
DeMarcus Cousins, Damian Lillard lead NBA All-Star snubs



The 2015 NBA All-Star Game starters were named a week ago and the All-Star reserves have been named by the coaches around the league. Now that we know who has made the All-Star rosters in both conferences, it’s time to talk about which players were omitted. One of the toughest parts of getting All-Stars everybody can agree on in each conference is having enough spots for deserving players.


That’s practically impossible in the loaded Western Conference and even a bit of a problem with the Eastern Conference this season. Guys like DeMarcus Cousins and Damian Lillard were surprise omissions in the West. Kyle Korver and Brandon Knight didn’t make it but could still find their way in with Dwyane Wade’s injury. In fact, we’ll have at least two injury replacements with Wade and Kobe Bryant, and maybe even another one if LaMarcus Aldridge decides to rest that injured thumb.


So who were the toughest omissions/snubs in both conferences and whocould have a great chance at being an injury replacement? Let’s take a look atthe candidates:



Kyle Korver, Atlanta Hawks: Kyle Korver probably isn’t your traditional type of All-Star but in an era of basketball in which we’re getting smarter about the way we judge and dissect players, we can see just how deserving he is. He’s been arguably the most impactful player on the Eastern Conference’s best team. Yes, he doesn’t average that many points, but his shooting threat makes all defenses terrified to leave him. When they do, he buries them with historically great shooting. And don’t think of him as just as hooter; he’s a fantastic team defender on one of the best defenses. He’s the early favorite to replace Wade.


Brandon Knight, Milwaukee Bucks: The Milwaukee Bucks have been one of the nicer surprises in the Eastern Conference and Brandon Knight has been the best player on the team all season long. Jason Kidd relies on Knight to set the tone on offense and he’s been a willing and capable defender too. With 17.9 points, 5.1 assists, 4.2 rebounds, 1.6 steals, and 43.9 percent from the field and 40.8 percent from 3-point range, he’s having a career year across the board. He’s in heavy competition with Korver for the replacement.


Marcin Gortat, Washington Wizards: The Washington Wizards are one of the top defensive teams in the NBA and Marcin Gortat is a huge reason for that.John Wall’s top pick-and-roll partner has been anchoring the Wizards’ defense all year, helping them be a top 7 defense. Gortat’s averages of 12.0 points and 8.2 rebounds are lesser numbers for him, but his impact has been felt throughout the season.


Andre Drummond, Detroit Pistons: Andre Drummond had a disastrous first month of the season, but once December hit and especially after Josh Smith was waived, Drummond came on board to be the monster center we expected under Stan Van Gundy. He’s one of only a couple players putting up averages of at least 12 points and 12 boards, and his field goal percentage is about to eclipse the 50.0 percent mark, despite the uptick in post possessions. Without that bad November, he might be a lock to have made the team.


Nikola Vucevic, Orlando Magic: Speaking of giant, double-double centers, the 19.5 points and 11.2 rebounds from Nikola Vucevic every night have been stellar for the Magic. He’s still not a great defender but he’s slowly improving his team defense. Having Aaron Gordon back in the lineup and the starting duo of Victor Oladipo and Elfrid Payton should help that a bit. And he’s their anchor on offense, forcing the defenses to swarm the post and battle him on the boards. He might be tough to keep off the team next season.



DeMarcus Cousins, Sacramento Kings: The uproar of DeMarcus Cousinsnot being on the roster was very loud right after the West reserves were announced. Cousins could end up being the first player in league history that isn’t named to the All-Star team with averages of about 24 points and 12 rebounds. Cousins’ team isn’t bad because he can’t lead them. They’re bad because he got sick, the coach was fired during that window of opportunity, and Tyrone Corbin hasn’t been able to bring things together. Cousins is one of a handful of deserving guys in the West, squeezed out because of limited spots. He’ll be in heavy consideration for replacement spots.


Damian Lillard, Portland Trail Blazers: Damian Lillard will also be in heavy consideration as Kobe’s replacement when Adam Silver makes that decision.Lillard has helped the Blazers get to one of the best records in the NBA, and his exclusion from the first run of reserves before replacements were announced was surprising. He has the highest scoring average (21.8), rebounding average(4.6), steals average (1.3), and field goal percentage (43.2 percent) of his career. He’s also one of the best clutch scorers in the NBA.


Mike Conley, Memphis Grizzlies: Mike Conley has been one of the best point guards in the NBA on one of the best teams in the first half of the season, but the Western Conference is so loaded that I’m not even sure how you argue he should be in over any of the reserves selected. That’s not a knock on him either. It’s just that loaded. For Conley, he’s one of the league’s best defensive point guards and he puts up 17.4 points, 5.6 assists, and shoots over 40.0 percent from 3-point range.He really doesn’t have aweakness on the floor and plays perfectly off of Marc Gasol at the end of games.


Monta Ellis, Dallas Mavericks: Monta Ellis have it all, but he didn’t have it All-Star this season.He’s been a revelation since joining the Dallas Mavericks last season. This season, he’s putting up 20.5 points and 4.4 assists, while posing as the top playmaking option at the end of games for the Mavericks. Prior tothe Rajon Rondo trade, Ellis helped the Mavericks put up the league’s bestoffense.He’s hard to call a snub,but it’s hard to say he hasn’t had an All-Star caliber season.


Draymond Green, Golden State Warriors: The Atlanta Hawks got three All-Stars, so why don’t the Golden State Warriors have three All-Stars? Well, they play in the crazily packed West, so that cuts down on chances to make the All-Star team. Draymond Green has been their third best player and one of the league’stop defenders. His averages of 11.6 points, 8.0 rebounds, 3.6 assists, 1.6steals, and 1.4 blocks show his versatility. His 3-point shooting has dipped below league average but he’s still a very real threat you have to close out on. He wasn’t robbed but he was pretty deserving.



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