The sound of music上

Salzburg Austria, in the last Golden days of the thirties

萨尔茨堡,奥地利 30年代黄金时期

Reverend mother.-sister Bernice.


I simply cannot find her.- Maria?


She is missing again他又不见了

Perhaps we Should've put a codbell around her neck.也许我们该在他脖子上挂个牛铃

Have you tried the barn? you know how much see adorse the animals.谷仓找过了吗?她很喜欢动物

I have looked everywhere. in all of the usual place我到处都找过了,所有寻常会去的地方

Sister, considering It's  Maria修女,你要知道她是玛利亚

I suggest you look in someplease unusual我建议你去找找不寻常的地方

Well reverend mother院长I hope this new infraction ends whatever doubts我希望这次违规能消除

You May still have about maria's future here你对她在这里会有未来的疑虑

I always Try to keep faith in my doubts ,Sister berthe.我对一律仍然保持信心,贝特修女

After all the wool of a black sheep is just as warm毕竟黑羊的毛也是会温暖

We are not talking about  Sheep, black or white. sister margarita.我们不是在争论什么黑羊白羊,玛格丽特修女

Of all the candidates  for the novitiate ,maria is the least在所有兄弟候选人中,玛利亚是最糟糕的

Children children

We were speculating about the qualification of our postulants.我们想了解在修道院的各个人表现如何?

The mistress of  novices and the mistress of postulants...见习修女和修道院修女的主管We are trying to help me by expressing opposite  points of view.表达了不同的意见来协助我Tell me, sister catherine, what do you think of maria?凯瑟琳修女,你来说说你认为玛利亚怎么样?

She is a wonderful girl, some of the time他有时是个好女孩

Sister Agatha?

It is very easy to Like Maria玛利亚很讨人喜欢 except when it is difficult除了有时候不好相处

And your sister sophia?

Oh I love her very dearly哦,我非常喜欢她But she always seems to be in trouble doesn't she?但是他总是会惹麻烦

Exactly me what I say这正是我要说的




She climbs a tree and scrapes her knee她爬树伤了膝盖

Her dress has got a tear裙子裂开了口

She was on her way to Mass在去往弥撒的路上跳华尔兹

And whistles  on the stair在阶梯上吹口哨

And underneath her wimple she has curlers in her hair在他的帽巾下,还藏着她的卷发

I've even had her singing the abbey我甚至听到他在修道院唱歌

She's always late for chapel祷告时他总是迟到

But her penitence is real但忏悔却出自真心

She's always late for everything她做什么都迟到

Except for every meal但是吃饭从不迟到

I hate to have to say it but  very firmly feel我不愿意说,但我深深觉得

Maria's not an asset to the abbey玛利亚不适合修道院

I'd like to say a word in her behalf我倒愿意为她说句好话

Say it Sister Margaretta请说玛格丽特修女

Maria makes me laugh玛利亚令我发笑

How do you solve a problem like Maria你要如何解决像玛利亚这样的问题人物?

How do you catch a cloud and pin it down你要如何将浮云摘下又定牢?

How do you find a word that means maria你要如何用言语形容她?

The flibbertigibbet /ˈflɪbərtidʒɪbɪt/捣蛋鬼

A will -o'- the-wisp-A clown鬼精灵小丑

Marry a thing you know you'd like to tell her许多事你们想告诉她

Many of them she ought to understand许多事她应该懂得

But how do you make her stay and listen to all you say但如何让它停下来,听你把话说完

How do you keep a wve upon the sand如何将海浪停留在沙滩上?

How do you solve a problem like Maria你要如何解决像玛丽亚这样的问题人物?

How do you hold the moonbeam如何使月光停留在掌中?In your heart

When I'm with her I'm confused out of focus and  bemused与她同处时,我会感到糊涂又困惑And I never know exactly/ɪɡˈzæktli/ where I am茫然不知身在何处

unpredictableI  as weather -she's as flighty as a feather如天气难测,像羽毛飘忽

She is a darling 她是个甜心

she is a demo她是个恶魔

She is a lamb她是小羔羊

You out pester and pest driver a hornet from its nest他让瘟神烦恼把黄蜂赶出巢

She can throw a whirling dervish out of whirl当时僧侣昏头转向

She's gentle,She is wild - she's a riddle, she's a child他本性善良,却又狂野-是个谜一样的孩子

See is a headache- she is an angle令人头痛,天使

She is a girl

You may go in now, maria

Come here my child

Now sit down

Reverend  mother I'm sorry .I couldn't help myself.院长么么,我真抱歉,但是我忍不住

The gates were open. and the hills were beckoning and before... 大门敞开,山恋在呼唤我

亲爱的Dear,I haven't summoned /ˈsʌmənd/ you for a apologies.道歉;道歉语(apology的复数)我让你来不是为了认错的

Please mother, do let me ask for forgiveness嬷嬷,请让我忏悔吧!

If it'll make you feel better如果会让你好过些的话

Yes, will you see the sky was so blue today and everything was go green and fragrant,芳香的/ˈfreɪɡrənt/ I had to be a part of it.如此碧绿芬芳,我必须成为其中的一份子

And you know those birds kept meeting me higher and higher我在温斯特山上越爬越高As though it wanted me to go right through the clouds  with it.就想要与它一起穿过云霄

Child suppose darkness had come and you were lost?孩子,万一你在天黑后迷路了怎么办?

Mother, I could never be lost up there我在山上,绝对不会迷路的That's my mountain. I was brought /brɔːt/带来(bring 的过去分词)up on it那是我的山,我在那儿长大的

It was mountain that led me to you就是那座山使我找你的

When I was a child ,I would come down and climb a tree我还是个孩子的时候,就在山上树上爬来爬去And look in your garden眺望你的修道院I'd see their sisters at work and would hear them sing on their way to Vespers / ˈvespərz/(天主教的)晚祷;晚课(vesper的复数看着兄弟们工作,听着他们晚到的颂歌

Which  brings me to another transgression,  /trænzˈɡreʃn/n.[地质] 海侵;犯罪;违反;逸出Reverend mother院长嬷嬷,我还犯了个禁忌I was seeing out there today without Permission允许/pərˈmɪʃn/我今天在山上唱歌了

Maria ,it is only here in the abbey that we have rules about postulant  /ˈpɑːstʃələnt/

英 /'pɒstjʊlənt/n.申请人;圣职志愿者 singing我们的规定是见习修女,只有在修道院才能唱歌

I can't seem to stop singing wherever I am.我不管在哪儿都唱的停不下来

And what's wrong, i can't seem to stop saying things更糟糕的是,话也似乎说个没完Everything and anything I think and feel一切我所想的所感觉的

Some people would  call that honesty称之为老实

Oh but it'strouble,Reverend mother但是这样太糟糕了,院长嬷嬷

You know how Sister Beth always makes me kiss the flloor after we had a disagreement?你知道被师兄女总在我和他争执之后,就把我亲地板

Well lately i've taken to kissing the floor when I see her coming just to Save time我一看到她就直接清地板,这样还节省时间


When you saw us over the abbey well and longed  to be one of us当你从墙外看着修道院想成为修女时That didn't necessarily mean that you we are prepared  for the way we live here, did it?那并不代表你已经准备好要过这种生活了,对吗?

No ,mother ,but I pray and I try没有,但我会祷告,并且在尽力了

And I'm learning. I really am我也在学习,我真的想做好

What is the most important lesson you have learned here, my children在这里学到的最重要的事情是什么?

To find out what is the will of God and to do it whole-heartedly去追寻上帝的旨意,全心全意的侍奉上帝

Maria it seems to be God's  well that you leave US似乎是上帝的旨意,要你离开我们

Leave you?

Only for a while,Maria只是暂时离开

Oh ,please, mother ,didn't do that ,please don't send me away!部院长,求求你别赶我走This is where I belong, it's my home, my family ,It is my life这里就是我的归处,我的住所,我的家庭,我的生命

Are you truly really for it?

Yes I am

Perhaps if you go out into the world for a time或许如果你到外面去看看Knowing what we expect for you就会明白我对你的期望

You will have a chance to find out that your cloud expect it from yourself你就会发现自己是否能达成这种期望

I know what you expect ,mother我知道你期望的And i can do it i promise i can!我一定可以做到的,我保证


Yes mother

If it is god's will如果是上帝的旨意

There is a familiar near Salzburg /'sɑltsbɝɡ/萨尔兹堡有个家庭That needs a governess until september需要家庭教师一直做到九月

Until september

To take care of seven children

Seven children?

Do you like children maria?

Well ,yes ,but seven!

I will tell captain von trapp  to expect you tomorrow我会告诉冯特拉普上校,你明天去


A retired退休的 /rɪˈtaɪərd/


of the Imperial 帝国的/ɪmˈpɪriəl/Navy.他是皇家海军的退役军官A find me and a brave one人善良又勇敢His wife died several years ago他太太几年前去世了Living in the dorm宿舍 with the children留下那些孩子给他And I understand he has had a most difficult time managing to keep a governess there那他要他想留住那些家庭教师会有些困难

Why difficult ,Reverend mother

The lord will show you in his own good time


  When the lord closes a door,当主关上了一扇门,Somewhere He opens a window,就会在别处打开一扇窗

What will this day be like


I winder,我想知道

What will my future be?


I wonder

It could be so exciting


To be out in the world to be free


My heart should be wildly rejoicing


Oh what's the matter with me?


I've always logged for adventure


To do the things I've never dared/derd/


Now here I'm facing a adventure


Then why am i so scared?


A captain with seven Children一位上校和七个孩子

What's so fearsome about that?又有何惧?

I must stop those doubts / daʊt /and worries


If i don't I just know I'll turn back


I must dream of the things I am seeking


I'm seeking the courage  勇气 /ˈkɜːrɪdʒ/I lack缺乏 /læk/


The courage to seven them With reliance


Face my mistakes without defiance对抗


Show them I'm worthy值得的/ˈwɜːrði/


And while I show them也让我自己看见

I'll show me自己的优点

So let them bring on all their problems


Oh do better than my best我会做的比最好还好

I have confidence They'll put me to the test


But i'll make them see I  have difficulty in me


Somehow I will impress them


I will be firm but kind我会坚决又和善

And all those your children

Heaven bless them还有那些孩子啊,上天保佑他们

They will look up to me and mind me


With each step and more Certain某些


Everything will turn out fine


I have confidence The world can all be mine



They'll to agree I have confidence in me


I have confidence in sunshine我对阳光有信心

I have confidence in rain对雨水有信心

I have confidence that spring will come again我相信春天会如约而至

Besides which you see I have confidence in me况且你看我对自己充满信心

Strength 力量/streŋkθ/doesn't lie in numbers力量不存在于数字里

Strength doesn't let in wealth/welθ/


Strength lies in the nights Of peaceful/ˈpiːsfl/和平的,爱好和平的;平静的


When you wake up ,wake up it's  healthy


All I trust I leave my heart to我信任心中的指引

All I trust becomes my own这些信任都会成为我自己的东西

I have confidence in confidence alone我对信心更有信心

Oh help.

I have confidence in confidence alone

Besides which you see I have confidence

in me


Hello here I am,你好,我来了

I'm from the convent, I'm the new governess captain,我是从修道院来的新家庭教师,上校

And I'm the old butler, fraulein


Well how do you do?

You'llwait here please,请你在此稍等

In the future you'll remember certain rooms in this house are not to be disturbed


Yes captain sir

Why do you stare at me that way,你为何这样看着我?

Well you are doing the look at all like a sea captain, sir,你看起来一点都不像海军上校

I'm afraid you didn't look very much like a governess,我也觉得你一点都不像个家庭教师

Turn around.请转个身



Hat Off,拿下帽子

It is the dress,是衣服不对劲

You have to put  on another one before you meet the children,和孩子见面前,你最好先换身衣服

But i don't have another,但我没有衣服换了

When we enter the abbey our worldly clothes go to the poor,我进修道院时,把所有衣服送给穷人了

What about this one,这一件呢?

The poor didn't want it,穷人不要这件

I wouldn't have made myself a new dress but there wasn't time,如果时间来得及,我就自己做一套新的

I can make my own clothes,我会自己做衣服

Well i'll see that you get some material


Today, if possible,今天也许就可以给你

Now fraulein...- maria,现在小姐,玛利亚

Fraulein maria ,I don't know how much the mother has  told you?玛利亚小姐,我不知道院长跟你说了多少

Not much没说什么

You are the preface in a long line of governesses在孩子们的母亲去世之后

WHO have come to look after my children since their mother  died  你是第12个月来照顾孩子们的家庭教师

I trust that you will be a improvement on the last one我相信你会比上一个更好

She  stayed only two hours她只呆了两个小时

What's wrong with the children ,sir孩子们有什么问题吗?先生

There was nothing wrong with the children Only the governesses孩子们没有问题,都是家庭教师的错

Without it the house can not be properly run没有纪律就管不好这个家

Please remember that ,Fraulein请记住这点

Yes sir

Every morning you will drill the children in their studies明天早上你得督促孩子们学习

I will not permit them to dream away their  Summer holidays我不准他们虚度假期

Each afternoon they will march about the ground, breathing deeply明天下午他们要在庭院操练做深呼吸

Bedtime is to be strictly observed.No excepetions晚上要严格遵守就寝时间,不得例外

Excuse me, so when do they play,打扰一下,他们什么时候玩耍?

You'll see to that they conduct themselves at all time with the utmost 极度的 /ˈʌtmoʊs/torderliness/ˈɔːrdərlinəs/

英 /ˈɔːdəlinəs/n.整洁,整齐;秩序井然 and decorum,你要监督他们的言行举止,务必要彬彬有礼

decorum稳重美 /dɪˈkɔːrəm/

I'm placing you in command我任命由你全权指挥

Yes sir

Now...This is your new governess,Fraulein Maria各位,这是你们的新家庭教师玛利亚小姐

As I sound your signals, you will step forward and give your name.听到你们的哨声时,就出了报自己的名字

You, fraulein, well listen  carefully. Learn their signal姐,你要注意听,并记住哨声

signal信号,美 /ˈsɪɡnəl/

So you can call them when you want them以便日后召唤他们








Now let's see how will you listened现在让我看看你是不是记住了?

I want need to visit for them Reverend Captain我不需要哨子去和他们尊敬的上校

I mean, I'll use their names. And such lovely names.我会叫他们的名字多好听的名字

Fraulein, this is a large house. the grounds are extensive这个是很大的宅院,占地极广

And I will not have anyone shouting我不想任何人在屋里大喊大叫

You will take this please, Learn to use it请你拿这个学习使用它

The children will help you孩子们也会帮你的

Now we I want you, this is what you will hear我要找你的时候,你会听到这个声音

Oh ,no sir ,I'm sorry ,sir!

I could never answer  to a whistle绝不会对一个哨子做出回应的



美 /ˈwɪsl/

Whistles are for dogs and cats and other animals but not for children哨子是用来召唤动物的,但不是给孩子

And definitely not for me更不是给我听的

It would be too Humiliating这是一种极大的侮辱




fraulein were  you this much trouble and the abbey?小姐,你在修道院里也这么让人头疼吗?

Oh ,much more sir比这更厉害,先生

Excuse me sir. i don't know you signal不好意思先生,我还不知道你的哨声

You May call me Captain你可以叫我上校

At ease稍息

Well now that there's just US现在只剩下我们了

Would you please tell me what are your names again and how old you are?请再跟我说一次,你们的名字和年龄好吗?

I'm liesl I'm 16 years old, and i didn't need a governess我叫丽莎 16岁,我不需要家庭教师

Well I'm glad you told me, liesl. we'll just be good friends丽莎,很高兴你告诉我,我们可以做好朋友

I'm Friedrich. I'm 14 . I'm impossible我是个朽木

Really WHO told you that,Fredrich?真的吗?谁告诉你的?

约瑟芬Fraulein Josephine.Four governesses ago我第五个家庭教师

I'm Brigitta

You didn't tell me how old you are .louisa.

I'm Brigitta.She is louisa

She's thirty years old ,and you are smart他13岁,而且你很聪明

I'm ten ,I'm I think your dress is the ugliest one I ever saw十岁,我觉得你的衣服是我见过最丑的

Brigitta,You shouldn't say that

Why not?

Don't you think it ugly ?

of course

But Fraulein Helga's was ugliest但...小姐才是最丑的

I'm Kurt. I'm 11.I'm incorrigible 无可救药的人

美 /ɪnˈkɔːrɪdʒəbl/



美 /kən,ɡrætʃə'leʃənz/

What's “ incorrigible”什么是不可救药?

I think it means you won't be treated like a boy想他的意思是你不会被当做小孩子了

I'm marta, and I'm going to be seven on tuesday星期二我就满七岁了

I'd like a pink parasol/ˈpærəsɔːl/


Well pink is my favorite color too粉红色也是我喜欢的颜色

Yes ,you are gretl

You're five years old?

My you're practically lady天啊,你真是个小淑女


美 /ˈpræktɪkli/



Now I have to tell You a secret现在我告诉你们一个秘密

I've never been a governess我从未当过家庭教师

You mean you didn't know anything about being a Governess你是说对当家庭教师一窍不通吗?

Nothing I will need lots of advice一无所知,我需要你们给我建议

Well ,the best way to start is to be sure to tell father to mind his own business最好一开始就告诉父亲不要管闲事

You must never come to dinner on time绝对不能准时来用餐

Never eat your soup quietly喝汤时不准不出声

During dessert, always blow your nose暂时要不停擤鼻涕

Don't you believe a word the say, fraulein maria听他们的话,玛利亚小姐

Oh why not?

Because I like you因为我喜欢你

All right now , children outside for your  walk好了,孩子们现在出去散步

Father's orders .hurry up父亲的命令快点

quick quick quick

Fraulein maria .I'm Frau Schmidt.the housekeeper玛利亚小姐,我是史密特太太,这儿的女管家

How do you do

How do you do

I'll show you to your room. follow me我带你去房间,跟我来

Poor little dears可怜的小家伙们

You are very like,With fraulein Helga  it was a snake.你很好,上次...小姐拿到的是条蛇

Good evening

Good evening. children

Good evening. fraulein maria

Enchanting little ritual.仪式/ˈrɪtʃuəl/.很动听的曲调


美 /ɪnˈtʃæntɪŋ/





Something your learned at the abbey?修道院学的吗?

No. no, erm's eh..不,.这是,呃


Excuse me captain,Have't we forgotten to think the lord?对不起,上校我们是否忘了祷告?

For what we receive,  may the Lord  make US truly thankful .Amen感谢天主所赐,愿主让我们心怀感激阿们



I'd like to thank each and every one of you我想感谢各位

First precious gift you left in my pocket earlier today今天放在我口袋中的珍贵礼物


美 /ˈpɑːkɪt/

What  gift?什么礼物?

It's meant to be srcret Captain, between the children and me这是我和孩子们之间的秘密,上校

Aha.I suggest that you keep it and let US eat那我建议你守口如瓶,我们吃饭吧!

Knowing how nervous I must have been...你能理解我在新家庭里a stranger in a new household会有多么的紧张Knowing how important it was for me to feel accepted了解被接受,对我而言会是多么重要的事It was so kind and thoughtful of you to make my first moments here人的善意和体贴,让我初来乍到就感受到了



美 /ˈθɔːtfl/

So warm and happy是那么温暖快乐

And pleasant愉悦

What is the matter, Marta?你怎么了?



Is it to be at every meal or merely at dinner time难道每顿饭或是每当晚饭的时候?That you intend to lead us all to this rare and wonderful new world你非让我们大家都这样,莫名其妙的Of indigestion消化不良

美 /ˌɪndɪˈdʒestʃən/

They are all right, captain ,they are just happy没事的,上校他们只是太高兴了

Rolfe, good evening.

Good evening, Frans.

I trust everything is under control ?一切正常吗?

Yes ,yes.


Are there any developments ?有何进展吗?


As a captain at home

he's at  dinner

With the family?


Please give him this telegram at once.这份电报交给他


A telegram for you, sir.

Franz? Who delivered it?谁送来的?

That young lad Rolfe,of course,当然是老夫了

Father, May be excused?父亲,我能先离席吗?

Children in the morning I shall be going to Wienna嗯,明早我要去维也纳

Not again, father又要去吗?

How long will you be going this time father?


I'm not sure ,Gretl .I'm not sure

To visit Baronss Schraeder  again?是不是去看是雷德男爵夫人?

Mind your own business!少管闲事

As a matter of fact ,yes, Louisa .世上是的

Why can't we ever get to see the Baroness?为何我们还见不到男爵夫人呢?

Where would you see want to see you?为何他要见你?

It just too happens that you are going to see the Baroness.你很快就会见到她


美 /ˌbærəˈnes/



I'm bringing here back with me to visit us all.我会带她回来见见大家

And uncle Max.还有麦克斯叔叔

Uncle max


No,Liesl.We mustn't

Why not,silly?为何不可傻瓜?

I don't know .it's just

Isn't this why you are here waiting for me?这里不是为了等我吗?

Yes of course

Oh missed you, liesl.

You have ?how much?

So much.

I even through of sending a telegram, so i'd be able to deliver it here.我甚至想自己发封电报,好让我送到这里来

Oh that's a lovely thought!/θɔːt/多好的想法啊!

Why don't you ,Right now你为何不发呢?就现在吧

But I'm here!

Please,Rolfe. send me a telegram.拜托,劳夫,给我发封电报吧!

I will start it for you. Dear Liesl

Dear Liesl:I like to be able to tell you...我很想要告诉你How I feel about you. stop是多么的爱你,句号

Unfortunately, this wire is already too expensive.很不幸,电报费用太贵了

Sincerely ,Rolfe


Cordially /ˈkɔːrdʒəli/真心的




美 /əˈfekʃənətli/



Will there be any reply?会有回电吗?

Dear Rolfe :Stop.不要

Don't stop! your liesl不要完结你的丽莎

If only we didn't always have to want for someone to send father a telegram.要是我们不用等别人给父亲发电报就能见面就好了

How do I know when i'll see you again?我怎样才能知道何时可以见到你呢?

Well ,let's see...

I would come here by mistake 我可以装着送错电报

With a telegram for Colonel schneider.那施耐德上校的电报送到这里来

He's here from Berlin staying with...他从柏林来住在

No one is supposed to know he's here. don't tell your father, now.没有人知道他在这儿,别告诉你父亲

Why not?

Well your father is Austrian父亲太奥地利人了

We're are Austrian.我们都是奥地利人

Well some people think we enough to be German有些人认为我们应该是德国人

And they are very mad at those who don't think so.他们对那些不这样想的人很恼火

They are getting ready to...他们正在准备

Well, let's hope your father doesn't get into trouble.希望你父亲不会惹上麻烦

Don't worry about father.He is a big naval hero.别担心,他是海军大英雄

He was even decorated by the Emperor.国王都亲自给他授勋

I know.I don't worry about him.知道我不是在替他担心

I worry about his daughter.替她的女儿担心

Me why?

Well you are so...是那么的


You are such a baby!

I'm sixteen. What is such a baby about that?我都16岁了,怎么会是小孩子?

You wait, little girl On an empty stage


For fate to turn the light


Your life, little girl is an empty page


That man will want to write on


To write o

You are sixteen going on seventeen


Baby ,it's time to think


Better between the candy and careful


Baby you're on the brink


You are sixteen going on seventeen

Follows will fall in line


Eager young leaders and roues and cads




美 /ˈiːɡər/

We'll offer you food and wine


Totally unprepared are you


To face a world of men


Timid and shy and scared are you


Of things beyond your ken


You need someone order and wiser


Telling you what to do


I am seventeen going on eighteen

I'll take care of you


I am sixteen going on seventeen

I know that I'm naive天真的美/naɪˈiːv/

Fellows I meet my tell me I'm sweet


And willingly I believe


I'm going sixteen on seventeen

Innocent /ˈɪnəsnt/as a roes


Bachelor dandies Drinkers of brandies


What do I know of those?


You totally Unprepared am I


To face a world of men


Timid and shy and scared am I


Of things beyond my Ken


I need someone order and wiser /ˈwaɪzər/


Telling me what to do


You are seventeen going on eighteen

I'll depend on you


Come in

Frau Schmidt,史密特太太

For your new dresses, fraulein Maria


The captain had these sent from town


Oh, how lovely!


I'm sure these will make the prettiest clothse I've ever  had我可以做出我生平最美的衣服

Tell me do you think the captain would get me some more material if I asked him?


How much dresses does a governess need?家庭教师需要多少衣服?

Not for me, for the children.


I want to make them some play clothes.我想给他们做点游戏服

The Von Trapp children don't play. they march.冯特拉普的孩子不做游戏,只做操练

Surely you don't approve of that.


Ever since the captain lost his poor wife...上校可怜的妻子去世后He runs this house as if he were on some of his ships again.他管理这个家,就好像指挥军舰一样

Whistles, orders.吹哨子,发号施令

No more music, no more laughing.不许唱歌,也没有欢笑

Nothing that reminds him of her.


Even the children.


But that's so wrong.


Oh, well.算了

How do you like your room?你喜欢你的房间吗?

There'll be  new drapes at the windows.


New drapes ?But these are fine.新窗帘,可是它们还好好的


美 /dreɪps/





Nevertheless new ones have been ordered .反正现在已经订了

But I really don't need them .我真的不需要

Good night ,now

Frau Schmidt

Do you think if asked the Captain tomorrow about the material?明天可以问上校关于布料的事吗?

He's leaving for vienna in the morning.他明天一早就去维也纳

Of course. how long will he be gone?是这样没错,他会去多久呢?

It all depends.那得看情况

The last time he visited the Baroness he stayed for a month.上次他在男爵夫人那待了一个月

I shouldn't be saying this, not to you,

我本不该跟你说这些的,I mean I don't know your that well.毕竟我们还不算很熟

But if you ask me the Captain is thinking,Very serously,但如果你问我的话,上校正在认真考虑,of marry the woman before the summer is over.在夏天结束前迎娶这个女人

That'd be wonderful. The children will have a mother again.那太好了,孩子们会有新母亲了


Well ,good night.

Good night

Dear Father,now I know why you sent me here.亲爱的天赋,我现在知道为何你要派我来此了

To help these children prepare themselves for new mother.帮助这些孩子做好准备,接受新母亲

And i pray that this family will become a happy family in my sight.我也祈祷,这里会成为一个快乐的家庭

Good bless the captain.Good bless Liesl and Friedrich.Good bless Louisa,Brigitta,Marta and little Gretl.

And I forgot the other boy. What's his name?我忘了那个男孩他叫什么来着?

Well god bless what's- his -name.

God bless the reverend mother and sister margaretta...And everybody at the abbey.

And now, dear God about Liesl亲爱的上帝啊,有关丽莎.Help her know that I'm her friend...要让她知道我是她的朋友And help her tell me what she's been up to.帮助她,让她告诉我她去干了什么.

Are you going to tell on me?你会去告密吗?

Help me to be understanding so I may guide her footsteps.帮助我善解人意,这样才能引导她

In the name of the father, the son and the holy ghost ,amen圣父圣子圣灵之名,阿门

guide指南 /ɡaɪd/

I was out talking a walk and somebody locked the doors earlier than usual我出去散步,发现门提前锁了And i didn't want to walk everybody我不想吵醒大家So when I see your window open...所以看到你的窗户开着

You are not going to tell her father, are you?不会告诉我父亲的,对吧?

How in the world  did you climb up here?你究竟是怎么爬上来的?

How we always got up to this room to play tricks on the governess.我们过去经常爬进这间房子,捉弄家庭教师

Louisa can make it with a whole jar of spiders in her hand.路易莎能拿一罐蜘蛛单手爬上来呢


Liesl were  you out walking all by yourself?你是独自出去散步吗?

You know if we would wash out  that dress tonight,如果我们今晚把衣服洗了,Nobody would notice it tomorrow,明天就没人会注意他了

You would put this on.你可以穿上这个

Take your dress in there, put it to soak in the bathtub./ˈbæθtʌb/


And come back here and sit on the bed. We'll have a talk.


I told you today i didn't need a  governess.


Well they be i do.或许我还真的需要

Gretl, are you scared?你害怕吗?

You are not frightened  of storm, are you?该不是让暴风雨吓坏了吧?

You just stay right here with me.跟我呆在一起就不用怕了

Where are the others?其他人呢?

They are asleep. they are not scared他们睡着了,他们不怕

Oh no? look.不怕吗?你看

All right everybody, up here on the bed.好吧,大家到床上来


Well just this once come on.仅此一次,来吧!

Now we'll wait for the boys.现在就等男孩子们了

You want to see them. boys are brave.你不会看到他们的男孩儿很勇敢

You were not scared, were are you?你们男孩儿不害怕的,对吧?

Oh no. we just wanted to be sure that your weren't.才不怕,我们只想确定你们不害怕

That's very thoughtful of you Friedrch.

it was not my idea.



It was Kurt's.

Kurt!That's the one I left out! god bless Kurt.我就是把他给忘了,上帝保佑kurt

Why does it do that?老天为什么会这样?

Well the light in says something to the thunder and the thunder answers back.闪电和雷公说话,雷公就回应他

But Lightning must be nasty .闪电可真讨厌

no really不见得

Where does the thunder  /ˈθʌndər/ get so angry?那雷公为何这么生气?

It makes me want to cry.弄得我只想哭

Well ,when anything bothers me and I'm feeling unhappy,当有些事情令我烦恼,让我感到不快时I just try and think of nice things.我就努力想些美好的事情

What kind of things?什么样的事呢?

Well, let me see. nice things...让我想想美好的事物Daffodils水仙花Green meadows绿草地Skied full of stars.繁星满天

Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens


Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens,光亮的藤壶,温暖的羊毛手套

Brown paper pavkages  Tied up with strings


These are few on my favorite things这些都是我心爱的东西

Cream- colored ponies and crisp for apple strudels


Doorbells  and sleig bells and schnitzel  with noodles.


Wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings


These are few of my favorite things


Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes女孩穿着白裙,腰细蓝缎带

Snowflakes that stay on my nose and my eyelashes


Server wait winters that melt into springs


These are a few of my favorite things


When the dog bites被狗咬时

When the bee sings被蜜蜂蛰时

When I am feeling sad当我不快乐时

I simply remember my favorite things


And then i don't feel so bad


Does it really work?真的有用吗?

Of course it does .you try it

What do you like?

Pussy willow杨柳树


Bunny rabbits兔宝宝


Chocolate icing巧克力冰淇淋

No school不上学

Pillow fights枕头大战


Birthday presents生日礼物

Any presents任何礼物


A good Sneeze大喷嚏


See what fun it is?看多有趣

Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens


Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens,光亮的藤壶,温暖的羊毛手套

Brown paper pavkages  Tied up with strings


These are few on my favorite things这些都是我心爱的东西

Cream- colored ponies and crisp for apple strudels


Doorbells  and sleig bells and schnitzel  with noodles.


Wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings


These are few of my favorite things




Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes女孩穿着白裙,腰细蓝缎带

Snowflakes that stay on my nose and my eyelashes


Server wait winters that melt into springs


These are a few of my favorite things


When the dog bites被狗咬时

Dog bites


Fraulein did not tell you that,小姐,我是否告诉过你,Bedtime is to be strictly observed  in this house?家里的就寝时间必须严格遵守

Well ,the children were upset by the stomachs so I though that if I...孩子们被风暴吓到了,所以我想

You did sir

Do you, or do you not ,have difficult remembering such simple instructions?


Only during thunderstorms,Sir.有在雷电风暴时先生


yes father

I don't recall seeing you anywhere after dinner.晚饭后我就没看见你

Really? as a matter of fact...是吗?实际上我是


Well I was...

What she a would you like to say captain is that er...他想说的是

See and hard being better acquainted tonight.我们今晚相处的很熟了

But it's much  to late now to go into all that.不过时间不早了,不能再聊了

Come along children, you heart your father ,go back to bed immediately.孩子们听你们父亲的话,快去睡觉吧,


小姐You have managed to remember I am living in the morning.你还记得我明早要出门吧?

Is it also possible that you remember你是否也能记住?That the first rule in this house is  discipline?家里的首要规矩就是遵守纪律

Now I trust that before I return...相信在我回来之前You'll have acquired some?你会学到一些


I wonder if before you go I could talk to you about some clothes for the children. for when they play?在你走之前可不可以?跟你谈谈有关孩子游戏服的事

Fraulein maria

If I could have some material.只要给我一些布料

There are abviously many things很显然Not the least of which is repetitious.许多事无需重复

But they are children!


And I am their father

Good night

Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes女孩儿穿着白裙,腰系蓝缎带

When the dog bites被狗咬时

When the bee sings被蜜蜂蛰时

When I am feeling sad当我不快乐时

I simply remember my favorite things


And then i don't feel我就不会觉得So bad太难过

Children,over there . See !So height!看这边这么高啊

Come on

Fraulein Maria

Can we do this everyday?


Don't you think you'd the soon get tired for it, louisa?你不会觉得厌倦吗?

I suppose so 我想也是

Every other day?那每隔一天呢

I haven't had so much fun since the day

We put a glue on Fraulein Josephine's toothbrush


I can't understand how children as nice.我真不懂像你们这样的好孩子

As you manage to play such awife tracks on people.怎么会爱恶作剧呢?

It's easy这很简单啊!

But why do it为何要如此?

How else could we get father's attention?不做这些,我们怎么引起父亲的注意呢?


Oh I see

We will have to think about that one


Alright everybody, over here


What are we going to do?我们要做什么?

Let's think of something to sing for the Baroness when she comes.让我们想想男爵夫人来了,我们要唱什么歌?

Father doesn't like US to sing


Well ,perhaps we can change his mind.也许我们可以改变他的想法

Now what things do you know?你们会唱什么歌?

We don't know  any songs.什么歌都不会

Not any?

We don't even know how to sing



Well, let's not lose any time .you must learn.


But how?怎么学呢?

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