plural catch–22's or catch–22s
A requirement that cannot be met until a prerequisite requirement is met, however, the prerequisite cannot be obtained until the original requirement is met.
My life is one big Catch-22
前几天看新闻说希拉里拿下了波多黎各自由邦(Commonwealth of Puerto Rico)的31张选举人票(non-voting delegate),很好奇为什么美国的自由邦可以参与党派初选:
Territories of the United States are sub-national administrative divisions directly overseen by the United States federal government (unlike U.S. states, which share sovereignty with the federal government). The five major territories are self-governing with locally elected governors and territorial legislatures. Each also elects a non-voting delegate (or resident commissioner) to the U.S. House of Representatives.[^Territories]
[^Territories]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Territories_of_the_United_States
然后波多黎各自由邦的这位代表居然是美国众议院中唯一的一位 non-voting member,也是5个 Territories of the United States 中唯一可以委派众议院议员的,虽然没有投票权,但是可以参与委员会的相关工作也不错:
The Resident Commissioner of Puerto Rico is a non-voting member of the United States House of Representatives elected by the voters of Puerto Rico every four years. The commissioner is the only member of the House of Representatives who serves a four-year term and functions in every respect as a congressman except being denied a vote on the final disposition of legislation on the House floor. He or she is also allowed to serve on congressional committees and enjoys a salary of $174,000 per year.[^Resident]
[^Resident]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Resident_Commissioner_of_Puerto_Rico