
1. 名词在句中的用法和解析


1.1 分类:普通名词,专用名词,或抽象名词。

1.2 文法格式:数,性,格。


1.3 用法:名词在句子中,充当9种功能或有9种用法。

I. 充当主语(subject)。——一个名词可以作为动词主语的主格。


The bugle’s note and cannon’s roar the death-like slilence broke.( 军号和大炮的轰鸣打破了死亡般的寂静。)





1. Water consists of two gases.

2. Napoleon went to Egypt with forty sail-of-the-line.

3. Life's but a walking shadow.

4. Holy and heavenly tboughta shall counsel her.

5. Then rose from sea to sky the wild farewell.

6. The boy stood on the burning deck,Whence all but him had fled.

7. Kindness to animals is a duty of all.

II. 使用所有格(possessive)。——一个名词可以有所有格作为其属性,也就是说使用所有格,在含义上限制或修饰与其相结合的名词。


The bugle’s note and cannon’s roar the death-like slilence broke.





1. The spider's web is a wonderful piece of work.

2. Some judge of authors' names, not works.

3. See laurels on the bald first Cæsar's head.

4. This is my fathers' ancient burial-place.

5. So sha11 the Northern pioneer go joyful on his way,

To wed Penobscot's waters to San Francisco's bay.

6. Progress, Liberty's proud teacher;

Progress, Labor's sure reward.

III. 充当宾语(object)。——一个名词可以充当及物动词宾语的宾格。


The bugle’s note and cannon’s roar the death-like slilence broke.




1. I met a little cottage girl.

2. The Muses haunt clear spring or shady grove or sunny hill

8. The reindeer draws the Laplander's sledge.

4. The Laplander defies the severity of bis native climate.

5. When be rend the note, he shook his head, and obsenved that an affair of this sort demanded the utmost circumspection.

6. We carved not a line, we raised not a stone.

7. Enough, enough; sit down and share A soldier's couch, a soldier's fare.

8. Who would bear the whips and scorns of time,The oppressor's wrong, t the proud man's contumely.

IV. 与前置词组合构成短语。——一个名词可以通过前置词与其它的单词连接,可以解析为前置词的宾语。


The army crossed the river by a bridge made of pontoon-boats.





1. The Gauls were conquered by Cæsar.

2. We gazed with Inexpressible pleasure on those hnppy islands.

3. The end of government is the good of mankind.

4. There came to the beach a poor exile of Erin.

5. From peak to peak the rattling crags among, Leaps the live th under.

6. Out flew MIiiions of flaming swords drawn from the thighs of mighty cherubim.

V. 充当间接宾语。——名词可以以宾格的形式充当动词的间接宾语。间接宾语很好识别:它出现在直接宾语前,回答了这样的问题:“For or to whom?”(为谁或者对谁?) “For or to what?”(为什么或对什么?)


(早期英语)——This king gave large gifts minister-um.

(现代英语)——This king gave [to] the ministers large gifts.——Abbott’s Shakespearean Grammar.


1. We gave the man a book.

2. Sockrates taught Plato philosophy.





1. This king gave the ministers large gifts.

2. The judge granted the prisoner a full pardon.

3. Ascham taught Lady Jane Grey the Greek language.

4. Lend the poor man a dollar.

5. We sent the teacher a request.

VI. 充当同位语(apposition)。——名词可以用于解析另一个名词,或者作为另一个词的别名,或者换一种说法进行阐述,就称其为同位语,或者被解释词的同位语且与其属同样的格(主格,属格,或宾格)。(apposition来自ad,意为“near,或alongside of ”,和ponere,意为“to place或to put”,可能也有介于中间(intervening)的词,但是没有连接词;两个单词都作为句子相同的成员。)


1. Ali reclined, a man of war and woes. (Ali躺下,一名饱经战乱的战士。)


2. We beheld the Mississippi,that mighty river.(我们看到了密西西比河,那条大河。)




1. Next came Thomas, the boy that cleans the boots.

2. Then we saw Thoms,the boy that cleans the boots.

3. Washington, the father of his country, was the first president of the United States.

4. Whang the mlller was very avaricious.

5. We admire Milton, the great English poet.

VII. 充当谓语主格(predicate nominative)。——一个名词可能会出现在某种不及物动词或被动动词之后,或者可能将某种不及物动词或被动动词的含义补充完整,且仍然与这个动词的主语一样,表示同样的人或事物,则称这个名词为谓语主格(the predicate nominative)。

例如,在句子中,“The author of this book is my brother,”“brother”是述语(predicate),但是它不是动词的宾语,因为动词“is”判定“author”和“brother”是等效的,同于“author”是主格,“brother”也必须是一样是主格。我们可以说,“The author of this book is I”(主格),不是“is me”(注意格)。


1. Tennyson is a poet.


2. Washington was elected present in 1789.

present……………………..普通名词,单数,性为男性,主格——位于动词“was elected”之后的谓语主格。



1. And , Saxon , I am Roderick Dhu .

2. The earth is a planet.

3. Mary still seemed a queen ( = was a queen in seeming, or appearance ).

4. King William of Prussia became Emperor of Germany in 1871 .

5. He was a man , take him for all in all, I shall not look upon his like again.

VIII. 充当独立主格和绝对主格。——名词可以充当独立主格(independant)或绝对主格(absolute):例如——

(1) Horatius,saith the consul,as thou sayest,so let it be.


(2) The storm having ceased,we departed.


1. 独立主格(nominative independant)。——在上面例子(1)中,名词“Horatius”并没有依赖于句中任何其它词汇的文法关系,因此,说它是独立的(independant),并且,它又解析为主格。

2. 绝对主格(nominative absolute)。——在上面例子(2)中,名词“storm”与句子任何其它单词都没有语法关系,这个句子不是这样“The storm ceased,and we departed,”或者“When The storm ceased,we departed,”而是这样“The storm having ceased,we departed.” 词汇“The storm having ceased”组成了一个短语,当在这种结构中发了一个名词,就将它就解释为绝对主格。(在这儿,从与英语语言的历史一致性讲,比前面的独立主格和后面的主格独立与称谓(nominative independent by address)),从者更认同将这种结构同前面的独立主格区分开,并将其称为绝对主格。绝对主格主应于拉丁语“ablative(absolute)”,而在这儿称为独立主格的术语对应于拉丁语vocative.)


1. Mary,your lilies are in bloom. (Mary,你的百合花开了。)


2. The river not being fordable,we had to make a great detour.



IX. 充当目的状语(objective adverbial)。——当一个名词以副词的被用于修饰动词,或形容词,描述时间,距离,价值等:例如——

(1) We walked a mile. (我们走了一英里。)

(2) You are a foot taller than I. (你比我高一英尺。)

(3) The battle lasted three days. (这场战斗持续3天。)

在这种用法中,名词称为目的状语(很多文法学家将这种用法的名词解析为受前置词支配理解(“We walked for a mile,”“You are taller by a foot,”等等。) 但是,句中并未提供前置词,永远也不会有。这种格式的名词是早期英语属格(genitive)和与格(dative——用于表示量度,时间,等等)的伪装格式。因此,“Three furlongs broad”在Anglo-Saxon语中表示“threora furlanga brad,”句中,“furlanga”是属格。因此,这种表达式“bound hand and foot.”是Anglo-Saxon语言中的“bound hand-um and fôt-um”=(as regards(或in) hand and foot),名词是与格)。


That pole is ten feet high.(那根杆子有十英尺高。)

feet……………普通名词,单数,中性,宾格——作为目的状态状语修饰形容词“high”(=high by ten feet.)





1. All men are created equal.——Jefferson.

2. Then rose from sea to skey the wild farewell.一Byron.

3. Vanish'd is the auclent splendor, and before my dreamy eye.

Wave these mingling shapes and figures, like a faded tapestry.——LongFellow.

4. The steed along the drawbridge flies.——Scott.

5. I could hear my friend chide him for not finding out some work, but at

the same time saw him put his hand in his pocket and give him sixpence


6. Thou knowest my praise of nature most sincere,

And that my raptures are not conjured up

To serve occasians of poetic pomp,

But genuine, and art partner of them all.——Cowper

7. Thy name and watchword o'er this land

I hear in every breeze that stirs,

And round a thousand altars stand

Thy banded party workshippers. -- Whittier

8. Whilst I was thus musing, I cast my eyes towards the summit of a rock

that was not far from me, where I discovered oue In the habit of a

shepherd, with a little musical instruments his hand.——Addison.

9. His spear, to equal which the tallest pine

Hewn on Norwegian hills to be the mast

Of some great ammiral were but a wand,

He walked with, to support uneasy steps,

Over the burning marle.——Milton.

10. The gushing flood the tartans dyed.——Scott.

11. Lives of great men all remind us

We can make our lives sublime,

And, departing, leave behind us

Footprints on the sands of time.——Longfellow

12. His father's sword he has girded on.——Moore.

13. Leaves have their time to fall

And flowers to wither at the North Wind's breath.——Hemans.

14. Then future ages with delight shall see

How Plato's, Bacon's, Newton's looks agree.——Pope.

15. The only, the perpetnol dirge

That's heard there is the sea-bird's cry,

The mournful murmur of the surge,

The cloud's deep voice, the wind's low sigh. ——Pierpont.

16. The patriarch made Joseph a coat of many colors.

17. Lend your neighbors a helping hand.

18. We forgive our friends their faults.

19. Then give humility a coach-and-six,

Justice a conqueror's sword, or truth a gown,

Or public spirit its great cure, a crown.——Pope

20. He chooses company, but not the squire's(即,“The squire’s company.” 名词被名词所有格的名词限制的部分通常省略,但是在解析的时候,为了便于理解,应将其解析出来。)——Addison




1. Thomson, the poet, was contemporary of Hume, the historian

2. The emperor Kaoti, a soldier of fortune, marched against the Huns.——Gibbon

3.'Tie I, Hamlet the Dane.——Shakespeare.

4. This is my son, mine own Telemachus——Tennyson

5. There, swinging wide at her moorings, lay

The Somerset, British man-of-war

A phantom ship.——Longfellow

6. Be a hero in the strife.——Longfellow

7. Discretion is the better part of valor. ——Shakespeare.

8. There were two fathers, in this ghastly crew.——Byrow

9. Brevity is the soul of wit. ——Shakespeare.

10. The proper study of mankind is manPope.

11. The principle which gave a peculiar coloring to Isnbclla'e mind was pkty——Prescott.

12. And the earth wns nll rest,and the air was all love.——Shelley

13. Others, their blue eyes with tears o'ertlowing,

Stand, like Ruth, amid the golden corn. ——Longfellow

14. The hill-range stood

Transfigured in the silver flood,

Its blown ,snows flashing cold and kccn.——Whittier

15. Success being hopeless,preparations were made for a retreat.——Alison.

16. Uriel, no wonder if thy perfect sight,

Amid the sun's bright circlet where thon sitt'st,

See far and wide.——Milton.

17. Rise, crowned with light, imperinl Salem, rise !——Pope

18. With that she fell distract,

And, her attendants absent, swallowed fire. ——Shakespeare.

19. The war being ended, the soldiers returned to their homes.

20. Listen, my chidren, and you shall hear

Of the midnight ride of Paul Revere. ——Longfellow

21. O Caledonia! stern and wild,

Meet nurse for a poetie child.

Land of brown heath and shaggy wood,

Land of the mountain and the flood.——Scott

22. O lonely tomb in Moab's land,

O dark Bethpeor's hill,

Speak to these curious hearts of ours

And teach them to be still.——Anon.

23. The antechambers were crowded all night with lords and councillors.——


24. Home they brought her warrior dend.——Tennyson.

25. Patrick Henry was nearly six feet high.——Wirt

26. Not without deep solicitude I saw the angry clouds gathering in the horizon, north and south.——Everett

27. Be that was dead came forth bound hand and foot.——Bible

28. You came three times last week, but did you come the nearest way!

29. Awake, my St. John, leave nll meaner things.——Pope

30. Milton, thou shouldst be with us at this hour. ——Wordsworth

来源:<<英语文法和写作>> William Swinton,1879 年版。

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