2016.09.13 BBC News 仅作个人翻译练习,侵犯立删。
由探险家 David Hempleman-Adams 主导的从东北部到西北穿越北冰洋的历程,在一个季度中完成了任务。
六月份,游艇Northabout 离开英国Bristol,开始了逆时针方向穿越北极的旅行。
上周一,当它从加拿大Lancaster Sound(兰开斯特海峡)驶出,标志着海上航程的顺利结束。
Adams 开始这个项目源于强调北极海冰的融化。
对船员来说如此难以逾越的困难是,由于近年来全球变暖导致的北冰洋东北部走廊(NEP:Northwest Passage)和西北部走廊上(NWP)的水平面急剧上升。
本周,北极海冰达到在卫星记录历史中第二低的程度。“我们就在那儿亲自见证。这是真的,我们就在哪儿” 北冰洋探险项目组这样告诉BBC。
词汇:impenetrable barrier /Yacht / toute / Northwest Passage /anticlockwise/ signalled
Yacht sails through low-ice Arctic sea routes
A project led by adventurer David Hempleman-Adams that aimed to sail the Arctic’s North East and North West passages in a single season has completed its quest.
The yacht Northabout left Bristol, UK, in June and traversed the North Pole in an anticlockwise direction.
Its exit from Canada’s Lancaster Sound on Monday signalled the successful navigation of both sea routes.
Mr Adams initiated the project to highlight Arctic sea-ice decline.
For so long an impenetrable barrier for mariners, the NEP and NWP have increasingly opened up in recent years as temperatures in the polar north have warmed.
This week, Arctic sea-ice reached the second-lowest extent ever recorded by satellites - a fact “verified 'on the ground' (water). It’s real. We’ve been there,” the Polar Ocean Challenge project told the BBC.