I was in high school.
Now that you mention it, it wasn't a great time, though I had some fun, too.
I guess it wasn't so bad of the time, except when I was preparing for my university entrance examinations.
Yes, that was awful.
My parents put tons of pressure on me, so I thought I was going to go crazy.
What about girls?
Did you have any girlfriends?
There was one girl I had a crush on, but I thought she was interested in somebody else.
I didn't find out until much later that she was interested in me, too.
It was a lost opportunity, one of many.
Really? You should become a writer or make a movie.
You have a great imagination.
To be honest, it's much easier to imagine things than actually do things.
You can say that again.