What is an sosreport?
The sosreport command is a tool that collects configuration details, system information and diagnostic information from a Red Hat Enterprise Linux system. For instance: the running kernel version, loaded modules, and system and service configuration files. The command also runs external programs to collect further information, and stores this output in the resulting archive.
sosreport是一个类型于supportconfig 的工具,sosreport是python编写的一个工具,适用于centos(和redhat一样,包名为sos)、ubuntu(其下包名为sosreport)等大多数版本的linux 。sosreport在github上的托管页面为:https://github.com/sosreport/sos ,而且默认在很多系统的源里都已经集成有。如果使用的是正版redhat,在出现系统问题,寻求官方支持时,官方一般也会通过sosreport将收集的信息进行分析查看。需要注意的是在一些老的redhat发行版中叫sysreport ------ 如redhat4.5之前的版本中。
How can I generate an sosreport?
Once the sos package has been installed, issue the following command to run sosreport:
# sosreport
Note that sosreport requires root permissions to gather data correctly. There is no current mechanism to allow non-root executions of sosreport.
How can I control how the sosreport command runs?
The sosreport command has a plugin structure and allows the user to enable and disable plugins and specify plugin options via the command line. Available plugins and their options may be listed by running the following command:
# sosreport -l
How can I disable or enable specific plugins?
Users may selectively enable or disable plugins using the -e/--enable-plugins and -n/--skip-plugins options respectively. These options take comma-delimited lists of plugin names or may be specified multiple times. For example, to disable the amd and kvm plugins, use the following:
# sosreport -n kvm,amd
How do I use plugin options?
Individual plugins may provide additional options that may be specified via the -k option. These options are listed in the same output as the listing of available plugins (sosreport -l). The format this option takes is plugin_name.option_name=value. For example, to enable collection of container logs, use the following:
# sosreport -k podman.logs=on
Options will specify whether they are boolean toggles or expect a string or integer. For boolean toggles, users may use True, on, or yes and False, off, or no interchangeably.
Why does sosreport sometimes skip collecting certain command output?
An sosreport execution might print to console a message like the following:
[plugin:networking] skipped command 'nft list ruleset': required kernel modules or services not present (kmods=[nf_tables] services=[]).
sosreport aims to not alter the system it runs on in any way. Some commands called by certain plugins may automatically trigger a change (load a kernel module in the example above) and are thus gated by default. If making these changes is acceptable for your environment, and you would like to have sosreport make them in order to collect the skipped commands, run sosreport like so:
sosreport --allow-system-changes
Running sosreport on my system uses too much CPU time or memory (it is supported with sos version 3.6 or later)
By default sosreport will run up to 4 plugins in parallel in an effort to reduce total runtime. This may cause memory contention or high CPU usage on certain systems depending on which plugins are being run (and particularly if each of those plugins collects journal output). To reduce the number of simultaneous collections use the --threads option. For example, to run plugins one at a time, use the following:
# sosreport --threads=1
How to install sosreport:
The sos package must be installed in order to run the sosreport command. You can check to see if the sos package is installed and whether there is any problems with the installation using the following command:
# rpm -qa | grep sos
sos-3.2-35.el7_2.3.noarch << sos package is installed
# rpm -V sos << run verification on installed package
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 and later
If the system is registered with RHSM, use the yum command:
# yum install sos
If the system is not registered with RHSM, the sos package can be downloaded from the RHN website or found on the installation CDs or DVD. The rpm command may be used to install the package on any version of Red Hat Enterprise Linux:
# rpm -Uvh sos-<version>.noarch.rpm
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 Update 6 or later
If the system is registered with Red Hat Subscription Manager (RHSM), sos can be installed using the up2date command:
# up2date sos
What commands does a particular sosreport plugin run in the background?
There are following ways to understand what a particular plugin does when its is executed through the sosreport command.
Check the source of sos package that provides sosreport command.
For a specific version of source code, see downloads section on Customer Portal.
### 查看方法:
[root@localhost sos]# pwd
[root@localhost sos]# ls
archive.py __init__.py plugins policies __pycache__ reporting.py sosreport.py utilities.py
Check sos.log file in the sosreport. For example, for plugin scsi there would be something similar to as shown below
-- directories and files collected --
2020-07-30 11:04:53,632 INFO: [plugin:scsi] collecting path '/sys/bus/scsi'
2020-07-30 11:04:53,656 INFO: [plugin:scsi] collecting path '/sys/class/scsi_disk'
2020-07-30 11:04:53,663 INFO: [plugin:scsi] collecting path '/proc/scsi'
2020-07-30 11:04:53,666 INFO: [plugin:scsi] collecting path '/sys/class/scsi_generic'
2020-07-30 11:04:53,675 INFO: [plugin:scsi] collecting path '/sys/class/scsi_host'
2020-07-30 11:04:53,677 INFO: [plugin:scsi] collecting path '/sys/class/scsi_device'
-- these were the commands executed in the background --
2020-07-30 11:04:53,686 INFO: [plugin:scsi] collecting output of 'lsscsi -i'
2020-07-30 11:04:53,710 INFO: [plugin:scsi] collecting output of 'sg_map -x'
2020-07-30 11:04:53,765 INFO: [plugin:scsi] collecting output of 'udevadm info -a /sys/class/scsi_host/host3'
2020-07-30 11:04:53,789 INFO: [plugin:scsi] collecting output of 'udevadm info -a /sys/class/scsi_host/host1'
Generate the sosreport only with that particular plugin and check the files and directories and the output of the commands in the collected archive.
To generate the sosreport with particular plugin, do
# sosreport -o plugin-name
To see the list of plugins, do
# sosreport -l
[root@ localhost sos]# sosreport -o block
sosreport (version 3.6)
This command will collect diagnostic and configuration information from
this CentOS Linux system and installed applications.
An archive containing the collected information will be generated in
/var/tmp/sos.b0didv2k and may be provided to a CentOS support
Any information provided to CentOS will be treated in accordance with
the published support policies at:
The generated archive may contain data considered sensitive and its
content should be reviewed by the originating organization before being
passed to any third party.
No changes will be made to system configuration.
Press ENTER to continue, or CTRL-C to quit.
Please enter the case id that you are generating this report for []:
Setting up archive ...
Setting up plugins ...
Running plugins. Please wait ...
Starting 1/1 block [Running: block]
Finished running plugins
Creating compressed archive...
Your sosreport has been generated and saved in:
The checksum is: 644507bf00d94baca3ed0ee5ef44f3c3
Please send this file to your support representative.
[root@localhost tmp]# tar -xvf sosreport-localhost-2022-01-10-sqqdtqv.tar.xz
[root@localhost sosreport-localhost-2022-01-10-sqqdtqv]# pwd
[root@localhost sosreport-localhost-9120-2022-01-10-sqqdtqv]# ls
proc sos_commands sos_logs sos_reports sys version.txt
[root@localhost sosreport-localhost-2022-01-10-sqqdtqv]# ls -l sos_commands/
total 4
drwx------. 2 root root 4096 Jan 10 04:16 block
[root@localhost sosreport-localhost-2022-01-10-sqqdtqv]# ls -l sos_commands/block/
total 200
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 1451 Jan 10 04:16 blkid_-c_.dev.null
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 1013 Jan 10 04:16 blockdev_--report
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 206 Jan 10 04:16 fdisk_-l_.dev.dm-0
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 202 Jan 10 04:16 fdisk_-l_.dev.dm-1
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 211 Jan 10 04:16 fdisk_-l_.dev.dm-2
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 603 Jan 10 04:16 fdisk_-l_.dev.sda
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 693 Jan 10 04:16 fdisk_-l_.dev.sdb
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 692 Jan 10 04:16 fdisk_-l_.dev.sdc
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 426 Jan 10 04:16 fdisk_-l_.dev.sr0
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 730 Jan 10 04:16 lsblk
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 850 Jan 10 04:16 lsblk_-D
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 1359 Jan 10 04:16 lsblk_-f_-a_-l
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 1496 Jan 10 04:16 lsblk_-t
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 42430 Jan 10 04:16 ls_-lanR_.dev
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 821 Jan 10 04:16 ls_-lanR_.sys.block
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 249 Jan 10 04:16 parted_-s_.dev.dm-0_unit_s_print
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 253 Jan 10 04:16 parted_-s_.dev.dm-1_unit_s_print
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 254 Jan 10 04:16 parted_-s_.dev.dm-2_unit_s_print
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 578 Jan 10 04:16 parted_-s_.dev.sda_unit_s_print
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 630 Jan 10 04:16 parted_-s_.dev.sdb_unit_s_print
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 664 Jan 10 04:16 parted_-s_.dev.sdc_unit_s_print
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 360 Jan 10 04:16 parted_-s_.dev.sr0_unit_s_print
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 846 Jan 10 04:16 udevadm_info_-a_.dev.dm-0
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 844 Jan 10 04:16 udevadm_info_-a_.dev.dm-1
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 847 Jan 10 04:16 udevadm_info_-a_.dev.dm-2
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 4451 Jan 10 04:16 udevadm_info_-a_.dev.sda
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 4453 Jan 10 04:16 udevadm_info_-a_.dev.sdb
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 4466 Jan 10 04:16 udevadm_info_-a_.dev.sdc
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 6879 Jan 10 04:16 udevadm_info_-a_.dev.sr0
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 1054 Jan 10 04:16 udevadm_info_.dev.dm-0
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 1069 Jan 10 04:16 udevadm_info_.dev.dm-1
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 1054 Jan 10 04:16 udevadm_info_.dev.dm-2
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 1085 Jan 10 04:16 udevadm_info_.dev.sda
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 1086 Jan 10 04:16 udevadm_info_.dev.sdb
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 1269 Jan 10 04:16 udevadm_info_.dev.sdc
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 2150 Jan 10 04:16 udevadm_info_.dev.sr0
[root@localhost sosreport-localhost-2022-01-10-sqqdtqv]# ls -l sos_reports/
total 12
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 4718 Jan 10 04:16 sos.html
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 1351 Jan 10 04:16 sos.txt
[root@localhost sosreport-localhost-2022-01-10-sqqdtqv]# more sos_reports/sos.txt
- commands executed:
* lsblk -f -a -l
* lsblk
* lsblk -t
* lsblk -D
* blkid -c /dev/null
* blockdev --report
* ls -lanR /dev
* ls -lanR /sys/block
* udevadm info /dev/dm-1
* udevadm info -a /dev/dm-1
* parted -s /dev/dm-1 unit s print
* fdisk -l /dev/dm-1
* udevadm info /dev/sdb
* udevadm info -a /dev/sdb
* parted -s /dev/sdb unit s print
* fdisk -l /dev/sdb
* udevadm info /dev/sr0
* udevadm info -a /dev/sr0
* parted -s /dev/sr0 unit s print
* fdisk -l /dev/sr0
* udevadm info /dev/dm-2
* udevadm info -a /dev/dm-2
* parted -s /dev/dm-2 unit s print
* fdisk -l /dev/dm-2
* udevadm info /dev/dm-0
* udevadm info -a /dev/dm-0
* parted -s /dev/dm-0 unit s print
* fdisk -l /dev/dm-0
* udevadm info /dev/sdc
* udevadm info -a /dev/sdc
* parted -s /dev/sdc unit s print
* fdisk -l /dev/sdc
* udevadm info /dev/sda
* udevadm info -a /dev/sda
* parted -s /dev/sda unit s print
* fdisk -l /dev/sda
- files copied:
* /sys/block/sda/queue/scheduler
* /proc/diskstats
* /sys/block/dm-2/queue/scheduler
* /sys/block/sr0/queue/scheduler
* /sys/block/sdb/queue/scheduler
* /sys/block/sdc/queue/scheduler
* /proc/partitions
* /sys/block/dm-1/queue/scheduler
* /sys/block/dm-0/queue/scheduler
[root@localhost sos_reports]# sosreport -l
Please note the 'sosreport' command has been deprecated in favor of the new 'sos' command, E.G. 'sos report'.
Redirecting to 'sos report -l'
sosreport (version 4.1)
abrt Automatic Bug Reporting Tool
alternatives System
anaconda Anaconda installer
ata ATA and IDE information
auditd Audit daemon information
block Block device information
boot Bootloader information
btrfs Btrfs filesystem
cgroups Control groups subsystem
chrony Chrony clock (for Network time protocol)
cifs SMB file system information
cockpit Cockpit Web Service
console Console and keyboard information
cron Cron job scheduler
crypto System crypto services information
date Basic system time information
dbus D-Bus message bus
devicemapper device-mapper framework
devices devices specific commands
dnf dnf package manager
dracut Dracut initramfs generator
ebpf eBPF tool
filesys Local file systems
firewall_tables firewall tables
firewalld Firewall daemon
grub2 GRUB2 bootloader
gssproxy GSSAPI Proxy
hardware General hardware information
host Host information
hts Red Hat Hardware Test Suite
i18n Internationalization
iscsi iSCSI initiator
jars Collect information about available Java archives
kdump Kdump crash dumps
kernel Linux kernel
keyutils Kernel key ring
krb5 Kerberos authentication
kvm Kernel virtual machine
ldap LDAP configuration
libraries Dynamic shared libraries
libvirt libvirt virtualization API
login login information
logrotate LogRotate service
logs System logs
lvm2 Logical Volume Manager 2
md MD RAID subsystem
memory Memory configuration and use
multipath Device-mapper multipath tools
networking Network and networking devices configuration
networkmanager NetworkManager service configuration
nfs Network file system information
nis Network Information Service
nss Network Security Services configuration
ntb Linux PCI-Express Non-Transparent Bridge
openhpi Open Hardware Platform Interface
openssl OpenSSL configuration
pam Pluggable Authentication Modules
pci PCI devices
perl Perl runtime
process process information
processor CPU information
psacct Process accounting information
release Linux release information
rpm RPM Package Manager
samba Samba Windows interoperability
scsi SCSI devices
selinux SELinux access control
services System services
smartcard PKCS#11 smart cards
sos_extras Collect extra data defined in /etc/sos/extras.d
soundcard Sound devices
ssh Secure shell service
sssd System security service daemon
sudo Sudo command execution
sunrpc Sun RPC service
system core system information
systemd System management daemon
sysvipc SysV IPC
teamd Network Interface Teaming
udev udev dynamic device management
unpackaged Collects a list of files that are not handled by the package manager
usb USB devices
wireless Wireless Device Information
x11 X windowing system
xen Xen virtualization
xfs XFS filesystem
yum yum information
acpid inactive ACPI daemon information
activemq inactive ActiveMQ message broker
anacron inactive Anacron job scheduling service
ansible inactive Ansible configuration management
apache inactive Apache http daemon
arcconf inactive arcconf Integrated RAID adapter information
atomichost inactive Atomic Host
autofs inactive Autofs on-demand automounter
azure inactive Microsoft Azure client
bcache inactive Bcache statistics
boom inactive Configuration data for the boom boot manager.
buildah inactive Buildah container and image builder
candlepin inactive Candlepin entitlement management
ceph inactive CEPH distributed storage
ceph_ansible inactive CEPH distributed storage - Ansible installer
clear_containers inactive Intel(R) Clear Containers configuration
cloud_init inactive cloud-init instance configurations
cman inactive cman based Red Hat Cluster High Availability
cobbler inactive Cobbler installation server
collectd inactive Collectd config collector
composer inactive Lorax Composer
conntrack inactive conntrack - netfilter connection tracking
container_log inactive All logs under /var/log/containers
containers_common inactive Common container configs under {/etc,/usr/share}/containers
convert2rhel inactive Convert2RHEL
corosync inactive Corosync cluster engine
crio inactive CRI-O containers
cs inactive Certificate System and Dogtag
ctdb inactive Samba Clustered TDB
cups inactive CUPS IPP print service
dhcp inactive DHCP daemon
distupgrade inactive Distribution upgrade data
dlm inactive DLM (Distributed lock manager)
dmraid inactive dmraid software RAID
docker inactive Docker containers
docker_distribution inactive Docker Distribution
dovecot inactive Dovecot IMAP and POP3
drbd inactive Distributed Replicated Block Device (DRBD)
ds inactive Directory Server
elastic inactive ElasticSearch service
etcd inactive etcd plugin
fcoe inactive Fibre Channel over Ethernet
fibrechannel inactive Collect information on fibrechannel devices
foreman inactive Foreman/Satellite 6 systems management
frr inactive Frr routing service
fwupd inactive fwupd information
gdm inactive GNOME display manager
gfs2 inactive GFS2 (Global Filesystem 2)
gluster inactive GlusterFS storage
gluster_block inactive Gluster Block
gnocchi inactive Gnocchi - Metric as a service
grafana inactive Fetch Grafana configuration, logs and CLI output
grub inactive GRUB bootloader
haproxy inactive HAProxy load balancer
hpasm inactive HP Advanced Server Management
hyperv inactive <no description available>
infiniband inactive Infiniband information
insights inactive Collect config and logs for Red Hat Insights
ipa inactive Identity, policy, audit
ipmitool inactive IpmiTool hardware information
iprconfig inactive IBM Power RAID storage adapter configuration information
ipvs inactive Linux IP virtual server
iscsitarget inactive iSCSI target
java inactive Java runtime
kata_containers inactive Kata Containers configuration
keepalived inactive Keepalived routing server
kernelrt inactive Realtime kernel variant
kimchi inactive kimchi-related information
kpatch inactive Kpatch information
kubernetes inactive Kubernetes container orchestration platform
leapp inactive Leapp upgrade handling tool
libreswan inactive Libreswan IPsec
lightdm inactive Light Display Manager
lilo inactive Lilo bootloader
lstopo inactive Machine topology information
lustre inactive Lustre filesystem
manageiq inactive ManageIQ/CloudForms related information
megacli inactive LSI MegaRAID devices
memcached inactive memcached distributed memory caching system
mongodb inactive MongoDB document database
monit inactive Monit monitoring daemon
mpt inactive LSI Message Passing Technology
mssql inactive Microsoft SQL Server on Linux
mvcli inactive mvCLI Integrated RAID adapter information
mysql inactive MySQL and MariaDB RDBMS
named inactive BIND named server
navicli inactive EMC Navicli
nfsganesha inactive NFS-Ganesha file server information
nginx inactive nginx http daemon
nodejs inactive NodeJS runtime version
npm inactive Information from available npm modules
nscd inactive Name service caching daemon
ntp inactive Network Time Protocol
numa inactive NUMA state and configuration
nvidia inactive Nvidia GPU information
nvme inactive Collect config and system information about NVMe devices
nvmetcli inactive Collect config and system information for nvmetcli
oddjob inactive OddJob task scheduler
omnipath_client inactive OmniPath Tools and Fast Fabric Client
omnipath_manager inactive OmniPath Fabric Manager
omsa inactive Dell OpenManage Server Administrator (OMSA)
opencl inactive OpenCL
opendaylight inactive OpenDaylight network manager
opengl inactive OpenGL
openshift inactive Openshift Container Platform 4.x
openstack_ansible inactive OpenStack-Ansible
openstack_aodh inactive OpenStack Alarm service
openstack_ceilometer inactive Openstack Ceilometer
openstack_cinder inactive OpenStack cinder
openstack_designate inactive Openstack Designate
openstack_glance inactive OpenStack Glance
openstack_heat inactive OpenStack Heat
openstack_horizon inactive OpenStack Horizon
openstack_instack inactive OpenStack Instack
openstack_ironic inactive OpenStack Ironic
openstack_keystone inactive OpenStack Keystone
openstack_manila inactive OpenStack Manila information for Red Hat distributions
openstack_neutron inactive OpenStack Networking
openstack_nova inactive OpenStack Nova
openstack_novajoin inactive OpenStack Novajoin
openstack_octavia inactive Openstack Octavia
openstack_placement inactive OpenStack Placement
openstack_sahara inactive OpenStack Sahara information for Red Hat distributions
openstack_swift inactive OpenStack Swift
openstack_tripleo inactive Installation information from OpenStack Installer
openstack_trove inactive OpenStack Trove
openvswitch inactive OpenVSwitch networking
origin inactive OpenShift Enterprise / OpenShift Container Platform
os_net_config inactive OpenStack Net Config
ovirt inactive oVirt Engine
ovirt_engine_backup inactive oVirt Engine database backup
ovirt_hosted_engine inactive oVirt Hosted Engine
ovirt_imageio inactive oVirt Image I/O Daemon / Proxy
ovirt_node inactive oVirt Node specific information
ovirt_provider_ovn inactive oVirt OVN Provider
ovn_central inactive OVN Northd
ovn_host inactive OVN Controller
pacemaker inactive Pacemaker high-availability cluster resource manager
pcp inactive Performance Co-Pilot data
peripety inactive Peripety Storage Event Monitor
pmem inactive Persistent Memory Devices
podman inactive Podman containers
postfix inactive Postfix smtp server
postgresql inactive PostgreSQL RDBMS
powerpath inactive EMC PowerPath
powerpc inactive IBM Power systems
ppp inactive Point-to-point protocol
ptp inactive Precision time protocol
pulp inactive Pulp platform
puppet inactive Puppet service
pxe inactive PXE service
python inactive Python runtime
qpid inactive Qpid messaging
qpid_dispatch inactive Qpid dispatch router
qt inactive QT widget toolkit
quagga inactive Quagga routing service
rabbitmq inactive RabbitMQ messaging service
radius inactive RADIUS service information
rasdaemon inactive rasdaemon kernel trace event monitor
rear inactive Relax and Recover
redis inactive Redis, in-memory data structure store
rhcos inactive Red Hat CoreOS
rhv_analyzer inactive RHV Log Collector Analyzer
rpmostree inactive rpm-ostree image/package system
ruby inactive Ruby runtime
runc inactive runC container runtime
s390 inactive IBM S/390
salt inactive Salt
saltmaster inactive Salt Master
sanlock inactive SANlock daemon
saphana inactive SAP HANA
sapnw inactive SAP NetWeaver
sar inactive System Activity Reporter
sas3ircu inactive SAS-3 Integrated RAID adapter information
sendmail inactive sendmail service
skydive inactive Skydive network topology and protocol analyzer
snap inactive Snap packages
snmp inactive Simple network management protocol
squid inactive Squid caching proxy
ssmtp inactive sSMTP information
storageconsole inactive Red Hat Storage Console
stratis inactive Stratis Storage
subscription_manager inactive subscription-manager information
symcli inactive EMC Symcli
systemtap inactive SystemTap dynamic instrumentation
targetcli inactive TargetCLI TCM/LIO configuration
tftpserver inactive TFTP Server information
tigervnc inactive <no description available>
tomcat inactive Apache Tomcat Server
tuned inactive Tuned system tuning daemon
ufw inactive Uncomplicated FireWall
upstart inactive Upstart init system
validation_framework inactive Logs provided by the Validation Framework
vdo inactive Virtual Data Optimizer
vdsm inactive VDSM - Virtual Desktop and Server Manager
veritas inactive Veritas software
vhostmd inactive vhostmd virtualization metrics collection
virsh inactive client for libvirt virtualization API
virtwho inactive Virt-Who agent
vmware inactive VMWare client information
vsftpd inactive Vsftpd server
vulkan inactive Vulkan
watchdog inactive Watchdog information.
xdp inactive XDP program information
xinetd inactive xinetd information
zfs inactive ZFS filesystem
The following options are available for ALL plugins:
timeout -1 Timeout in seconds for plugin. The default value (-1) defers to the general plugin timeout, 300 seconds
postproc True Enable post-processing collected plugin data
abrt.detailed off collect detailed info for every report
boot.all-images off collect lsinitrd for all images
dnf.history off captures transaction history
dnf.history-info off detailed transaction history
filesys.lsof off gathers information on all open files
filesys.dumpe2fs off dump filesystem information
filesys.frag off filesystem fragmentation status
jars.append_locations colon-separated list of additional JAR paths
jars.all_known_locations off scan all known paths
kernel.with-timer off gather /proc/timer* statistics
kernel.trace off gather /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/trace file
libraries.ldconfigv off collect verbose ldconfig output
lvm2.lvmdump off collect an lvmdump tarball
lvm2.lvmdump-am off attempt to collect an lvmdump with advanced options and raw metadata collection
networking.traceroute off collect a traceroute to www.example.com
networking.namespace_pattern Specific namespaces pattern to be collected, namespaces pattern should be separated by whitespace as for example "eth* ens2"
networking.namespaces 0 Number of namespaces to collect, 0 for unlimited. Incompatible with the namespace_pattern plugin option
networking.ethtool_namespaces on Define if ethtool commands should be collected for namespaces
networking.eepromdump off collect 'ethtool -e' for all devices
process.lsof on gathers information on all open files
process.lsof-threads off gathers threads' open file info if supported
process.smaps off gathers all /proc/*/smaps files
process.samples 20 specify the number of samples that iotop will capture, with an interval of 0.5 seconds between samples
psacct.all off collect all process accounting files
rpm.rpmq on queries for package information via rpm -q
rpm.rpmva off runs a verify on all packages
rpm.rpmdb off collect /var/lib/rpm
selinux.fixfiles off Print incorrect file context labels
services.servicestatus off get a status of all running services
yum.yumlist off list repositories and packages
yum.yumdebug off gather yum debugging data
yum.yum-history-info off gather yum history info
Profiles: boot, cifs, container, debug, desktop, hardware, identity,
java, kernel, memory, network, nfs, openshift,
packagemanager, perl, security, services, storage, sysmgmt,
system, virt, webserver
22 profiles, 87 plugins