害怕直面真实的自己,能够逃避一会也算是仁慈的对待自己。但是,回想起话“how to love your dark side?”,联想到maybe I should embrace my dark side , or have a try. Yes , when the dark side comes to me , my usual way is to be numbing or running away. I take it as a ghost and try to get rid of it at the first moment . But in fact ,the dark side is not always bad. When I am very sad maybe I just want to get attention from others, I want to be saw. The sadness maybe the very way to get attention from others.
The brain always crave to be happy, and the bonus often comes from the new thing with a moderate difficulty. Especially it is the foreseeable bonus.
In order to treat my dark side in a neutral way, there are 3 tips for myself.
The first one is : when you are going to your darkside, not running away but pause here and stay with her, in some cases keep silent and dedicated is useful. Feeling the pain and immerse yourself in it, with curiosity and love.
Second: tell some of your intimate friend about your darkside(like your always waste your time, eat too much, jealous with somebody, critical of others, all the sides you don't want others see ). When some of your dark sides you don't want to be see so it be named dark side, when your friends know it, it means some sunshine on your dark side.
Third: say it in a humor way, and see it as a gentler.
(comes from john's wechat)
稀缺的是一种心态,长远来看,弊大于利。尽管短期看来,稀缺的心态会带来专注红利,短时间内带来出乎意料的收获,也许是期待已久的创新。稀缺是一种心态,因为实际的衡量标准里面也许和别人没有多大的差距,但是内心里总是觉得 有的少于所需要的,这种稀缺心态是共通的。比如缺钱,比如缺时间,比如缺朋友,缺爱等等。