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    《像艺术家一样思考》贝蒂·艾德华 我为什么看这本书,自然是因为有人推荐啊,其实是我也想思考思考。 (取景器,取景框为同一工具) 我的梦想里,从来...

    52.3 3699 31 175
  • 2024-12-25

    Which book? Give me a book please Jane Which one? This one? No, not that...

    1.5 37 0 9
  • Tired and thirsty

    Tired and thirsty. What's the matter, children? We are tired and thirsty...

    1.3 142 2 13
  • 万物本求存:活着,进化。 我本没烦恼,只是在那东方的落日后就有了。 万物的竞的是进化,而我们是否偏离了主线。 舒适本能也,趋利避害亦是。梦想,成...

    2.4 110 0 14
  • 2024-12-23

    Today is Monday. December 23rd It's hard to get up at six It's difficult...

    1.9 120 2 11
  • 2024-12-22

    Today is Sunday December 22nd From now on I'm going to say yes Yes to lo...

    1.1 111 0 10
  • 一线

    冬至除了吃饺子防耳朵被动,还有一句话,冬至一过一天长一线。这是我对冬至最初的记忆。 人多人少 钱多钱少 所求多寡 所遇所境 其实幸福与否,有关也...

    2.8 184 0 18
  • 2024-12-21

    Today is Saturday. December 21 Winter solstice 冬至 May happiness be all a...

  • 2024-12-20

    Your passports, pleas Are you Swedish? No, we are not We are Danish Are ...

    2.7 133 0 16