What data does XTop need from STA tools?
Timing data of design under different scenarios are needed.
User can source the script in STA tools, and then run cmd to prepare the timing data.
% ls sta_data
func_fast_data_dont_touch_objects.txt.gz # don’t touch objects
func_fast_data_ilm_objects.txt.gz # interface logic objects
func_fast_data_pin_timing.txt.gz # pin transition timing
func_fast_data_timing_derates.txt.gz # timing derate
func_fast_data_total_capacitances.txt.gz # parasitic data
func_fast_data_pin_slack.txt.gz # global slack
func_fast_data_si_delta.txt.gz # si delta delay
func_fast_data_timing_rpt.txt.gz # timing report data
func_fast_data_used_as_clocks.txt.gz # clock objects
func_fast_data_finish # dumping data finish flag
How to read timing report incementally?
Run the read_timing_report command for specified scenario.
If scenario is not specified, it refers to the reference scenario.
xtop> read_timing_report -scenario fast_worst sta_data/cpu_data_timing_rpt.txt
scenario: fast_worst
timing_rpt ok
Why XTop reports timing clean after reading pt timing data?
1) Check if the timing data dumped is correct.
Sometimes user wants to only dump block data in top STA, using the -only _hier_path option (Check the header of the written data file, if design name is TOP and current inst is blank).
2) Check if the timing data is matched with netlist
The program will print the annotate ratio during read_timing_data command. If the ratio is too low (e.g. less than 95%), user needs to double-check if the netlist used is matched with the timing data.
xtop> read_timing_data -data_dir ../input_files/sta_data
Success : 100.0% pins and 97.7% nets have annotated data.
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