What is an Allusion? Definition and Examples
What does allusion mean? Allusions are used in a variety of ways to invoke association. Before we dive too deep into our tips on writing allusions, let’s break down some allusion examples.
I felt likeCaesar getting stabbed in the back(historical/literary)
The company was going down like the Titanic(historical)
She was the Juliet to my Romeo (literary)
The girl was the artist’s muse (mythological)
That meeting was a home run (pop cultural)
This house could be our garden of Eden(biblical)
An allusion is only successful if the reader/audience understands the reference. That’s why it’s imperative to either choose well-known references, or tailor your references to the audience. Certain writers have developed allusory styles. Author Dan Brown for example invokes historical and biblical allusions in a lot of his novels, such asAngels and DemonsandThe Da Vinci Code.