加个Web UI,用起来更直观一点, 还可以记录Registry里的Events
version: '3.7'
restart: always
image: quiq/docker-registry-ui
- 8000:8000
TZ: Asia/Shanghai
- /path/to/config.yml:/opt/config.yml:ro # config for registry ui
- /path/to/domain.crt:/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt:ro # crt file created for docker registry
- /path/to/data:/opt/data # path for sqlite db
- 之前为私有Registry创建的crt文件可以直接拿过来用
- /path/to/data要设置对应权限, UI container里的user id是65534, 直接
chown -r 65534:65534 /path/to/data
要记录Registry Event的话,需要在Registry Config里添加如下配置:
- name: docker-registry-ui
url: http://ip.for.registry.ui:8000/api/events
Authorization: [Bearer abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890] # need set save token in registry ui
timeout: 1s
threshold: 5
backoff: 10s
- application/octet-stream
对应Registry UI的配置:
# Listen interface.
# Base path of Docker Registry UI.
base_path: /
# Registry URL with schema and port.
registry_url: https://ip.for.registry:5000
# Verify TLS certificate when using https.
verify_tls: true
# Docker registry credentials.
# They need to have a full access to the registry.
# If token authentication service is enabled, it will be auto-discovered and those credentials
# will be used to obtain access tokens.
# When the registry_password_file entry is used, the password can be passed as a docker secret
# and read from file. This overides the registry_password entry.
registry_username: registryuser # user name and password for registry auth
registry_password: registrypassword
#registry_password_file: /run/secrets/htpasswd
# Event listener token.
# The same one should be configured on Docker registry as Authorization Bearer token.
event_listener_token: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890 # same token as config in registry
# Retention of records to keep.
event_retention_days: 7
# Event listener storage.
event_database_driver: sqlite3
event_database_location: data/registry_events.db
# event_database_driver: mysql
# event_database_location: user:password@tcp(localhost:3306)/docker_events
# You can disable event deletion on some hosts when you are running docker-registry on master-master or
# cluster setup to avoid deadlocks or replication break.
event_deletion_enabled: True
# Cache refresh interval in minutes.
# How long to cache repository list and tag counts.
cache_refresh_interval: 10
# If users can delete tags. If set to False, then only admins listed below.
anyone_can_delete: true
# Users allowed to delete tags.
# This should be sent via X-WEBAUTH-USER header from your proxy.
admins: []
# Debug mode. Affects only templates.
debug: true
# How many days to keep tags but also keep the minimal count provided no matter how old.
purge_tags_keep_days: 90
purge_tags_keep_count: 2
# Enable built-in cron to schedule purging tags in server mode.
# Empty string disables this feature.