Thoughts of The Week # 07
1/ What got you here won't get you there
而过程导则把目标模糊:未来的目标有很强的不确定性,我们只能对短期的事物做出较为详细的路径规划,and see what happens.
People change, then forget that they changed, and act as though they always behaved a certain way and could never change again.
我们对未来的生活总是基于这样一个假设:过去和未来是一样的。这个“一样”并不是说exactly the same,而是线性的、可预测、可控的,但讽刺的是,事情往往都不像我们想的那样发展。What got you here won't get you there.
2/ Why most people fail at losing weight
几乎“人人”都吵着要减肥,要keep fit,但为什么减肥成功/保持健康的永远是少数。
先说我的理解:不是只有减肥成功的人是少数,而是任何事情成功的人都是少数。I know this sounds a little annoying.
Luca Dellanna的解释更有道理:
Everyone is upset when they cannot lose weight. Only fit people are upset when they cannot go to the gym.
Personal change only happens when we become addicted to the actions that bring us the results we want.
Only desiring the results brings us frustration.
3/ YC's Future Founders 2020 Program
YC推出了给未来创始人的创业课,不论你是否想创业,我都强烈建议你加入这个课程,如果你不知道YC,可以去google一下,Dropbox/Airbnb/Reddit背后你都能看见YC的身影,对 YC 最简单的评价:了不起。
想要获得更多的insights,更深入地理解社会的运作,从idea到product一路上会发生什么,这些都可以是你来参加Future Founders 2020 Program的理由。报名地址:
BTW, it's free and starts tomorrow.