1 ad hoc /ˌæd ˈhɒk/ adj. 特别的;临时;专设 adv.特别地,专门地
这是一个英语中的直接拉丁语借词,这是一个短语,本意是“to this,with respect to this,for this (specific perpose)”,ad在拉丁语中表示“to”,
hoc在拉丁语中表示hic(意为this)的中性宾格形式。短语含义为“to this (specific perpose)”。例如:
(1) Every inch of green grass outside the mall had been transformed into ad hoc parking lots. [Dallas Morning News]
(2) An ad hoc committee voted unanimously Wednesday to recommend the city implement cell phone restrictions in school zones. [Amarillo Globe-News]
(3) Bagley is the chief transportation planner for Montgomery County and part of an ad hoc mobility task force that sprung up when the bridge closed in October … [Pottstown Mercury]
巴格利是蒙哥马利县的首席交通规划师,也是 10 月份桥梁关闭时涌现的临时机动特遣队的成员。
2. ad infinitum /ˌæd ɪnfɪˈnaɪtəm/ adv. 无限地;永久地;无止境地
同ad hoc一样,也是直接的拉丁语借词,这是一个短语,意为“endlessly,to infinity”。由拉丁词ad(to,unto)+infinitum(infinity)构成,
形容词 infinitus "endless"的中性宾格形式。例如:
(1) On Sunday, President Hugo Chavez won the right to seek reelection ad infinitum. [Los Angeles Times]
(2) You go round in a circle ad infinitum; the trick is to make sure each new item fits into a story in your imagination. [Guardian]
你无限循环; 诀窍是确保每个新项目都适合您想象中的故事。
(3) Mistrust, violence, intimidation and psychological abuse will continue, ad infinitum, as West Papuans are pushed further aside. [Sydney Morning Herald]
(4) It is almost certain their backers are already planning the next round, in a process that will continue in one form or another ad infinitum. [Wired]
3. ad interim/æd'intərim/ 拉丁语借词,拉丁语ad(to,unto),interim含义为“time intervening”,“in the meantime, meanwhile”。
adj. 含义为“Temporary”,暂时的,暂时的 。例如:
The ad interim government ended with the inauguration of Sam Houston as president on October 22, 1836.’
临时政府以山姆休斯顿于 1836 年 10 月 22 日就任总统而告终。
adv. 含义为“For an intervening or temporary period of time”,暂时地,暂时地。例如:
Since 15th September 2006 Piet Van Roe is the Managing Director ad interim of the public broadcaster.
自 2006 年 9 月 15 日起,Piet Van Roe 担任公共广播公司的临时董事总经理。
4. ad lib /ˌæd ˈlɪb/ 拉丁语借词,拉丁语ad libitum的缩写,含义为“to (one's) pleasure, as much as one likes”(adv. 没有限制地;即席地),其中,ad含义为“to,unto”,libitum含义为“pleasure”。