Little bird, little bird, can you clap?
no, I can't. I can't clap.
Little bird, little bird, can you fly?
Yes, I can. I can fly.
Elephant,elephant, can you fly?
no, I can't. I can't fly.
Elephant,elephant, can you stomp?
Yes, I can. I can stomp.
Little fish, little fish, can you stomp?
no, I can't. I can't stomp.
Little fish, little fish, can you swim?
Yes, I can. I can swim.
Gorilla, gorilla, can you swim?
no, I can't. I can't swim.
Gorilla, gorilla, can you climb?
Yes, I can. I can climb.
Buffalo, buffalo,can you climb?
no, I can't. I can't climb.
Buffalo, buffalo, can you run?
Yes, I can. I can run.
Boys and girls, can you sing?
Yes, we can. We can sing.
Boys and girls, can you dance?
Yes, we can. We can dance.
We can sing.
We can dance
动物类单词:bird elephant fish gorilla buffalo
动作类单词: clap fly stomp swim climb run sing dance
句型: Can you …?/ Yes, I can. /No, I can’t.
针对不同年龄的孩子,在挑选单词和句型的时候可以有不同的侧重点。比如小一些的宝宝,可以侧重动作类单词,因为这些动作都很好用动作让孩子感知和理解。稍微大一些的宝宝可以侧重句型,通过反复的操练和动作,让孩子理解Can you…? Yes, I can. /No, I can’t.
Period 1.
Step1.用音频磨耳朵3—5遍(孩子已经能理解歌词里的部分单词,比如bird, fish, elephant, swim, fly,对难一些的单词 gorilla buffalo等还未接触过)
Step2.使用道具动物头饰,扮演动物,并引导孩子说出I am a bird. I can fly.等句型。这样让孩子初步认识新词gorilla buffalo, climb等。
Period 2.
Little bird, little bird, can you clap?
第四题:我的教学过程还算顺利,但是也有出现过孩子一开始不喜欢的时候。这时候我的做法一般是自己先High起来,创设情境,自己投入到情节中。大多数的时候孩子都会被吸引过来。还有,孩子很喜欢帮助别人,体现自己的价值感。我们家的口令是Paw patrol, I need your help.然后孩子就会飞奔过来“救援”了,比如:妈妈不会扮演这个动物,妈妈不会唱,妈妈需要和宝宝一起表演。屡试不爽,哈哈。
Go pee-pee.
Apple song(两首)
Once I caught a fish alive
Why do leaves change color?
Ten little airplanes
One little finger
Wind the bobbin up
Baa Baa Black Sheep
Down by the bay
Who took the cookie from the cookie jar?
Humpty Dumpty
This is The way
Baby Shark doo doo
I can wash My face
Freeze Dance
Here We go looby loo