VS Code 自定义代码片段-midway

# 分词改帕斯卡命名
# 例如:nav-left=》NavLeft
# 截取.之前 小驼峰命名
# 例如:nav-left.service=》navLeft


  // Place your global snippets here. Each snippet is defined under a snippet name and has a scope, prefix, body and 
  // description. Add comma separated ids of the languages where the snippet is applicable in the scope field. If scope 
  // is left empty or omitted, the snippet gets applied to all languages. The prefix is what is 
  // used to trigger the snippet and the body will be expanded and inserted. Possible variables are: 
  // $1, $2 for tab stops, $0 for the final cursor position, and ${1:label}, ${2:another} for placeholders. 
  // Placeholders with the same ids are connected.
  // Example:
  "Print to console": {
    "scope": "javascript,typescript",
    "prefix": "midway service",
    "body": [
      "import { inject, provide } from 'midway';",
      "import { I${TM_FILENAME_BASE/([0-9a-z])/${1:/capitalize}/}Model } from '../models/${TM_FILENAME_BASE/([0-9a-z])/${1:/downcase}/}.model';",
      "import { BaseService } from '../../base/base.service';",
      "export interface I${TM_FILENAME_BASE/([0-9a-z])/${1:/capitalize}/}Service extends ${TM_FILENAME_BASE/([0-9a-z])/${1:/capitalize}/}Service {}",
      "export class ${TM_FILENAME_BASE/([0-9a-z])/${1:/capitalize}/}Service extends BaseService {",
      "  @inject()",
      "  private ${TM_FILENAME_BASE/([0-9a-z])/${1:/capitalize}/}Model: I${TM_FILENAME_BASE/([0-9a-z])/${1:/capitalize}/}Model;",
    "description": "midway service"
  // Place your global snippets here. Each snippet is defined under a snippet name and has a scope, prefix, body and 
  // description. Add comma separated ids of the languages where the snippet is applicable in the scope field. If scope 
  // is left empty or omitted, the snippet gets applied to all languages. The prefix is what is 
  // used to trigger the snippet and the body will be expanded and inserted. Possible variables are: 
  // $1, $2 for tab stops, $0 for the final cursor position, and ${1:label}, ${2:another} for placeholders. 
  // Placeholders with the same ids are connected.
  // Example:
  // "Print to console": {
  //    "scope": "javascript,typescript",
  //    "prefix": "log",
  //    "body": [
  //        "console.log('$1');",
  //        "$2"
  //    ],
  //    "description": "Log output to console"
  // }
  "Print to console": {
    "scope": "javascript,typescript",
    "prefix": "midway controller",
    "body": [
      "import { provide, Context, inject } from 'midway';",
      "import { I${TM_FILENAME_BASE/([0-9a-z])/${1:/capitalize}/}Service } from '../../lib/services/${TM_FILENAME_BASE/([-0-9a-z])/${1:/downcase}/}';",
      "import { BaseController } from '../../base/base.controller';",
      "import { SwaggerJoiController as sjc } from 'midway-joi-swagger2';",
      "@sjc({ path: '/${TM_FILENAME_BASE/([0-9a-z])/${1:/downcase}/}', api: '${TM_FILENAME_BASE/([0-9a-z])/${1:/downcase}/}' })",
      "export class ${TM_FILENAME_BASE/([0-9a-z])/${1:/capitalize}/}Controller extends BaseController {",
      "  @inject()",
      "  private ${TM_FILENAME_BASE/([0-9a-z])/${1:/capitalize}/}Service: I${TM_FILENAME_BASE/([0-9a-z])/${1:/capitalize}/}Service;",
      // "  @get('/')",
      // "  async index(ctx: Context) {",
      // "    ctx.body = await this.${TM_FILENAME_BASE/([0-9a-z])/${1:/capitalize}/}Service.find();",
      // "  }",
    "description": "Log output to console"
  |           |         |  |
  |           |         |  |-> no options
  |           |         |
  |           |         |-> references the contents of the first
  |           |             capture group
  |           |
  |           |-> regex to capture everything before
  |               the final `.suffix`
  |-> resolves to the filename


与变量转换一样,占位符的转换允许在移动到下一个制表位时更改占位符的插入文本。插入的文本与正则表达式匹配,匹配或匹配 - 取决于选项 - 将替换为指定的替换格式文本。每次出现占位符都可以使用第一个占位符的值独立定义自己的转换。Placeholder-Transforms的格式与Variable-Transforms的格式相同。


例 说明

"${TM_FILENAME/[\\.]/_/}"   example-123_456-TEST.js 替换第一个.用_
"${TM_FILENAME/[\\.-]/_/g}" example_123_456_TEST_js 替换每个.或-与_
"${TM_FILENAME/(.*)/${1:/upcase}/}" EXAMPLE-123.456-TEST.JS 改为全部大写
"${TM_FILENAME/[^0-9^a-z]//gi}" example123456TESTjs 删除非字母数字字符


TM_FILENAME_BASE 当前文档的文件名(不含后缀名)
CURRENT_DAY_NAME :当天的名称(’星期一’)。
CURRENT_MONTH_NAME :本月的全名(’七月’)。
${sn:/upcase} 或 ${sn:/downcase} 或 ${sn:/capitalize}:表示将匹配项变更为「所有字母均大写/所有字母均小写/首字母大写其余小写」后,插入


  // Place your 全局 snippets here. Each snippet is defined under a snippet name and has a scope, prefix, body and
  // description. Add comma separated ids of the languages where the snippet is applicable in the scope field. If scope
  // is left empty or omitted, the snippet gets applied to all languages. The prefix is what is
  // used to trigger the snippet and the body will be expanded and inserted. Possible variables are:
  // $1, $2 for tab stops, $0 for the final cursor position, and ${1:label}, ${2:another} for placeholders.
  // Placeholders with the same ids are connected.
  // Example:
  // "Print to console": {
  // "scope": "javascript,typescript",
  // "prefix": "log",
  // "body": [
  // "console.log('$1');",
  // "$2"
  // ],
  // "description": "Log output to console"
  // }
  "Print to console": {
    "scope": "javascript,typescript",
    "prefix": "midway controller",
    "body": [
      "import { provide, Context, inject } from 'midway';",
      "import { I${TM_FILENAME_BASE/([0-9a-z])/${1:/capitalize}/}Service } from '../../lib/services/${TM_FILENAME_BASE/([-0-9a-z])/${1:/ downcase}/}';",
      "import { BaseController } from '../../base/base.controller';",
      "import { SwaggerJoiController as sjc } from 'midway-joi-swagger2';",
      "@sjc({ path: '/${TM_FILENAME_BASE/([0-9a-z])/${1:/downcase}/}', api: '${TM_FILENAME_BASE/([0-9a-z])/${1:/downcase}/}' })",
      "export class ${TM_FILENAME_BASE/([0-9a-z])/${1:/capitalize}/}Controller extends BaseController {",
      " @inject()",
      " private ${TM_FILENAME_BASE/([0-9a-z])/${1:/downcase}/}Service: I${TM_FILENAME_BASE/([0-9a-z])/${1:/capitalize}/}Service;",
      // " @get('/')",
      // " async index(ctx: Context) {",
      // " ctx.body = await this.${TM_FILENAME_BASE/([0-9a-z])/${1:/capitalize}/}Service.find();",
      //" }",
    "description": "Log output to console"
  "Midway controller functions get": {
    "scope": "typescript",
    "prefix": "midway get",
    "body": [
      " path: '/$4',",
      " api: '${TM_FILENAME_BASE/([0-9a-z])/${1:/downcase}/}',",
      " description: '$0',",
      " summary: '$1$2',",
      " query: schemas.S${1/([a-z]*)(([A-Z])+([a-z]+))?/${1:/upcase}/g}$2In,",
      " responses: schemas.S${1/([a-z]*)(([A-Z])+([a-z]+))?/${1:/upcase}/g}$2Out",
      "async $1$2(ctx: Context) {",
      " ctx.body = await this.${TM_FILENAME_BASE/([0-9a-z])/${1:/downcase}/}Service.$1$2(ctx.query);",
    "description": "midway controller function get"
  "Midway controller functions post": {
    "scope": "typescript",
    "prefix": "midway post",
    "body": [
      " path: '/$4',",
      " api: '${TM_FILENAME_BASE/([0-9a-z])/${1:/downcase}/}',",
      " description: '$0',",
      " summary: '$1$2',",
      " body: schemas.S${1/([a-z]*)(([A-Z])+([a-z]+))?/${1:/upcase}/g}$2In,",
      " responses: schemas.S${1/([a-z]*)(([A-Z])+([a-z]+))?/${1:/upcase}/g}$2Out",
      "async $1$2(ctx: Context) {",
      " ctx.body = await this.${TM_FILENAME_BASE/([0-9a-z])/${1:/downcase}/}Service.$1$2(ctx.request.body);",
    "description": "midway controller function get"
  "Midway services functions": {
    "scope": "typescript",
    "prefix": "midway services action",
    "body": [
      "async $1$2(param: I${1/([a-z]*)(([A-Z])+([a-z]+))?/${1:/upcase}/g}$2In):Promise<I${1/([a-z]*)(([A-Z])+([a-z]+))?/${1:/upcase}/g}$2Out> {",
      " return undefined;",
    "description": "midway controller function get"
  "Mongoose schema": {
    "scope": "javascript,typescript",
    "prefix": "mongoose schema",
    "body": [
      "import { Document, Schema, model} from 'mongoose';",
      "import { providerWrapper} from 'midway';",
      "export const ${TM_FILENAME_BASE/([0-9a-z])/${1:/capitalize}/}Schema: Schema = new Schema(",
      " {",
      " $1",
      " {",
      " /**",
      " * 静态模型",
      " */",
      " strict: false,",
      " /**",
      " * __v 版本",
      " */",
      " versionKey: false",
      " timestamps: { createdAt: 'created', updatedAt: 'updated'}",
      " }",
      "export interface I${TM_FILENAME_BASE/([0-9a-z])/${1:/capitalize}/}Doc extends Document {",
      " [k: string",
      " ]: any;",
      "export const factory = () => model<I${TM_FILENAME_BASE/([0-9a-z])/${1:/capitalize}/}Doc>('${TM_FILENAME_BASE/([0-9a-z])/${1:/capitalize}/}', ${TM_FILENAME_BASE/([0-9a-z])/${1:/capitalize}/}Schema);",
      " {",
      " id: '${TM_FILENAME_BASE/([0-9a-z])/${1:/capitalize}/}Doc',",
      " provider: factory",
      " }",
    "description": "Log output to console"
  "midway service": {
    "scope": "javascript,typescript",
    "prefix": "midway service",
    "body": [
      "import { inject, provide } from 'midway';",
      "import { I${TM_FILENAME_BASE/([0-9a-z])/${1:/capitalize}/}Model } from '../models/${TM_FILENAME_BASE/([0-9a-z])/${1:/downcase}/}.model';",
      "import { BaseService } from '../../base/base.service';",
      "export interface I${TM_FILENAME_BASE/([0-9a-z])/${1:/capitalize}/}Service extends ${TM_FILENAME_BASE/([0-9a-z])/${1:/capitalize}/}Service {}",
      "export class ${TM_FILENAME_BASE/([0-9a-z])/${1:/capitalize}/}Service extends BaseService {",
      " @inject()",
      " private ${TM_FILENAME_BASE/([0-9a-z])/${1:/capitalize}/}Model: I${TM_FILENAME_BASE/([0-9a-z])/${1:/capitalize}/}Model;",
    "description": "midway service"
  "midway service mongoose": {
    "scope": "javascript,typescript",
    "prefix": "midway service mongoose",
    "body": [
      "import { inject, provide } from 'midway';",
      "import { I${TM_FILENAME_BASE/([0-9a-z])/${1:/capitalize}/}Doc } from '../mongo/${TM_FILENAME_BASE/([0-9a-z])/${1:/downcase}/}';",
      "import { BaseService } from '../../base/base.service.mongo';",
      "import { Model } from 'mongoose';",
      "export interface I${TM_FILENAME_BASE/([0-9a-z])/${1:/capitalize}/}Service extends ${TM_FILENAME_BASE/([0-9a-z])/${1:/capitalize}/}Service {}",
      "export class ${TM_FILENAME_BASE/([0-9a-z])/${1:/capitalize}/}Service extends BaseService {",
      " @inject()",
      " private ${TM_FILENAME_BASE/([0-9a-z])/${1:/capitalize}/}Doc: Model<I${TM_FILENAME_BASE/([0-9a-z])/${1:/capitalize}/}Doc>;",
      " ",
      " async findAll(query: any): Promise<any> {",
      " return this.${TM_FILENAME_BASE/([0-9a-z])/${1:/capitalize}/}Doc.find(query).exec();",
      " }",
      " ",
      " async findOne(param: any): Promise<any> {",
      " return this.${TM_FILENAME_BASE/([0-9a-z])/${1:/capitalize}/}Doc.findOne({ _id: param._id }).exec();",
      " }",
      " ",
      " async save(param: any): Promise<any> {",
      " return this.upset(this.${TM_FILENAME_BASE/([0-9a-z])/${1:/capitalize}/}Doc, param).then(result => {",
      " return { _id: this._.get(result, '_id', param._id)",
      " };",
      " });",
      " }",
    "description": "midway service mongoose"


  // Place your 全局 snippets here. Each snippet is defined under a snippet name and has a scope, prefix, body and 
  // description. Add comma separated ids of the languages where the snippet is applicable in the scope field. If scope 
  // is left empty or omitted, the snippet gets applied to all languages. The prefix is what is 
  // used to trigger the snippet and the body will be expanded and inserted. Possible variables are: 
  // $1, $2 for tab stops, $0 for the final cursor position, and ${1:label}, ${2:another} for placeholders. 
  // Placeholders with the same ids are connected.
  // Example:
  "vue base": {
    "scope": "vue",
    "prefix": "vbase-wzc",
    "body": [
      "  <div></div>",
      " * $1",
      " */",
      "import viewBase from '../../base/view-base';",
      "export default {",
      "  extends: viewBase,",
      "  data: () => ({}),",
      "  created() {",
      "    this.pageInit();",
      "  },",
      "  methods: {",
      "    pageInit() {}",
      "  }",
      "<style lang=\"scss\" scoped>",
    "description": "vue base"
  "vuetify v-col text": {
    "scope": "vue-html",
    "prefix": "vtext",
    "body": [
      "<v-col cols=\"12\" md=\"6\" lg=\"4\">",
      "  <v-text-field",
      "    v-model=\"formData.$1\"",
      "    :rules=\"$$rules({dis:'$1'})\" ",
      "    :label=\"$$t('$1')\"",
      "    required",
      "    clearable",
      "  ></v-text-field>",
    "description": "vuetify vol text field"
  "vuetify v-col date": {
    "scope": "vue-html",
    "prefix": "vdate",
    "body": [
      "<v-col cols=\"12\" md=\"6\" lg=\"4\">",
      "  <w-date-picker",
      "    v-model=\"formData.$1\"",
      "    :label=\"$$t('$1')\"",
      "    :rules=\"$$rules({ dis: '$1' })\"",
      "    prepend-icon=\"fa-calendar-alt\"",
      "  ></w-date-picker>",
    "description": "vuetify vol date picker"
  "vuetify v-col select": {
    "scope": "vue-html",
    "prefix": "vselect",
    "body": [
      "<v-col cols=\"12\" sm=\"6\" md=\"4\">",
      "  <i18n-select",
      "    v-model=\"formData.$1\"",
      "    :label=\"$$t('currency')\"",
      "    :rules=\"$$rules({ dis: 'currency' })\"",
      "    :item-text=\"`dataDisplay.$${$$i18n.locale}`\"",
      "    api-get-url=\"/dictionary-item?typeKey=$2&propertyKey=$3\"",
      "  ></i18n-select>",
    "description": "vuetify vol date picker"
  "vuetify v-container form": {
    "scope": "vue-html",
    "prefix": "vCardForm",
    "body": [
      "<v-card class=\"v-body\">",
      "  <v-card-title>{{$$t('group-person')}}</v-card-title>",
      "  <v-container class=\"grey lighten-5\" fluid>",
      "    <v-form ref=\"form\" v-model=\"valid\" lazy-validation>",
      "      <v-row>",
      "      </v-row>",
      "    </v-form>",
      "  </v-container>",
      "  <v-card-actions>",
      "    <div class=\"flex-grow-1\"></div>",
      "    <v-btn @click=\"$$router.go(-1)\">{{$$t('back')}}</v-btn>",
      "    <v-btn color=\"primary\" @click=\"submitClick\">{{$$t('submit')}}</v-btn>",
      "  </v-card-actions>",
    "description": "vuetify v-container v-form"
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