f/z: forward one window
b/w: backward one window
/pattern: forward searching
?pattern: backward searching
g: jump to first line
G: jump to last line
vim configure:
- show syntax color
- show line number
- convert tab into space
-tab = 4 spaces
http://coolshell.cn/articles/5426.html : 简明 Vim 练级攻略(from coolshell)
- You can enter insert mode from normal mode by pressing the i key. Now, text you type will be inserted. You can enter visual mode from normal mode by pressing the v key. That starts a visual selection.
-------- moving cursor ----------
- w moves one word forward; 3w moves three words forward; b moves one word backward; 3b moves three words backwards.
- gg moves to first line, G moves to last line, 123G moves to line number 123.
- More moving: 8k moves eight lines up, 5j moves five lines down, 4l moves four characters right, 23h moves 23 characters left.
--------- undo and redo -----------
- Use u to undo and Ctrl-r to redo, multiple times.
---------- copy, paste, delete ---------------
- Use v to enter into visual mode to select lines
- Use d or x to delete / cut
- After selecting: y will "yank" (copy); p will "put" (paste) at a new location (after the cursor; use P for before the cursor). Use y in visual mode and p in normal mode.
- Convenience commands: dd delete current line; yy yank current line.
----------- search ----------
- Searching: /regularexpression to search forward, ?regularexpression search backward; press n for next hit, or N for previous.
======== vim 分屏 ==========
vim -On file1 file2 ...
vim -on file1 file2 ...
:vsplit(:vsp) filename
:sp(split) filename
ctrl+w 和 s(split)
ctrl+w 和 v(vsplit)
:only 或者 ctrl+w 和 o取消其它分屏,只保留当前分屏
ctrl+w 和 c(close)
ctrl+w 和 q(quit)
ctrl+w 和 w(各种切换,只有两个分屏的时候还是比较方便的)
ctrl+w 和 h(H) 左
ctrl+w 和 j(J) 下
ctrl+w 和 k(K) 上
ctrl+w 和 l(L) 右
ctrl+w 和 < 左
ctrl+w 和 > 右
ctrl+w 和 + 上
ctrl+w 和 - 下
ctrl+w 和 = 恢复均等
http://coolshell.cn/articles/5426.html : 简明 Vim 练级攻略(from coolshell)
- You can enter insert mode from normal mode by pressing the i key. Now, text you type will be inserted. You can enter visual mode from normal mode by pressing the v key. That starts a visual selection.
-------- moving cursor ----------
- w moves one word forward; 3w moves three words forward; b moves one word backward; 3b moves three words backwards.
- gg moves to first line, G moves to last line, 123G moves to line number 123.
- More moving: 8k moves eight lines up, 5j moves five lines down, 4l moves four characters right, 23h moves 23 characters left.
--------- undo and redo -----------
- Use u to undo and Ctrl-r to redo, multiple times.
---------- copy, paste, delete ---------------
- Use v to enter into visual mode to select lines
- Use d or x to delete / cut
- After selecting: y will "yank" (copy); p will "put" (paste) at a new location (after the cursor; use P for before the cursor). Use y in visual mode and p in normal mode.
- Convenience commands: dd delete current line; yy yank current line.
----------- search ----------
- Searching: /regularexpression to search forward, ?regularexpression search backward; press n for next hit, or N for previous.