a16z官网2015年7月发布的一篇文章,谈到Ben Horowitz对公司管理、投资和商业的12条建议(原文链接)。
-- Ben Horowitz,风险投资机构Andreessen Horowitz 联合创始人
- There are only two priorities for a start-up: Winning the market and not running out of cash. Running lean is not an end.
- All the returns in venture capital go to a tiny number of firms and the same firms every year… this is not true in mutual funds or hedge funds or anything else. You don’t have persistent returns across decades.
正在看Frank Pasquale的《黑箱社会》,先贴一段有关这本书的简介,看完后再给出读书笔记。
-- 《黑箱社会:掌控信息和金钱的数据法则》,Frank Pasquale