今天我们要讲一个很简单的英语成语:leg up. 字面上看起来很简单,就是“腿”和“上”两个词组成的。意思是“提携”、“扶......上马”、“助......一臂之力”。学会这个简单的成语能给你的英语增色不少。
最常见的用法是:give someone a leg up. 意思是:give someone a boost or lift, or a push to help someone to climb an obstacle upwards.
McMillan Dictionary的解释很好:
if you give someone a leg-up, you help them to make progress, especially in their career.
为什么英语选用了”把腿抬高“(leg up)这个意向?因为if you give someone a leg-up, you help them to climb something by letting them put their foot in your hands and then lifting them up. 你看这个词多形象。
Studying with Jane, who knows history well, will give you a leg up for the final exam. 跟Jane一起学习吧,她历史学的好,能帮你准备期末考试。
I can climb over the fence if I get a leg up from you. 如果你扶我一把,我就能翻过栅栏去。
这句词后来成了汉语里的一句成语。Leg up大致就相当于“好风凭借力”的意思。
如果有人提携了你,给了你很大的帮助,他就是给了你一个leg up.
这个成语源自19世纪初期,取得意思是“上马石”的引申义。This usage alludes to helping a person get on a horse by getting a foot in the stirrup.
*上马石的英文叫mounting stone. 马镫的英文是 stirrup.
注意leg up 跟我们很久以前讲过的stepping stone(跳板、垫脚石)的意思不同。Leg up是褒义词。
今天就讲这么多,希望你在工作中不断遇到贵人,给你一个leg up.