


艾揚格箴言541: Patañjali recommends maitri for sukha(happiness or virtue). 帕坦伽利推薦慈以帶來悅(快樂或者美德)。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言542: The yogi cultivates maitri and ātmīyatā for the good turns enemies into friends, bearing malice towards none.瑜伽士培養無緣大慈、同體大悲和感同身受的品質,化敵為友,對任何人不存惡意。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言543: The yogi use all his resources - physical, economic, mental or moral - to alleviate the pain and suffering others.瑜伽士傾盡所有資源——身體的、經濟的、精神的或者道德的——去緩解別人的疼痛和苦難。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言544: He shares his strength with the weak until they become strong.He shares his courage with those that are timid until they become brave by his example.他分享力量於弱者直到他們變得強大。他分享勇氣於膽怯者直到他們以之為榜樣變得勇敢。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言545: Through muditā, the yogi saves himself from much heart-burning by not showing anger, hatred or jealousy for another who has reached the desired witch he himself has failed to achieve.憑借歡喜心,瑜伽士把自己從妒忌中解救出來,對於別人達到目標而自己未達到,不再顯示憤怒、仇恨和嫉妒。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言546: The yogi understands the faults of others by seeing and studying them first in himself. The self-study teaches him to charitable to all.通過先對自身的觀察與研究,瑜伽士理解別人的過錯。自學教會他對所有人慈悲。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言547: My experience has let me to conclude that for an ordinary man and woman in any community of the world, the way to achieved a quiet mind is to work with determination on two of the eight stages of Yoga mentioned by Patañjali, namely, āsana and prānāyamā.我的經驗讓我得出結論,世上任何社會的普通男女,獲得內心寧靜的方法,是下定決心做好帕坦伽利提及的瑜伽八支中的二個,即體式與調息。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言548: The mind(manas) and the breath(prana) are intimately connected and the activity or the cessation of activity of one affects the other.思維(心意)和呼吸(能量)是密切聯繫的,一個人思維與呼吸的活躍或中止相互影響。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言549: Hence Patañjali recommended prānāyāma(rhythmic breath control) for achieving mental equipoise and inner peace.因此帕坦伽利推薦呼吸控制法(有節奏的呼吸控制)以獲得精神均衡和內在平靜。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言550: Patañjali nowhere lays down the time require to unite the individual soul with the Divine Universal Soul.帕坦伽利並沒有列出個體靈魂與神聖的宇宙靈魂結合所需要的時間。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)


艾揚格箴言551: According to him abhyāsa(constant and determined practice) and vairāgya(free from desire) make the mind calm and tranquil.根據他的說法,精進(持續堅定的練習)和不執著(從慾望中解脫)使人內心祥和寧靜。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言552: He defines abhyāsa as effort of long duration, without interruption, performed with devotion, which creates a firm foundation.他解釋修行是長時間的努力,沒有中斷,熱心的投入,從而打下牢固的基礎。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言553: The study of yoga is not like work for a diploma or a university degree by someone desiring favorable results in a stipulated time.瑜伽的學習不同於一個人為獲取畢業證書或者大學學位的學習,即在一個規定的時間內達到預期的理想結果。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言554: The obstacles, trials and tribulations in the path of yoga can be removed to a large intent with the help of Guru. 在瑜伽道路上的障碍、考验和磨难在上师的帮助下可以扫清一大部分。


艾揚格箴言555: The syllable gu means darkness and ru means light. gu的音节是黑暗的意思,ru的音节是光明的意思。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言556: The conception of a Guru is deep and significant. He is not ordinary guard. He is a spiritual teacher who teaches a way of life, and not merely how to learn a livehihood. 上师的观念是深刻和重要的。他不是普通的向导。他是教导人生之路的精神导师,而不仅仅教授人生技能。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言557: He transmits knowledge of the Spirit and one who receives such knowledge is a śisya, a disciple.他传授精神知识,接受这样知识的人就是信徒。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言558: The relationship between a Guru and śisya is a very special one, transcending that between parent and child, husband and wife or friends.上师与徒弟的友谊是非常特殊的,超越了父母和孩子,丈夫和妻子或者朋友的关系。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言559: A Guru is free from egotism.上师超越了自我。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言560: He devotedly leads his śisya towards the untimely goal without any attraction for fame or gain.他一心一意地引领弟子们向着最终的目标努力,而不受任何名利所惑。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)


艾揚格箴言561: He show the path of God and watches the progress of his disciple, guarding him along that path.他展示通往神的道路,并观察弟子的每一个进步,始终在那条路上引领着他们前行。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言562: He inspires confidence, devotion, discipline, deep understanding and illumination through love.他通过爱来激励自信、奉献、自律、深刻理解和阐明瑜伽。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言563: With faith in his pupil, the Guru strains hard to see that he absorbs the teaching.上师对学生有信心,尽全力督导弟子吸收他的教导。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言564: He encourages him to ask questions and to know the truth by question and analysts.他鼓励弟子提问并通过问题和分析认识真理。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言565: A śisya should possess the necessary qualifications of higher realization and devolepment.弟子应该具有较高的实现和发展的必要品质。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言566: He must have confidence, devotion and love for his Guru.他必须有自信、奉献和对上师的爱。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言567: Merely listening to the words of the Guru does not enable the śisya to absorb the teaching.仅仅倾听上师的话不能让弟子获得教导。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言568: The śisya should above all treasure love, moderation and humility. 弟子首先应该珍惜爱,节制和谦卑。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言569: Love begets courage, moderation creats abundance and humility generates power.爱产生勇气,节制产生富足,谦卑产生力量。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言570: Courage without love is brutish. Abundance without moderation leads to over-indulgence. Power without humility breeds arrogance and tyranny.缺乏爱的勇气是粗野的。缺乏节制的富足是放纵的。缺乏谦卑的力量滋生傲慢和专横。



艾揚格箴言571: The true śisya learns from his Guru about a power which will never leave him as he returns to the Primeval One, the Source of His Being.真正的弟子从上师学到的力量不会在他返回了原始实相,即他自身的本原时离开他。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言572: All the important texts on Yoga lay great emphasis on sādhana or abhyāsa (constant practice).瑜伽里所有的重要经典都强调解脱和修行(不断的练习)的重要性。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言573: sādhana is not just a theoretical study of Yoga texts. Oil seeds must be pressed to yield oil. Wood must be heated to ignite it and bring out the hidden fire within.解脱不仅是瑜伽经典里理论的学习。油籽必需经过压榨才能出油。木材必需被燃烧才能带来隐藏其内的光芒。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言574: In the same way, the sādhaka must by constant practice light the divine flame with himself.同样,探寻者必需不断地练习才能点亮他体内的神圣之火。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言575: It is by the co-ordinated and concentrated efforts of his body, senses, mind, reason and Self that a man obtains the prize of inner peace and fulfils the quest of his soul to meet his Maker.通过身体、感官、心灵、理性和自我的协调和全神贯注的努力,一个人获得内在平静的赏赐和满足他的灵魂见上帝的需求。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言576: The supreme adventure in a man's life is his journey back to his Creator.一个人生命中的最高的冒险是他回到造物主的旅程。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言577: To reach the goal he needs well devoleped and co-ordinated functioning his body, sense, mind, reason and Self.要达到这个目标,他需要良好的发展和协调运作他的身体,感官,精神,理性和自我。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言578: If the effort is not co-ordinated, he fails in his adventure.如果努力不能协调,他的冒险就失败了。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言579: The yogi dose not renounce the world, for that would mean renouncing the Creator. 修行者不抛弃世界,那将意味着放弃造物主。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言580: The yogi renounces all that takes him away from the Lord.瑜伽士放弃一切带他远离上帝的东西。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)


艾揚格箴言581: He renounces his own desires, knowing that all inspiration and right action come from the Lord.他放弃自己的欲望,知道所有的灵感和正确的行动来自上帝。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言582: He renounces those who oppose the work of the Lord, those who spread demonic ideas and who merely talk of moral values but do not practise them.他放弃那些反对上帝的工作的人,传播邪恶思想的人,以及仅仅谈论道德价值却从不实践的人。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言583: The yogi dose not renounce action.瑜伽士不放弃行动。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言584: He cuts the bonds that tie himself to his action by delicating their fruits either to the Lord or to humanity.通过奉献他的成果给上帝或者人类,他砍断了系在他身上的行动的枷锁。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言585: He believes that it is his privilege to do his duty and that he has no right to the fruits of his actions.他相信尽自己的职责是他的特权,他无权享受自己的行动成果。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言586: While others are asleep when duty calls and wake up only to claim their rights, the yogi is fully awake to his duty, but asleep to his rights.当责任召唤的时候其他人睡着了而只有在索要权利时醒来,瑜伽士对于他的责任充分清醒,但对于他的权利却睡着了。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言587: Hence it is said that in the night of all beings the disciplined and tranquil man wakes to the light.因此,据说在所有生命之夜,纪律严明的人觉醒于光明。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言588: The first of these eight limbs of Yoga is Yama(ethical disciplines)-the great commandments transcending  creed, country, age and time.瑜伽八分支的第一支是禁戒(伦理道德)—这个伟大的戒律超越信仰、国家、年龄和时间。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言589: These commandments are the rules of morality for society and the individual, which if not obeyed bring chaos, violence, untruth, stealing, dissipation and covetousness.这些戒律是社会和个人的道德准则,如果不遵守就会带来混乱、暴力、不诚实、偷窃、放荡和贪婪。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言590: The roots of these evils are emotions of greed, desire and attachment, which may be mild, medium or excessive. They only bring pain ignorance.这些罪恶的根是贪婪、欲望和依恋的情绪,这些情绪可能是弱的,中等或者强烈。它们只能带来痛苦无知。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)


艾揚格箴言591: Patanjali strikes at the root of these evils by changing the direction of one's thinking along the five principles of yama.帕坦伽利通过制戒的五个原则改变了人们的思维方向,打击了这些罪恶的根源。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言592: The word Ahimsā meaning no killing or violence. It's more than a negative command not to kill, for it has a wider positive meaning, love.非暴力这个词意思是没有杀生或者暴力。它不仅包括对杀生的否定观念,它有更广泛的积极意思,爱。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言593: This love embraces all creation for we are all children of the same Father-the Lord.这里的爱包括所有生命的爱,因为我们都是同一个父亲—神的孩子。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言594: The yogi believes that to kill or destroy a thing or being is to insult its Creator.瑜伽士相信杀害或者毁灭一个东西或者生灵是对造物者的侮辱。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言595: But merely because a man is vegetarian, it does no necessarily follow that he is non violent by temperament or that he is a yogi, though a vegetarian diet is a necessity for the practice of yoga.即使是一个人是素食主义者或者他是一个瑜伽士,也不见得他是没有暴力的倾向,虽然素食对瑜伽练习是必要的。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言596: Blood-thirsty tyrants may be vegitariance, but but violence is a state of mind, not of diet.嗜学的暴君也可能是素食者,但是暴力是精神的状态,而非饮食习惯。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言597: It resides in a man's mind and not in the instrument he holds in hand.暴力存在于一个人的精神里,而不是他手握的工具。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言598: One can use a knife to pare fruit or to stab an enemy. The fault is not the instrument, but in the user.一个人可以用刀削水果或者刺向敌人。错误的不是工具,是使用者。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言599: But a man cannot rely upon  himself alone to protect himself or others. The belief that he can do so is wrong.但是人不能依赖他自己保护自己或者别人。他能这样做的信念是错误的。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言600: A man must rely upon God, who is the source of all strength. Then he will fear no evil.人必需依赖上帝,他是力量的源泉。这样他就不畏惧邪恶。《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)


艾揚格箴言601: Violence arises out of fear, weakness, ignorence or restlessness. 暴力来自恐惧、懦弱、无知和不安。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言602: To curb it what is most needed is freedom from fear. 抑制暴力重要的事从恐惧中解脱。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言603: To gain this freedom, what is required is a change of outlook on life and reorientation of mind.要获得解脱,需要的是改变人生观和重新定位心态。


艾揚格箴言604: Violence is bound to decline when men learn to base their faith upon reality and investigation rather than upon ignorance and supposition.当人们学会将自己的信仰建立在现实和观察上而不是无知和假想时,暴力必然会减少。


艾揚格箴言605: The yogi believed that every creature has as much right to live as he has.瑜伽修行者相信每一种生命都有和他一样活着的权力。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言606: He believes that he is born to help others he looks upon creation with eyes of love. 他相信他生来就是为了帮助别人,他用爱的眼光去看待一切生命。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言607: He knows that his life is linked inextricably with that of others and he rejoices if he can help them to be happy.他知道他的生活与其他生活有着千丝万缕的联系,如果他能帮助他们快乐他也会快乐。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言608: He puts the happiness of others before his own and becomes a source of joy to all who meet him.他把别人的幸福放在自己的面前,成为所有遇见他的人的喜悦之源。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言609: As parents encourage a baby to walk the first steps, he encourage those more unfortunate than himself and makes them fit for survival.就像父母鼓励孩子走出第一步,他鼓励那些比自己更不幸人们,使他们更适合生存。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言610: For a wrong done by others, men demand justice; while for that done by themselves they plead mercy and forgiveness. The yogi on the other hand, believes that for a wrong done by himself, there should be justices, while for that done by other there should be forgiveness. He knows and teaches other how to live.对于别人的错误,人们要求审判;而对自己的错误,他们恳求宽恕和原谅。相反,瑜伽士相信自己犯的错,就应该得到审判,而对于其他人犯的错,应该得到宽恕。他知道并教导别人如何生活。



艾揚格箴言611: Always striving to perfect himself, he shows them by his love and compassion how to improve themselves. 瑜伽士总是力求完善自我,以爱与怜悯示人如何去完善他们自己。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言612: The yogi opposes the evil in the wrong-doer, but not the wrongdoer.瑜伽修行者反对做错者身上的恶魔,而非做错者。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言613: He prescribes penance not punishment for a wrong done.他为做错者开出赎罪的药方而不是惩罚。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言614: Opposition to evil and love for the wrong-doer can live side by side.反对邪恶和爱能在错者身上并存。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言615: Opposition without love leads to evilness.反对没有爱就导致恶。


艾揚格箴言616: The yogi knows that to love a person whilst fighting the evil in him is the right course to follow.瑜伽士知道爱一个人同时与他身上的邪恶斗争是正确的过程。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言617: A loving mother will sometimes beat her child to cure it of a bad habit.慈爱的母亲有时也会打孩子来治愈他的坏习惯。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言618: A true follower of ahimsā loves his opponent.一个真正的非暴力追随者爱他的敌手。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言619: Along with ahimsā go abhaya(freadom from fear) and akrodha(freedom from anger).伴随着非暴力的还有勇敢无畏(从恐惧中解脱)和克制愤怒(从愤怒中解脱)。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言620: Freedom from fear comes only to those who lead a pure life.只有那些过着纯洁生活的人们才能从恐惧中解脱出来。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)


艾揚格箴言621: The yogi fears none and none need fear him, because he is purified

by the study of the Self.瑜伽士不惧怕任何人也没有人需要惧怕他,因为他通过自我的学习而得到净化。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言622: Fear grips a man and paralyses him. He is afraid of the future, the unknown and unseen.恐惧笼罩着他,使人麻痹。他害怕未来,以及未知的和看不见的。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言623: He is afraid that he may lose his means of livelihood, wealth or reputation. But the greatest fear is that of death.他恐惧他可能失去生计、财富和名气。但最大的恐惧是死亡。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言624: The yogi knows that he is different from his body, which is temporary house for his spirit.瑜伽士知道他不同于他的身体,身体是他灵魂的临时住所。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言625: He sees all beings in the Self and the Self in all beings and therefore he loses all fear.他在自我之中看见众生,在众生之中看见自我,所以他不再恐惧。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言626: Though the body is subject to sickness, ages, decay and death, the spirit remains unaffected.尽管身体受疾病、年龄、衰老和死亡的影响,但精神不受影响。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言627: To the yogi death is sauce that adds zest to life.对于瑜伽行者,死亡是增加生活的热情的调味汁。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言628: He has dedicated his mind, his reason and his whole life to the Lord.他已经把他的精神、他的理智和他的整个生命献给了神。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言629: When he has linked his entire being to the Lord, what shall he then fear?当他把自己的整个存在与神连接起来的时候,他又怕什么呢?——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言630: There are two types of anger(krodha), one of which debases the mind while the other leads to spiritual grows.有二种愤怒,一种贬低心灵一种引领精神成长。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)


艾揚格箴言631: Gentleness of mind is an attribute of a yogi, whose heart melts at all suffering.心灵的温和是一个瑜伽士的品质,他的心在痛苦中融化。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言632: In him gentleness to others and firmness for himself go hand in hand, and in his presence all hostilities are given up.对别人宽容和对自己严厉携手并进,在他的面前,一切敌对行动都投降了。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言633: Satya or truth is the highest rule of conduct or morality.赛特亚或真理是行为或道德的最高准则。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言634: Mahātma Gandhi said: "Truth is God and God is Truth.”圣雄甘地曾经说过:“真理是上帝,上帝是真理。”——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言635: As fire burns impurities and refines gold, so the fire of truth cleanses yogi and burn up the dross in him.就像烈火燃烧去除杂质提炼金子,真理之火焰净化瑜伽士并烧掉他身上的垃圾。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言636: If the mind thinks thoughts of truth, if the tongue speaks words of truth and if the whole life is based upon truth, then one becomes fit for union with the Infinite.如果头脑思考真理的思想,舌头说出真理的话,整个生命都基于真理,那么人就可以与无限结合。


艾揚格箴言637: Reality in its fundamental nature is love and truth and expresses itself with through these two aspects.真实的本质是爱与真理,并通过这两个方面来表达自己。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言638: The yogi's life must confirm strictly to these two facets of Reality.瑜伽修行者的生活必须严格地遵守真实的这两个方面。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言639: That is why ahimsā, which is essentially based on love, is enjoined.这就是为什么禁止杀生?这种禁止是基于爱。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言640: Satya presupposes perfect truthfulness in thought, word and need.真理意味着在思想、言语和行动上绝对的真实。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)


艾揚格箴言641: Untruthfulness in any forms puts the sādhaka out of harmony with the fundamental law of truth.任何形式的不真实都会把寻求者赶出真实的基本规律的和谐之外。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言642: As long as it is strong and needs no support, one feels young though advanced in age.只要它(背部)是强壮的,不需要支撑,一个人即使年事已高也会感觉年轻。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言643: Paripūrna Nāvāsana and Ardha Nāvāsana, the two āsanas bring life and vigour to the back and enable us to grow old gracefully and comfortably.船式和半船式,这两个体式给背部带来生机与活力,让我们优雅并舒适地变老。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言644: Truth is not limited to speech alone. 真理不只限于语言。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言645: There are four sins of speech: abuse and obscenity, dealing in falsehoods, calumny or telling tales and lastly ridiculing what other hold to be sacred.言语有四种罪过:辱骂和淫秽的言辞,欺骗,诽谤或者说谎,最后一个是嘲笑他人认为神圣的东西。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言646: The tale bearer is more poisonous than a snake. The control of speech leads to the rooting out of malice.谣言的传播者比毒蛇还有毒。控制言语导致根除恶意。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言647: When the mind bears malice towards none, it is filled with charity towards all. 当心不对任何人怀有恶意时,它对所有的人充满了仁慈。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言648: He who has learnt to control his tongue has attained self-control in a great measure.学会了控制舌头的人,在很大程度上实现了控制自我。——《艾揚格箴言》第五輯(于伽編譯)

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