变量 语句 函数 继承
变量和插值 作用域
less: @number:123px; @key:margin; @i :3; .box@{i}{ width:@number; @{key}:auto; } sass: $number:123px; $key:margin; $i :3; .box#{$i}{ width: $number; #{$key}:auto; }
嵌套 属性(sass)
less: ul{ list-style: none; li{ float: left; div{ width: 200px; } } &:hover{ //去除空格 color:red; } } sass: ul{ list-style: none; li{ float: left; div{ width: 200px; } } &:hover{ //去除空格 color:red; font:{ size:10px; weight:bold; family:宋体 } } }
less: .box4{ width: @number*3; height:@number+10; height:@number+10px; } .box4{ width: @number*3; height:@number+10; height:@number+10px; height:@number + 10em; //不同单位运算,以运算符前面一个为准 height:10em+@number; font:20px/1.5; padding:~"20px/1.5"; //禁止转义 color:#010203*2; } sass: .box4{ width: $number * 3; // height: $number + 10em;//报错 单位不同不能运算 font: 20px / 1.5; //默认不支持 padding:(20px/1.5); //可以添加小括号 color:#010203*2; }
less: .box4{ width: round(3.4px); height: percentage(0.2); } .box4{ width: round(3.4px); height: percentage(0.2); margin: random(); padding:sqrt(0.25px) } 自定义函数: sass @function sum($n,$m){ @return $n + $m; } .box5{ font-size: sum(4px, 5px); }
less: .show{ display: block; } .hide(){ //加括号后,不会被编译 display: none; } .colorMy(@color){ //加括号后,不会被编译 display: none; background-color: @color; } .box6{ width:100px; .show; .hide; .colorMy(blue); } sass: @mixin show { display: block; } @mixin hide($color) { display: none; color:$color; } .block6{ width: 100px; @include show; @include hide(red) }
less: #nm(){ .show{ display: inline-block; } } .box7{ #nm.show; }
less: .line{ display: inline; } .box8{ &:extend(.line); } .box9{ &:extend(.line); } 以分组的形式编译: .line, .box8, .box9 { display: inline; } sass: .line{ display: inline; } .box8{ @extend .line; } .box9{ @extend .line; } 编译结果: .line, .box8, .box9 { display: inline; } %line{ display: inline; } .box8{ @extend %line; } .box9{ @extend %line; } 编译结果: .box8, .box9 { display: inline; }
less: .box10{ background+: url(./1.jpg); background+: url(./2.jpg); transform+_: scale(2); transform+_: round(30deg); } 编译后: .box10 { background: url(./1.jpg), url(./2.jpg); transform: scale(2) rotate(30deg); } sass: $background : ( a : url(./1.jpg), b : url(./2.jpg) ); $tramsform : ( a : scale(2), b : rotate(30deg) ); .box10{ background : map-values($background); transform: zip(map-values($tramsform)...); } 编译后: .box10 { background: url(./1.jpg), url(./2.jpg); transform: scale(2) rotate(30deg); }
.box10{ width: 100px; @media all and (min-width : 768px){ width:600px; } @media all and (min-width : 1440px){ width:900px; } } 编译后: .box10 { width: 100px; } @media all and (min-width: 768px) { .box10 { width: 600px; } } @media all and (min-width: 1440px) { .box10 { width: 900px; } }
条件和 循环
less: @count:5; .g(@cn) when (@cn>4){ width: 100px + @cn; } .g(@cn) when (@cn<4){ width:100px+@cn; } .box1{ .g(@count); } sass: $count:5; .box11{ @if ($count>4) { width:100px + $count; } @else{ width: 10px; } } less 循环: 递归调用 @count2 : 0; .get2(@cn)when(@cn<3){ .get2(@cn+1); .box-@{cn}{ width:100px + @cn; } } .get2(@count2); sass: @for $i from 0 through 2 { .box-#{$i}{ width:100px+$i; } }
@import './reset.scss'