1.What does this section say?
Sniff and Scurry immediately put on the shoes which always hang around their necks, began to go out and search again, and soon found more fresh and rich cheese.Meanwhile,after a fierce struggle, haw finally broke through the shackles. He put on his running shoes and entered the dark maze while hem was still depressed and complaining.
2.What does this section mean to you?Give a story from your life.
When haw sees that changes will make things better, he can adjust himself to the changes in time. Although he had been trapped in his comfortable zone, he immediately took action when he realized that there was no use in staying where he was.It reminds me of my story with the national flag guard of Tianjin University.
In my freshman year,I joined the national flag guard of Tianjin University.In order to raise the flag, we need to train hardly after school. Moreover,we also have to return to school in advance for the military training in summer and winter vacations.Facing with such a high intensity of training,I became more and more negative and had the idea of giving up.Trapping in my comfortable zone,I began to be lazy during the training.
One day, our captain found me and say:Don’t forget why you are here.Suddenly,I woke up from my laziness.I remember that I was here for the glory of raising the national flag.Since then,I stepped out of my comfortable zone and began to challenge the limits of my body.And now,I succeeded in becoming a formal player and stuck to the end.
In this process of change,I have gained a lot——It is not advisable to stop and avoid.When get into trouble, successful people will always seek some positive changes.