update wf_task wf
set ETime =
(select NewEtime
from wf_task_Mod_backup_20171016 a
where wf.Entgid = a.EntGid
and wf.Flowgid = a.FlowGid
and wf.taskGid = a.taskGid
and wf.execcode = a.execcode
and wf.code = a.code
and wf.btime = a.btime)
update wf_task wf
set ETime =
(select NewEtime
from wf_task_Mod_backup_20171016 a
where wf.Entgid = a.EntGid
and wf.Flowgid = a.FlowGid
and wf.taskGid = a.taskGid
and wf.execcode = a.execcode
and wf.code = a.code
and wf.btime = a.btime)
where exists (select 1
from wf_task_Mod_backup_20171016
where Entgid = wf.Entgid
and FlowGid = wf.flowgid
and TaskGid = wf.Taskgid);
所以要在后面加上exists,限制数据更新的范围。切忌update 表 set = (字段)后面没有接where 条件。