The more you read, the more you found there are many books even for kids but not only for kids ,发现大朋友也都非常受益,例如这本《The color Monster 》, 教会孩子们认知和管理情绪的绘本,米奇老师自己也觉得特别有趣,也顺着梳理下自己的情绪,Especially 在家里书架上的摆设,可彰显Ta的高贵lol.
选择了今天在家庭内部实践,三个性格迥异的熊孩子可以肆意各种interruption,结果不出米奇老师所料,实践活动课结束后,米奇老师倍感压力,要devote more and working hard for reading journey to strive further progress ,还好有萌妹妹帮忙Tidy up la , Hey look at you my Little kitty ...
Are you ready ? Go!
Let ‘s have look “《The color Monster 》”,what do you see on the cover ?
A Red?(引导孩子们说出)Monster,
What color is it ? It’s ...Red(引导孩子们互动颜色)
Okay, can you draw a “Monster “with your favorite color ? Which color do you like ? ...
Lucas — orange
Kitty— Blue
-小朋友掌握自己Drawing Monster的颜色,并引导她们通过颜色来认知情绪,
Amy, How are you today ? Are you angry like “Red Monster “ or Happy like “Yellow Monster “( 回顾封面)?
1.Review color and Emotion (语言能力)
2. Recognize the Emotion awaress (情绪认知,原来生气的时候,我们会变成红色,露出尖尖的大牙…)
Let ‘s read the book and see what we can do for this messy Monster .
小游戏: 请孩子们帮Messy Monster 整理Ta 的情绪, Separate the “Rainbow cookies “ inside the “Cookie Jar “By color , 每个小朋友和米奇老师一起各挑一种颜色的cookie , 找一个对应的cookie Jar , Take — put —check ( 孩子们One by one 互动动完成),
Wow, Many Green cookies ( They said Sleepy cookies haha)
Amy小老师在讲 “Happy Monster”
**Review time
Finally, Lucas 小朋友已经Distract his attention ,and our poor drawing skill do need hard hard study , day day up ...!