参考# Determine when NSSlider knob is 'let go' in continuous mode
- (IBAction)sizeSliderValueChanged:(id)sender {
NSEvent *event = [[NSApplication sharedApplication] currentEvent];
BOOL startingDrag = event.type == NSLeftMouseDown;
BOOL endingDrag = event.type == NSLeftMouseUp;
BOOL dragging = event.type == NSLeftMouseDragged;
NSAssert(startingDrag || endingDrag || dragging, @"unexpected event type caused slider change: %@", event);
if (startingDrag) {
NSLog(@"slider value started changing");
// do whatever needs to be done when the slider starts changing
// do whatever needs to be done for "uncommitted" changes
NSLog(@"slider value: %f", [sender doubleValue]);
if (endingDrag) {
NSLog(@"slider value stopped changing");
// do whatever needs to be done when the slider stops changing