M:We will play turtle and snail, listen carefully i'm the turtle and you're the snail.Crawl like the turtle, one two three crawl like the snail, you and me turtle hides his head, snail hides his head, turtle and snail are crawling on the ground, when you hear hide his head, we should squat down and lower our head, when your hear crawling on the ground, we will crawl on the ground.
M:We are going to play a monster game. in this game, the monster likes to eat turtles and snails.who want to be the monster?
J:I want a monster
M:Okay put on your mask.Who want to be the snail?
D:I want to be the snail
M:Who are you
M:What do you like to eat?
J:Turtle and snail
M:Okay put the shell on your back,Now the turtle and the snail will wander around the room, the monster will come in and try to eat them, when the turtle and the snali see the monster, they should squat down, so monster can't see them, when the monster leaves the turtle and the snail can stand up, clear?
D:got it