The Political Problem-4
Mob-rule is a rough sea for the ship of state to ride; every wind of oratory stirs up the waters and deflects the course.
The upshot of such a democracy is tyranny or autocracy; the crowd so loves flattery, it is so "hungry for honey," that at last the wiliest and most unscrupulous flatterer, calling himself the "protector of the people" rises to supreme power. (Consider the history of Rome.)
The more Plato thinks of it, the more astounded he is at the folly of leaving to mob caprice and gullibility the selection of political officials-not to speak of leaving it to those shady and wealthserving strategists who pull the oligarchic wires behind the democratic stage.
not to speak of 更不要提。。。
Plato complains that whereas in simpler matters—like shoe-making—we think only a specially-trained person will serve our purpose, in politics we presume that every one who knows how to get votes knows how to administer a city or a state.
When we are ill we call for a trained physician, whose degree is a guarantee of specific preparation and technical competence—we do not ask for the handsomest physician, or the most eloquent one; well then, when the whole state is ill should we not look for the service and guidance of the wisest and the best?
To devise a method of barring incompetence and knavery from public office, and of selecting and preparing the best to rule for the common good—that is the problem of political philosophy.
[ 00’33” ] ride (航行)
[ 00’58” ] deflect the course (使航线偏斜)
[ 01’19” ] upshot (结果)
[ 01’25” ] tyranny (暴政)
[ 01’30” ] autocracy (独裁)
[ 02’18” ] wily (狡猾的)
[ 02’32” ] unscrupulous (不道德的)
[ 02’56” ] populism (民粹主义,又译平民主义、大众主义、人民主义。拥护平民掌控政治,反对精英或贵族掌控政治。)
[ 04’33” ] astounded (surprised,震惊的)
[ 04’59” ] caprice (变化无常的)
[ 05’01” ] gullibility (轻信;易受骗)
[ 05’23” ] not to speak of (更不要提)
[ 05’32” ] shady (墙头草,不可靠的)
[ 05’40” ] wealthserving (逐利的)
[ 05’50” ] strategist (战略家)
[ 06’20” ] pull the wires (幕后操纵)
[ 07’11” ] presume (认为)
[ 08’14” ] physician (内科医生)
[ 08’42” ] competence (能力,技能)
[ 08’56” ] eloquent (雄辩的,有口才的)
[ 09’10” ] well then (那么)
[ 10’50” ] devise (设计;装置)
[ 11’04” ] bar (阻拦)
[ 11’18” ] knavery (无赖之徒)
音频 10:39处 knavery 的正确读音为 /ˈneɪvəri/