本周项目被报两个高危漏洞, 甚是丢脸。 都是与tomcat安全配置相关。也证明了自己对细节问题不求甚解,对安全问题缺乏敏感性。 抓紧时间看一遍tomcat官方推荐的安全配置。
CIS Apache Tomcat 7 Benchmark
Remove extraneous resources.
a) remove extraneous files and directories
rm -rf $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/js-examples, servlet-
example, webdav, tomcat -
manger application
b) Disable Unused Connectors (server.xml)
A non-ssl connector bound to port 8080
A AJP 1.3 connector bound to port 8009Limit Server Platform Information Leaks
a) Alter the advertised server.info. server.number, server.built
catalina.jar --> server.info
b) Disable x-powered-by http header and rename the server value for all connectors (server.xml)
c) Disable client facing Stack Traces
错误信息设置,防止直接丢给requestor (web.xml)
allowTrace = false (server.xml) 防止Trace HTTP request.Protect shutdown prot
Protect shutdown port 改变8005对应的值
Disable the shutdown port 直接设置端口= -1Protect tomcat configurations
c)$CATALINA_HOME/conf /log /temp /bin /webapps
d) catalina.policy, catalina.properties
e) $CATALINA_HOME/conf/context.xml logging.properties server.xml tomcat-users.xml web.xmlConfigure Realms.
MemoryRealm, JDBCRealm, UserDatabaseRealm, JAASRealm. --- Server.xml
LockOutRealmConnector Security
a) clientAuth = true 双向认证.
b) SSLEnabled = true secure = true sslProtocol = "TLS"
c) schema = https
还有cipher suite控制, 只接受指定的cipher suite.Establish and Protect Logging Facilities
logging.properties $CATALINA_BASE\webapps<app_name>\WEB-INF\classes
handlers=org.apache.juli.FileHandler ???
context.xml <Valve className="org.apach.catalina.valves.AccessLogValve">
限制log文件夹, pattern, sizeConfigure Catalina Policy
catalina.propertiesApplication Deployment
a) Starting tomcat with Security Manager
b) Disabling auto deployment of applications
server.xml autoDeploy = "false"
c) Disable deploy on startup of applications
server.xml deployOnStartup = "false"Miscellaneous Configuration Settings
a) Ensure Web content directory is on a separate partition from the tomcat system files
b) Restrict access to the web administration.
<Valve calssName ="org.apache.catalina.valves.RemoteAddrValve" allow=""/>
c) manager.xml 限制在本机
d) webapps/manager/WEB-INF/web.xml
e) connectionTimeout
f) maxHttpHeaderSize